Issue - decisions

Webcasting Procurement

22/06/2020 - Update on Webcasting of Meetings - Procurement Options

The Cabinet


            RESOLVED – That


(1)          In view of the timescales involved for this project, to instruct Officers to extend the existing contract with Auditel, for the webcasting of all public meetings for the next twelve months the cost of which is to be met from existing budgets;


(2)          To note that a further report will be provided to Cabinet setting out the anticipated costs and long-term financial implications of a range of options for webcasting; and


(3)          In the event of physical meetings becoming possible in the next six months which the public are allowed to attend in the Civic Centre, Officers investigate the ongoing use of Zoom and/or the utilisation of the Council Chamber for both Cabinet and the Overview Select Committee to be webcast alongside Full Council and the Development Control Committee.