Venue: Council Chamber, Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, BN17 5LF. View directions
Contact: Jane Fulton
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome Minutes: Chair welcomed Councillors, represetnatives of the public, press and Officers to the meeting. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes:
Apologies for Absence had also been received from the Council’s Honorary Aldermen Mr Dingemans and Mr English.
The Chair stated that it was a great shame that Alderman English and Councillor English were not able to attend the meeting this evening as the Honorary Alderman board had been updated confirming Alderman English as an Honorary Alderman following the Special Meeting of the Council held on 29 November 2023.
Declarations of interest Members and Officers are invited to make any declarations of pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on this agenda, and are reminded that they should re-declare their interest before consideration of the item or as soon as the interest becomes apparent.
Members and Officers should make their declaration by stating:
a) the item they have the interest in b) whether it is a pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interest c) the nature of the interest d) if it is a pecuniary or prejudicial interest, whether they will be exercising their right to speak under Question Time Minutes: The Declaration of Interest Sheet set out below confirms those Members who had made a declaration of their personal interest as a Member of a Town or Parish Councillor or a West Sussex County Councillor, as confirmed in their Register of Interest as these declarations could apply to any of the issues to be discussed at the meeting.
There were no Declarations of Interest made. |
Public Question Time PDF 125 KB To receive questions from the public (for a period of up to 15 minutes) Minutes: The Chair confirmed that six questions had been submitted for this meeting. The questions have been very briefly summarised below:
1) From Mr Rogers to the Chair of the Licensing Committee, Councillor Blanchard-Cooper regarding the Lidsey Caravan Park at Lidsey and site licence conditions for foul drainage 2) From Mr Rogers to the Chair of the Licensing Committee, Councillor Blanchard-Cooper regarding the Lidsey Caravan Park at Lidsey and site licence conditions for foul drainage 3) From Mrs Smith to the Chair of the Planning Committee, Councillor Hamilton regarding an Ombudsman complaint and compensation. 4) From Mrs Smith to the Chair of the Planning Committee, Councillor Hamilton regarding correspondence with Planning Officers and Officers regarding Council Tax. 5) From Mrs Smith to the Chair of the Planning Committee, Councillor Hamilton regarding breach of Condition Notices regarding Plots 1 and 2 at Land West of Fontwell Avenue in relation to planning application (AL/232/26/PL) 6) From Mr and Mrs Smith to the Chair of the Planning Committee, Councillor Hamilton regarding Land West of Fontwell Avenue and Heras fencing and access to that site
Having had supplementary questions asked, the Chair then drew Public Question to a close.
(A schedule of the full questions asked, and the responses provided can be found on the Public Question Web page at: Arun District Council ) |
Questions from Members with Pecuniary/Prejudicial Interests To receive questions from Members with pecuniary/prejudicial interests (for a period of up to 15 minutes) Minutes: The Chair confirmed that there were no questions for this meeting. |
Petitions To consider any petitions received from the public. Minutes: The Chair confirmed that no petitions had been received. |
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 8 November 2023 and the Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Council held on 29 November 2023, which are attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes from the last meeting of the Council held on 8 November and the Special Council Meeting held on 29 November 2023 were approved by the Council as a correct record and would be signed by the Chair at the end of the meeting.
Chair's Announcements To receive such announcements as the Chairman may desire to lay before the Council. Minutes: The Chair confirmed that all Councillors had been sent an email providing an update on the activities of the Chair and Vice-Chair since the last Full Council meeting held on 8 November 2023. This update sheet also provided detail of monies raised for the Chair’s Charity, AJ’s Legacy.
The Chair highlighted that she had been particularly honoured to have attended His Grace, the Duke of Gloucester’s visit to the Bognor Regis Museum.
The Chair then turned to the King’s New Year’s Honours list and confirmed that she wished to convey the Council’s congratulations to Janice Sheward for being awarded a Medallist of the Order of the British Empire (BEM) as Director of Cancer United and for services to people with cancer in West Sussex.
The Chair also extended congratulations to Gloria Moss who had also been awarded a Medallist of the Order of the British Empire as Sussex President of the British Red Cross in recognition of her voluntary service to the community in Sussex.
