Agenda item

Recruitment to the Permanent Chief Executive Officer Post

The report informs members of, and asks approval for, the recommendations to Full Council from the Chief Executive’s Recruitment and Selection Panel and the Chief Executive’s Remuneration Committee. The minutes from both meetings are attached as Appendices.



In the absence of the Leader of the Council, Councillor Stanley, the Chair invited the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Nash to present this report.  It was confirmed by the Chair that the minutes from the meeting of the CEO Recruitment & Selection Panel held on 19 October 2023 had been sent to Members and uploaded to the Full Council web page in supplement pack 1 on 9 January 2024 as they had been omitted from the main agenda pack.


Councillor Nash explained that following the resignation of the previous Chief Executive in 2023 this report set out the role of the Chief Executive’s Recruitment and Selection Panel and the role of the Chief Executive’s Remuneration Committee and presented recommendations from both to Full Council.


The Chief Executive’s Recruitment and Selection Panel had met twice and considered information around several options for filling the post of Chief Executive.  These included a fixed term contract, different structures that did not include a Chief Executive post, sharing a Chief Executive, a part time contract and a full time contract.


The Panel concluded that following research into other authorities’ experience and several practical considerations, the Council should recruit a full time permanent Chief Executive to provide the leadership and ongoing commitment required by Arun.  The Panel also recommended, as was normal for a post at this level, using a specialist executive recruitment agency to support the Council with the recruitment process, as detailed in Recommendation 2.1.1 of the report.


Following the recommendation from the Recruitment and Selection Panel the Chief Executive’s Remuneration Committee met to consider the appropriate remuneration for a full time, permanent Chief Executive post.   It considered the views of the Recruitment and Selection Panel and market data for similar posts and considered whether any allowances should be paid in addition.  That Committee also agreed how annual pay awards for the Chief Executive should be determined in the future.  Councillor Nash drew Members’ attention to the three recommendations covering these points at 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3.


Councillor Nash then formally proposed the recommendations which were then seconded by Councillor Northeast.


The Chair invited debate.  A recorded vote was requested on the voting of the recommendations set out in the report.


Those voting for the recommendations were Councillors Ayling, Batley, Bence, Birch, Mrs Bower, Bower, Brooks, Butcher, Elkins, Goodheart, Greenway, Gunner, Hamilton, Haywood, Jones, Kelly, Lawrence, Long, Lury, Madeley, May, McDougall, Nash, Needs, Northeast, O’Neill, Oppler, Patel, Pendleton, Penycate, Purser, Stainton, Tandy, Turner, Wallsgrove, Walsh, Warr, Wiltshire, Mrs Worne and Yeates [40]. Councillor McAuliffe voted against the recommendations [1] and Councillors Mrs Cooper, Cooper, Edwards, Lloyd, and Partridge abstained from voting [5].


The Council




          That the recommendations of the Chief Executive’s Recruitment and Selection Panel are agreed, as follows:


(1)            Approval be given to recruit externally for a permanent Chief  Executive Officer using a specialist executive recruitment agency; and


(2)            The recommendations of the Chief Executive’s Remuneration Committee  are agreed, as follows:


·       The annual salary to be paid for the permanent Chief Executive be  £140,000;

·     This salary be an all-inclusive salary with no other allowances being paid;  and

·     The annual pay award should continue to be aligned with the national pay award and should not be linked to the annual appraisal panel and subsequent review by the Chief Executive’s Remuneration Committee.


Supporting documents: