Issue - decisions

Previously deferred item P/134/16/OUT Land North of Sefter Road & 80 Rose Green Road, Pagham

20/11/2019 - Previously deferred item P/134/16/OUT Land North of Sefter Road & 80 Rose Green Road, Pagham

            (Prior to consideration of this application, Councillor Huntley spoke as the Ward Member.


Councillor Mrs Hamilton had declared a personal interest and remained in the meeting and took part in the debate and vote.)


            Determination of Planning Application P/134/16/OUT 


            The Committee received a comprehensive report from the Group Head of Planning which addressed the 3 reasons that had resulted in the application being deferred at the meeting held on 4 September 2019.  Members were being requested to grant planning permission under delegated authority once the content of the report had been considered.


            The Group Head of Planning gave a brief presentation which summarised the content of his report.  It was highlighted that an amended planning condition had been accepted by the applicant with regard to the WW2 Infantry Section Post and that the details of a statement of how it would be retained on site and integrated as part of the proposals would be considered by the Committee at a future date.   


            Members welcomed the retention of the Infantry Section Post.


 In the course of debate, a view was expressed that as a decision notice had not been issued against the application, it was permissible to consider new information relating to highways issues.  West Sussex County Council had issued a document in April 2013 which stated that there were would be an inability to put forward a mitigation scheme to alleviate highways issues in Pagham and that should be considered as new information since the application had been approved in November 2018.  In addition, there was felt to be a conflict with the policies in the Local Plan and therefore it should now refused.  However, the Group Head of Planning reminded the Committee that the application had been considered in accordance with all the relevant policies and had been found to be acceptable and those policies had not changed since the decision in November 2018.  With regard to the highways issues referred to by the Member, this was an interpretation of what had been published and it was reiterated that there was no new information, surveys or data to be considered, a fact that had already been confirmed by the County Council.  In addition, the document being referred to was a consultation response on a different application.


Following further comments from Members, the Committee




That delegated authority be granted to the Group Head of Planning for the completion of the Section 106 Agreement, substantially in accordance with the Heads of Terms previously approved by the Committee on 13 November 2018 and to grant planning; and to grant planning permission subject to the S106 Agreement and Conditions and Informatives, as set out in the report of 4 September 2019.