The Chair confirmed that both honours were very well deserved and in view of the recipient’s great contribution towards helping the community within Arun. |
Urgent Matters To deal with business not otherwise specified in the Council summons which, in the opinion of the Chairman of the Council (in consultation with the Chief Executive), is business of such urgency as to require immediate attention by the Council. Minutes: Although the Chair confirmed that there were no urgent items for the meeting to consider, she confirmed that she had had discussions with several Members, cross-party, and would be making a change to the order of the agenda to bring Agenda Item 19 [Motions] forward so that it could be debated before Agenda Item 18 [Special Policy & Finance Committee – 8 January 2024].
The purpose of this report is to update Members on changes to the allocation of seats to political groups and appointments to committees for the remainder of the municipal year following the creation of the Arun Independent Group. Additional documents: Minutes:
The Group Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer confirmed that having received this formal confirmation, Officers had worked on changes to the proportionality and the entitlement to Committee seats and allocation to those seats. Councillors were reminded that Councillors Goodheart and Harty had already been gifted seats following the Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2023. Having undertaken a recalculation of seats on Committees, the result of this work confirmed just a small change. This was that the new Group was entitled to four seats with one seat remaining to be filled and this would be the one vacant seat on the Standards Committee. Councillor Goodheart had confirmed that he would occupy this vacant seat, and this had been communicated to Group Leaders with no comments having been received from them.
Appointment of Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer PDF 324 KB This report seeks approval to the appointment of Philippa Dart as the Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer.
Minutes: In the absence of the Leader of the Council, Councillor Stanley, the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Nash, presented a report seeking Council’s approval to the appointment of Philippa Dart as the Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer.
Councillor Nash formally proposed the recommendations which were then seconded by Councillor Oppler.
In considering the report, clarification was sought from one Member regarding the appointment of a new Chief Executive and upon that appointment would that person then become the Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer and had always been the case in the past.
It was explained by the Group Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer that this matter would be addressed and confirmed via a report to Council at the appointment stage in recruiting a new Head of Paid Service.
The Council
That Philippa Dart be appointed as the Returning Officer for local elections, the Electoral Registration Officer for Arun District Council and the Acting Returning Officer for UK Parliamentary Elections.
Recruitment to the Permanent Chief Executive Officer Post PDF 339 KB The report informs members of, and asks approval for, the recommendations to Full Council from the Chief Executive’s Recruitment and Selection Panel and the Chief Executive’s Remuneration Committee. The minutes from both meetings are attached as Appendices.
Additional documents:
Minutes: In the absence of the Leader of the Council, Councillor Stanley, the Chair invited the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Nash to present this report. It was confirmed by the Chair that the minutes from the meeting of the CEO Recruitment & Selection Panel held on 19 October 2023 had been sent to Members and uploaded to the Full Council web page in supplement pack 1 on 9 January 2024 as they had been omitted from the main agenda pack.
Councillor Nash explained that following the resignation of the previous Chief Executive in 2023 this report set out the role of the Chief Executive’s Recruitment and Selection Panel and the role of the Chief Executive’s Remuneration Committee and presented recommendations from both to Full Council.
The Chief Executive’s Recruitment and Selection Panel had met twice and considered information around several options for filling the post of Chief Executive. These included a fixed term contract, different structures that did not include a Chief Executive post, sharing a Chief Executive, a part time contract and a full time contract.
The Panel concluded that following research into other authorities’ experience and several practical considerations, the Council should recruit a full time permanent Chief Executive to provide the leadership and ongoing commitment required by Arun. The Panel also recommended, as was normal for a post at this level, using a specialist executive recruitment agency to support the Council with the recruitment process, as detailed in Recommendation 2.1.1 of the report.
Following the recommendation from the Recruitment and Selection Panel the Chief Executive’s Remuneration Committee met to consider the appropriate remuneration for a full time, permanent Chief Executive post. It considered the views of the Recruitment and Selection Panel and market data for similar posts and considered whether any allowances should be paid in addition. That Committee also agreed how annual pay awards for the Chief Executive should be determined in the future. Councillor Nash drew Members’ attention to the three recommendations covering these points at 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3.
Councillor Nash then formally proposed the recommendations which were then seconded by Councillor Northeast.
The Chair invited debate. A recorded vote was requested on the voting of the recommendations set out in the report.
