2 Public Speakers
Kirill Malkin – Agent
Kevin Hydes – Supporter
External alterations to the existing building associated with the change of use from Class E Restaurant to Sui Generis (consisting of a coffee shop / restaurant selling food and drink for consumption on and off the premises), alterations to car park including the creation of a drive-through lane, reconfiguration of cycle parking, new pedestrian crossings, and the increase in number of car parking spaces, relocation of footpath, removal of 2 x TPO trees (to be replaced), landscaping and associated works.(Resubmission following BE/16/22/PL). This application is in CIL Zone 4 (zero rated) as other development).
The Planning Area Team Leader presented the report with updates. He verbally updated Members on a proposed change to Condition 8 [the location of required fire hydrants] of the recommendation following communication with the applicant but before confirmation could be sought from West Sussex County Council’s Fire and Rescue Service. This was followed by 2 Public Speakers.
Members then took part in a full debate on the application where a number of points were raised and responded to by Officers, including:
· issues with parking and the size of parking spaces at the Arun Retail Park and the additional impacts a Drive Thru might have
· whether Arun needed another Drive Thru
· the condition of the trees with Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) [identified as Category U] not having been mentioned before and what this meant for their longevity
· whether more needed to be done to keep the trees with TPOs
· the delayed benefits of the proposed new trees which would be significantly smaller for a long time
The recommendation was then proposed by Councillor Chace and seconded by Councillor Edwards.
The Committee
That the application be APPROVED CONDITIONALLY as detailed in the report and report update subject to the conditions as detailed, with a proviso that Condition 8 would only be applied if West Sussex County Council’s Fire and Rescue Service following further consultation did not accede to the applicant’s request.