Issue - decisions

Constitutional Amendment - Council Procedure Rule 27 [Substitution]

14/08/2020 - Constitutional Amendment - Council Procedure Rule 27 [Substitution]

Councillor Mrs Yeates, as Chairman of the Constitution Working Party, presented a report seeking approval to amend Part 5, Section 1 of the Council’s Constitution to remove the practice of substitution rules applying to the membership of the Licensing Sub-Committee in line with legal advice.  Councillor Mrs Yeates then proposed the three recommendations which were then seconded by Councillor Dr Walsh.


The Council


            RESOLVED – That


(1)          Part 5, section 1, Council Procedure Rule 27 (Substitution) is amended to add the words “These substitution rules will not apply to meetings of the Licensing Committee”;


(2)          Any reference to substitute Members on the Licensing Committee be removed from the list of Appointments to Committees in the current Municipal Year and future years; and


(3)          the Interim Monitoring Officer be authorised to make any further consequential amendments to the Constitution.