Arun District Council has an ambitious
“Zero Carbon” objective for the Council’s own
activities with a target to achieve this by 2030 as the
Council’s contribution to the Environment and Climate
Emergency, (Arun District Council Carbon Neutral Strategy
The Council’s strategy excludes the carbon emissions related
to occupation of our social housing stock. This report asks
committee to approve the adoption of the Social Housing
Decarbonisation Strategy and action plan (Appendix 1) and to
approve the making of an application to the Social Housing
Decarbonisation Grant (run by the Department for Business,
Enterprise and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)) for £3,000,000 to
improve SAP ratings of 300 properties to achieve a minimum C
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Deleted
Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/07/2022
Consultation with Group Leaders/Committee Chair: Members of the Housing and Customer Services Working Group