1.1. A Tourism Hospitality & Visitor
Economy Study has been prepared with the objective of providing a
review of the provision of tourism infrastructure across the Arun
District planning area alongside an assessment of future demand.
The study also identifies how the sector might grow, together with
the spatial implications of this growth, to support emerging
planning policy in the new Local Plan.
1.2. Whilst this study was originally commissioned for planning
purposes, and it has already been endorsed by the Planning Policy
Committee, its outputs are far-reaching and directly impact on the
work of the Economy Team.
1.3. This committee report provides a summary of the study and
identifies the recommendations that are relevant to the economy
team. It also advises members of the next steps for the
implementation of those recommendations, and askes for these to be
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Deleted
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/10/2022
Consultation with Group Leaders/Committee Chair: No