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Full Council

This page lists the meetings for Full Council.


Information about Full Council

The Council is the full assembly of 54 Councillors. Each year the Council elects a Chairman. It normally meets six times per year, unless additional meetings are needed. A time is set aside for public questions which must be submitted in writing in advance. See: Public Question Time

The Council elects the Leader of the Council for a four-year term at its first meeting after an election. It also appoints Committees.


Meetings are open to the public and are held at the Arun Civic Centre every 8 weeks.


The Council has agreed the principles for filming, photography and social media use at Council meetings and on Council property.  Please see the Filming and Photographic Policy here.



Please note that you can now locate the webcast link to watch the webcast live or to stream later under the relevant meeting date along with the agenda. Go to browse meetings and agendas and select the date of the meeting you wish to view.


Read about:  Webcasting compatible software and devices.pdf [pdf] 417KB