Issue - decisions

Cabinet - 9 March 2020

14/08/2020 - Cabinet - 9 March 2020

The Chairman, Councillor Dr Walsh, presented the minutes from the meeting held on 9 March 2020.


            The Chairman alerted Members to first recommendation at Minute 497 – Corporate Plan 2018-2022 – Quarter Two Performance Report for the period 1 July to 30 September 2019] which sought approval to amend the target figure for Indicator CP10 [Total Rateable Business Value  for the Arun District] from £91m to £99m.  Councillor Dr Walsh formally proposed the recommendation which was then seconded by Councillor Oppler.


            The Council




            That approval be given to amend the target figure for Indicator CP10 from £91m to £99m with effect from Quarter One in 2020.


            Councillor Dr Walsh then presented the next set of recommendations at Minute 499 [Public Realm Projects in Bognor Regis – The Sunken Gardens and Place St Maur] which he duly proposed.  The recommendations were seconded by Councillor Oppler.


            Many Councillors debated the recommendations. Comments were made that the proposals outlined were unimaginative and could not be classed as meaningful regeneration schemes. Bognor Regis had waited long enough for a viable project to come forward and requests were made for the Council to now consider the Sir Richard Hotham Project as an alternative option to investigate along with any other ideas that could be put forward by other organisations,


            It was acknowledged that the Place St Maur was crying out for refurbishment or complete re-design to enhance it allowing larger and more diverse events to be held at this key location. It was recognised as a vitally important strategic site that linked the seafront to the Town.  The landscape enhancements proposed would provide a natural link from the seafront encouraging visitors to venture into the Town. The permanent footings and infrastructure would secure the placement of the temporary ice rink located each year around the festive period.  The proposals had received support from the Bognor Regis BID, the Bognor Regis Regeneration Board and many local traders.  On this basis, it was felt that the package of measures proposed would enhance and improve Bognor Regis and so the recommendations proposed were supported by some Councillors. 


            A request was made that the named vote undertaken on this item be recorded.


            Those voting for the recommendations were Councillors Bennett, Blanchard-Cooper, Brooks, Buckland, Coster, Mrs Daniells, Dixon, Edwards, Goodheart, Mrs Gregory, Mrs Hamilton, Mrs Haywood, Huntley, Jones, Lury, Miss Needs, Oppler, Smith, Mrs Staniforth, Tilbrook, Ms Thurston, Dr Walsh, Mrs Warr, Mrs Worne, and Mrs Yeates (25).  Those voting against were Councillors Bicknell, Bower, Clayden, Mrs Cooper, Cooper, Dendle, English, Gunner, Kelly, Mrs Pendleton, Miss Rhodes and Roberts (12).  Councillors Hughes, Oliver-Redgate and Miss Seex abstained from voting (3).


            The Council, therefore




(1)          the design brief for public realm improvement at Place St Maur, Bognor Regis be approved which will form the basis of the tender process for the project;

(2)          delegated authority be given to the Director of Services to procure consultants to undertake RIBA Stages 0-7 to enable the delivery of the Place St Maur project;

(3)          subject to the approval of Recommendation (2) above, funding of up to £235k be vired from the Sunken Gardens project to this project for the associated project costs;

(4)          enhancement proposals for Place St Maur are prepared for public consultation; and

(5)          these new proposals rescind all previous decisions taken on the Hothamton site.


Councillor Gunner asked a question in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13.1 in relation to Minute 500 [Review of Planning Services] asking if an update could be provided in terms of when the outcome of this review would be known.   The Chief Executive confirmed that the review was near to completion and that a draft report with recommendations would be shared with Councillors soon.

The Chairman then adjourned the meeting for a short comfort break.