Those voting for the recommendations were Councillors Ayling, Batley, Bence, Birch, Mrs Bower, Bower, Brooks, Butcher, Elkins, Goodheart, Greenway, Gunner, Hamilton, Haywood, Jones, Kelly, Lawrence, Long, Lury, Madeley, May, McDougall, Nash, Needs, Northeast, O’Neill, Oppler, Patel, Pendleton, Penycate, Purser, Stainton, Tandy, Turner, Wallsgrove, Walsh, Warr, Wiltshire, Mrs Worne and Yeates [40]. Councillor McAuliffe voted against the recommendations [1] and Councillors Mrs Cooper, Cooper, Edwards, Lloyd, and Partridge abstained from voting [5].
The Council
That the recommendations of the Chief Executive’s Recruitment and Selection Panel are agreed, as follows:
(1) Approval be given to recruit externally for a permanent Chief Executive Officer using a specialist executive recruitment agency; and
(2) The recommendations of the Chief Executive’s Remuneration Committee are agreed, as follows:
· The annual salary to be paid for the permanent ... view the full minutes text for item 509. |
Statement of Community Involvement PDF 344 KB The purpose of the report is to adopt the updated Statement of Community Involvement following a public consultation period.
Minutes: The Chair of the Planning Policy Committee, Councillor Lury, presented a report seeking the Council’s approval to adopt the updated Statement of Community Involvement following a period of public consultation. He explained that this was required as part of the Local Plan update and so was an important part of the process in achieving the corporate vision of achieving the right homes in the right places.
Councillor Lury then proposed that the updated Statement of Community Involvement be approved and adopted, and this was seconded by Councillor Yeates.
The Council
That Full Council adopts the Statement of Community Involvement (Background Paper 1).
(During the consideration of this item, Councillor Bence declared a Personal Interest as a Member of Aldwick Parish Council).
Constitution Working Party - 16 November 2023 PDF 106 KB The Chair of the Constitution Working Party, Councillor Yeates, will present recommendations from the meeting of the Constitution Working Party held on 16 November 2023.
The minutes from the meeting are attached. The recommendations for the Council to consider are set out below:
· Minute 6 [Audit & Governance Committee – 28 February 2023 – Recommendation for the Working Party] – the Officer’s report is attached. · Minute 7 [Planning Protocol] – the Officer’s report is attached. · Minute 8 [Constitution Amendments – Finance Group] – the Officer’s report is attached · Minute 9 [Constitution Changes and Updates] – an Appendix is attached.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair of the Constitution Working Party, Councillor Yeates, presented recommendations from the meeting of the Constitution Working Party held on 16 November 2023.
Councillor Yeates drew Members’ attention to the first of many recommendations at Minute 6 [Audit & Governance Committee – 28 February 2023 – Recommendation for the Working Party].
In formally proposing the recommendation, Councillor Yeates explained that this recommendation was correcting an oversight in the Constitution that had omitted granting delegated authority to the Chief Executive to be able to extend the terms of office to the Council’s Independent Remuneration Panel that had been appointed by the Audit & Governance Committee to review the Council’s Members’ Allowances Scheme.
Councillor Jones then seconded the recommendation.
The Council
The following wording be added to the Chief Executive’s delegation at Part 4 of the Constitution:
After consultation with and agreement of the Chair of the Audit & Governance Committee, to appoint members of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Members’ Allowances and be able to extend their term of office.
Should the Chief Executive consider that the appointment of any Independent Remuneration Panel Member for the Members Allowances Scheme be changed or terminated, the Chief Executive will consult with the Chair of the Audit & Governance Committee prior to making a final decision.
Councillor Yeates then alerted Members to the next recommendation which was at Minute 7 [Planning Protocol] and drew Members’ attention to the updated Planning Protocol set out at Page 75 of the agenda pack. This set out, using tracked changes, the proposed areas of changes around Public Speaking Rules and deferral.
Councillor Yeates then formally proposed the recommendation which was then seconded by Councillor Jones.
The Council
That the proposed amendments to the Planning Protocol, as amended by the Working Party, be agreed.
Councillor Yeates then presented the next recommendation at Minute 8 [Consultation Amendments – Finance Group] which she formally proposed. The recommendation was then seconded by Councillor Jones.
The Council
The Contract Standing Orders be amended as set out in the report.
Councillor Yeates then drew Members’ attention to the final recommendation at Minute 9 [Consultation Changes and Updates] which she formally proposed. The recommendation was then seconded by Councillor Jones.
The Council
That the Planning Committee and the Licensing Sub-Committee be excluded from applying the duration of meeting Committee Procedure Rules. |
Environment Committee 21 November 2023 PDF 258 KB The Chair of the Environment Committee, Councillor Wallsgrove, will present recommendations from the meeting of the Environment Committee held on 21 November 2023.
