Meeting attendance

Thursday 21st July 2022 6.00 pm, Housing and Wellbeing Committee

Venue:   Council Chamber, Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, BN17 5LF

Contact:    Carley Lavender

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Solomon Agutu Council Staff Expected
Joe Russell-Wells Council Staff Expected
Robin Wickham Council Staff Expected
James Hassett Council Staff Expected
Councillor Jacky Pendleton Chair Apologies, sent representative Substituted by Councillor Shaun Gunner
Councillor Alison Cooper Vice-Chair, in the Chair Present
Councillor Sandra Daniells Committee Member Present
Councillor Joan English Committee Member Present
Councillor Pauline Gregory Committee Member Present
Councillor Shaun Gunner Committee Member Present as substitute
Councillor Shirley Haywood Committee Member Present
Councillor Christopher Hughes Committee Member Present
Councillor Gill Madeley Committee Member Present
Councillor Claire Marie Needs Committee Member Present
Councillor Isabel Thurston Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Gill Yeates Committee Member Present
Councillor Andy Cooper Guest In attendance