Issue - decisions

EP/55/22/PL 4 Beechlands Cottage, Beechlands Close, East Preston BN16 1JT

08/08/2022 - EP/55/22/PL 4 Beechlands Cottage, Beechlands Close, East Preston BN16 1JT

[At the beginning of this item, Councillor Chapman declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest as he had been involved in a legal dispute involving the construction work on the site, and confirmed he would not vote. On the advice of the Legal Services Manager, the Vice-Chair took over as Chair for the vote on this item.]


Variation of condition imposed under EP/41/17/PL relating to condition 2-approved plans.


The Planning Area Team Leader presented the report with updates.


One Member raised concerns about narrowing to the entrance to shops behind the property and whether the extension was in the wrong place.


The recommendations were then proposed and seconded.


The Committee




That the application be APPROVED CONDITIONALLY as detailed in the report and report update subject to the conditions as detailed.