The minutes from this meeting are attached and the recommendations for the Council to consider are set out below:
· Minute 382 [Additional Houses in Multiple Occupation Licensing Scheme] – the Officer’s report and appendices are attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair, Councillor Wallsgrove, presented the recommendations from the meeting of the Environment Committee held on 21 November 2023.
Councillor Wallsgrove alerted Members to a recommendation at Minute 382 [Additional Houses in Multiple Occupation Licensing Scheme] which she formally proposed. The recommendation was then seconded by Councillor Mrs Worne.
In discussing the recommendation, questions were asked why only three Wards had been proposed for this designation and whether other Wards that might be suitable could be added. This view was supported by many Councillors who held concerns relating to many other Wards around the district.
The Chair confirmed to Members that the recommendation before them was focusing on the three wards of Marine, Hotham and River. The Environment Committee could undertake further work to investigate if further wards should be designated and she asked Councillor Wallsgrove if she would be happy to take this back to the Committee. Councillor Wallsgrove confirmed that she would be happy to undertake this action and in the absence of the officer responsible at this meeting to assist with responding to Member questions.
Debate continued with Members agreeing that the recommendation proposed could make other areas extremely vulnerable to problems relating to houses in multiple occupation, however, the recommendation was recognised as a positive first step in managing the various concerns.
Following further discussion, Councillor Pendleton proposed that the question about which areas should fall under this licensing change should be referred to the Environment Committee for consideration and possible alteration moving forward. She confirmed that she supported the recommendation and asked the Monitoring Officer how it could be made a broader prospective.
The Group Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer provided advice confirming that Members could ask the Environment Committee to add this further review to its Committee Work Programme or could ask the Chair of the Committee to refer members’ concerns to Officers to review.
Following debate, Councillor Wallsgrove agreed to take the points raised by Members back to Officers so that this matter could be considered further.
The Council
To designate the whole of the three wards of Marine, Hotham and River as subject to Additional Licensing under section 56(1)(a) of the Housing Act 2004 for all Houses in Multiple Occupation that contain three or four occupiers making up two or more households irrespective of the number of storeys, and those properties defined as Section 257 Houses in Multiple Occupation under Housing Act 2004. Such designation to take effect in the financial year 2024/2025 and last for 5 years, the specific date to be agreed by the Group Head of Technical Services in consultation with Legal Services.
Audit & Governance Committee - 30 November 2023 PDF 104 KB The Chair, Councillor Walsh, will present recommendations from the meeting of the Audit & Governance Committee held on 30 November 2023.
The minutes from the meeting are attached and the recommendations for the Council to consider are contained within:
· Minute 445 [Treasury Management – Interim Report 2023/24] – the Officer’s report is attached. Additional documents: Minutes:
Councillor Walsh drew Members’ attention to a range of recommendations at Minute 445 [Treasury Management Interim Report – 2023/24] which he formally proposed. The recommendations were then duly seconded by Councillor O’Neill.
The Council
(1) The mid-year treasury management report for 2023/24 be noted;
(2) The treasury mid-year activity for the period ended 30 September 2023, which has generated interest receipts of £1,068,012 (4.65%). Budget £1,540,000 (3.20%), be noted;
(3) The actual prudential and treasury indicators for 2023/24 contained in the report be noted; and
(4) The addition of a further Money Market Fund (MMF) – State Street Global Advisors (details of which can be seen in 2.4 of appendix 1) be approved.
Policy & Finance Committee - 6 December 2023 PDF 164 KB The Chair of the Policy & Finance Committee, Councillor Stanley, will present recommendations from the meeting of the Policy & Finance Committee held on 6 December 2023.
The minutes from this meeting are attached and the recommendations for Council to consider are set out within the minute below:
· Minute 456 [Council Vision Working Party – 19 September, 23 October and 13 November 2023] – the Vision document it attached. Additional documents:
Councillor Nash alerted Members to a recommendation at Minute 456 [Council Vision Working Party] which he formally proposed. The recommendation was then seconded by Councillor Birch.
In presenting the recommendation, Councillor Nash stated that he wished to have placed on record his thanks to the Officer team and he paid tribute to the vast amount of work that had been undertaken in reviewing the Vision document. As there had been significant debate on the flooding issues discussed at Full Council on 8 November 2023, the Policy & Finance Committee had great discussion on those issues and the response of Southern Water Services and had decided that this was of such significance that an additional Vision aim and objective should be added and so this had been included in the recommendation.
