8 Public Speakers
Cllr Glen Hewlett, Felpham Parish Council to speak.
Simon Wild, Objector to speak.
Christine Woods, Objector to speak.
James MacLean, Applicant to speak
Cllr Elaine Stainton, Ward Member to speak.
Cllr Jaine Wild, West Sussex CC Member
The Chair then invited Councillors Oppler and Gunner non-committee members were invited to address the Committee.
Outline planning application with all matters reserved, except means of access, for the erection of up to 480 new homes (C3), the formation of a new means of access onto Golf Links Road, together with the creation of new surface water drainage, new landscaping and habitat creation, ground works and other infrastructure and the retention and re-purposing of the retained club house (F2). This site also lies within the parish of Yapton, affects a Public Right of Way and is a Departure from the Development Plan. This application is subject to an Environmental Statement.
The Strategic Development Team Leader presented the report. An update was provided that one further letter of objection had been received but had raised no additional issues for consideration. A written update had now been received from the Environment Agency raising an objection to the proposal due to the extent of the flooding witnessed during November 2023, as it appeared to be significantly larger than the model used to support the applicant’s flood risk assessment. The Environment Agency had advised they now had reduced confidence that the modelling work carried out was representative of the catchment area and required further review.
The Local Planning Authority had reviewed some of the officer’s recommendations in the report concerning the sustainability of the site’s location. As a result of that review it was found that some of the local shops and services within the vicinity had been omitted. Therefore refusal reason 4, relating to the unsustainable location of the development, had been deleted from the recommendation.
Members then took part in a debate on the application where a number of points were raised including:
· Concern was expressed that the site had been unusable for a period of two and a half months due to it flooding.
· The highest density of 90 dwellings per hectare was considered more suited to an urban area.
· Concern was raised as to the amount of land raising required in order to accommodate the site and the possibility that additional water will disperse to and flood neighbouring properties.
· The site had failed to meet the sequential test relating to flood risk. It was important to protect the erosion of the strategic gap between the settlements of Felpham and Yapton.
· The loss of trees was considered unacceptable.
· Concerns of the likelihood of the flooding of the play area and the safety of children.
· The objection received from the Environment Agency following the recent flooding event.
· The adverse impact the development would have on the residential built-up area of Felpham.
A request was made that the voting on this proposal be recorded.
The recommendation, as amended by the update, was proposed by Councillor Partridge and seconded by Councillor Bower.
The Committee
That the application be REFUSED
Those voting that the application be refused were Councillors Blanchard-Cooper, Bower, Hamilton, Kelly, Lury, McDougall, Partridge, Patel, