Issue - decisions

Budget 2022/2023 Process

12/10/2021 - Budget 2022/2023 Process

Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Group Accountantpresented this report explaining that under the newly adopted Committee structure it was important that all Members be fully aware of the budget process. He further explained that the Council continued to face net expenditure pressures due to ongoing financial uncertainties and the report recognised the need for some resource switching in order to progress the Council’s priorities and continue to meet statutory requirements. Any growth proposals would have to clearly state their financial implications and resource switching as appropriate.


The Chair raised the matter of the budget and how it was divided between this Committee and the Planning Committee especially when matters that went across the two Committees such as the Planning Review were considered, and whether the whole of the budget should be the responsibility of this Committee as the Service Committee for planning matters.


The Committee




To note the budget setting process for 2022/23.