Councillor Birch then seconded the recommendation.
The Chair then invited debate. There were numerous observations made. One of these questioned the lack of new ideas contained within the Vision document and that it was disappointing that it very much resembled the last Vision with very few changes having been made.
Other Councillors speaking stated that although they supported the revised Vision, they too agreed that very few changes had been made. Clarification was sought regarding the amended recommendation and its wording asking the Council to lobby or require Southern Water to upgrade their sewerage systems as there had been detailed discussion on this point and it had been felt that the Council could not ‘require’ Southern Water to do anything.
Talking in favour of the recommendation were Councillors supporting the statement that had been added in view of the major flooding and associated issues that Barnham had been experiencing since November 2023. Barnham and its surrounding villages had been inundated with sewage for twelve weeks and continued to experience new flooding and drainage issues. In view of this major problem, it was felt that the Council did need to take Southern Water to task.
Councillor Bence in his capacity as West Sussex Ward Member for Barnham supported the statements made confirming that the situation also included road and sewer collapses and heavy pollution into the Aldingbourne Rife. The amended action to require Southern Water to upgrade their sewages systems was therefore supported.
Councillor Walsh who had moved the amendment at the Policy & Finance Committee explained why. He stated that the point had been raised at the Committee that the Council did not have the power to require Southern Water to do anything with the Council’s only power was that of being able to lobby, and that lobbying should require central government to press southern Water into undertaking certain actions. He reconfirmed his view that it was essential to indicate to the public and Southern Water that the Council was serious in its approach to address the problems as best ... view the full minutes text for item 514. |
Planning Committee - 14 December 2023 PDF 115 KB The Chair of the Planning Committee, Councillor Hamilton, will present recommendations from the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 14 December 2023.
The minutes from this meeting confirming the recommendations for Council to consider will be circulated separately to this agenda. Additional documents: Minutes:
Councillor Hamilton drew Members’ attention to the first set of two recommendations at Minute 477 [Butlins – Local Development Oder] which she formally proposed.
The recommendations were then duly seconded by Councillor Wallsgrove.
The Council
The amended Local Development Order for the Butlins Complex, Bognor Regis be adopted.
Councillor Hamilton then drew Members’ attention to the next recommendation at Minute 478 [University of Chichester – Local Development Order which she duly proposed. The recommendation was then seconded by Councillor Wallsgrove.
The Council
That the amended Local Development Order for the University of Chichester, Bognor Regis Campus be adopted.
Change to the Order of the Agenda - Motions The following Motion has been submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rules 15.1 and 15.2.
Proposer: Councillor Gunner Seconder: Councillor Greenway
That this Council will provide to all Members full details of all proposed cost savings in the 2024/5 budget, including implications on service delivery, ahead of the individual service committee meetings where their service committee budgets will be recommended for the 2024/5 budget.
Minutes: As confirmed earlier in the meeting, the Chair confirmed a change in the order of the agenda announcing that Agenda Item 19 [Motions] would be considered now.
The Chair confirmed that in line with requirements of the Constitution a motion had been submitted in accordance with Council Procedures 15.1 and 15.2.
The Chair invited Councillor Gunner to present his motion.
Councillor Gunner in presenting his Motion confirmed how disappointing it was that he was having to table it. He outlined that he and other Councillors had been asking for some time to receive information about the proposed savings and the budget and that councillors had not received this information. Councillors only as recently as 4 January 2024 had received a highlighted list of savings and had been told that Councillors effectively had no say on what had been placed onto that list. The list included entries such as the reduction in the foreshores team; a reduction in the RNLI team, it included cuts in community safety; cuts to play area budgets and parks; and included the removal of the coffee machine as well as work on energy efficiency and omissions reducing work. As things stood, apart from the headlines that Members received on 4 January, which had still not been published publicly, members had not received the full detail of what those savings meant. Councillor Gunner confirmed that many Councillors, cross party, had raised concerns over the lack of Member consultation and the lack of briefing in terms of what the savings meant in the longer term. One Councillor had asked if impact assessments had been undertaken on those savings and Councillor Gunner outlined that this was something that many Councillors would be interested to receive. Councillor Gunner explained that all his motion set out to achieve was to insert the right of Councillors to know in full what the savings were and what they meant in the budget. In view of the depth of his and other Members’ concerns he had submitted this motion and following further discussion with cross-party members he proposed to adjust the motion slightly to include the wording below:
Furthermore, officers will identify viable new income generation opportunities and provide to the relevant Committees annual estimates of any new income streams identified.
Councillor Greenway confirmed that he would second the motion and the alteration.
The Chair sought advice from the Group Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer. He confirmed that the Motion presented by Councillor Gunner had been altered and was different to what had been confirmed within the agenda papers. The Group Head of Law & Governance confirmed that a member could alter a motion of which they had given notice with the consent of the seconder and the meeting and that the consent of the meeting should be indicated without discussion. If support was not signified, then the alternation would then need to be moved as an amendment.
Having obtained consent from the seconder to the Motion, Councillor Greenway, and the Council, the ... view the full minutes text for item 516. |
Special Policy and Finance Committee - 8 January 2024 PDF 92 KB The Chair of the Policy & Finance Committee, Councillor Stanley, will present recommendations from the Special Meeting of the Policy & Finance Committee held on 8 January 2024.
The minutes from this meeting confirming recommendations for Council to consider will be circulated separately to this agenda. Additional documents: Minutes:
Councillor Nash alerted Members to a recommendation at Minute 497 [Financial Strategy] which he formally proposed.
The recommendation was then seconded by Councillor Birch.
The Chair invited debate. The first Councillor to speak was Councillor Gunner who proposed that consideration of the Strategy be deferred to the Special Meeting of the Council on 21 February 2024. This was because Councillors had not been provided with all the information that he felt was required and necessary to approve the Strategy. This was especially relevant following the approval of the Motion at the last agenda item.
Councillor Greenway seconded this amendment.
The Chair invited debate on the amendment. Several Councillors spoke opposing the amendment claiming that Councillors had received a wealth of information via two separate briefings and a range of reports. It was felt that to defer approving the Strategy now would be a retrograde step. It was essential for Councillors to move on in preparing to set its budget, even if this meant taking some tough and difficult decisions. Councillors were therefore asked to oppose the amendment to defer.
Those in support of the amendment confirmed that they were not comfortable voting for post deletions without understanding the full implications and what this meant and why the identified posts were no longer required. Councillors confirmed that they wanted to understand the review process that had been used to decide what posts should be made redundant; deleted and not filled. Councillors would then be happy to approve the strategy upon receipt of this missing information.
Further debate took place with Councillors expressing their concern that they did not have the full details to hand that would enable them to approve the strategy now. They needed to know what the impact on services to the public would be.
Councillor Greenway as seconder of the amendment stated that the points that the debate had highlighted explained why the strategy should be deferred. It was about receiving the information that was needed to enable Councillors to make the right decisions. He felt that Councillors did not know the detail and he questioned if they were happy to vote on approving a strategy without the full content.
Councillor Gunner, as proposer of the amendment, summarised the debate that had taken place. He reminded Councillors that they were being asked to vote on reducing the number of staff within the Senior Management Team and were voting to approve all the redundancies listed in Appendix A as well as confirming the need for £2m of cuts. He reconfirmed his concerns that these decisions could not be made without receiving the full detail required.
In response, the Interim Joint Chief Executive ... view the full minutes text for item 517. |
Questions from Members PDF 75 KB To consider general questions from Members in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14.3. Minutes:
The Chair invited questioners to read out their questions which would be responded to by the appropriate Committee Chair. It was explained that the schedule of questions would be updated to include the responses provided, supplementary questions and responses and would be uploaded to the Council’s web page within ten working days of the meeting, in line with the Council’s Constitution.
Two questions had been submitted as bullet pointed below:
(1) From Councillor Tandy to the Chair of the Housing & Wellbeing Committee, Councillor Birch regarding anti-social behaviour at the Littlehampton Wave and cancellation of services. (2) From Councillor Greenway to the Chair of the Environment Committee, Councillor Wallsgrove regarding flooding and rain events and keeping streets clear of litter and debris.
Committee Memberships Any changes to Committee Memberships that need noting by the Council will be reported at the meeting. Minutes: |
Representation on Outside Bodies The Council is asked to approve any changes to its representation on Outside Bodies. Minutes: The Chair confirmed that there were no changes to representations on Outside Bodies to report to this meeting.