Issue - decisions

Exit Strategy for withdrawal of the 1-2-3 Food Waste & Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHP) Collections

28/07/2022 - Exit Strategy for withdrawal of the 1-2-3 Food Waste & Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHP) Collections

          Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Environmental Services & Strategy Manager presented the report to the Committee. He explained the report sought Committee approval on the timing of the early withdrawal from the 1-2-3 Food Waste Collection Trial, due to the discontinuation of funding from West Sussex County Council (WSCC). Following the Committee decision at the last meeting, which had been to retain a weekly residual service from black sacks until such time that the Government mandated food waste collections to all household, WSCC through the Joint Project Board had questioned the added value of continuing the 1-2-3 collections in the trial area and had concluded that continuing the collections in the trial area would not present the best use of their Recycling Improvement Fund.


          It was recommended that the trial continue until the end of September which would allow a coordinated exit strategy and appropriate resident communications. There was a financial implication which was noted in the report.


          The Environmental Services & Strategy Manager stated that the trial had provided some significant learning and data which would be useful and could be applied to future roll-out of a food collection service when this was mandated in the future.



          Members then took part in a question-and-answer session and the following points were made:

·       Disappointment was expressed by Councillor Thurston, who wanted this to be recorded. Councillor Thurston felt the wrong decision had been made at the last meeting, and that this was a backwards step, she thanked the Officers for their work.

·       It was asked whether the exit strategy had been drawn up. The Environmental Services & Strategy Manager explained the exit strategy would be drawn up after the Committee had made their decision.

·       Clarification was sought around which budget the £35,000 would come from, which it was confirmed would only be required if Committee decided to retain the 1-2-3 trial until the end of January 2023.

·       Clarification was sought on the Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHP) collection, which the Environmental Services & Strategy Manager confirmed was part of the trial and would be stopping.

·       Further disappointment was expressed.

·       Questions were asked regarding electric vehicles and seagull proof bags, which the Environmental Services & Strategy Manager would circulate information about outside of the meeting.

·       It was stated the Council should press on with 1-2-3 collection as soon as possible.



          The recommendations were Proposed by Councillor English and Seconded by Councillor Bicknell.



          The Committee




1.   The withdrawal of the 1-2-3 collections to residents from the end of September 2022 be approved.

2. Approval be given to fund the remaining collection costs until the point from existing Neighbourhoods Group budgets.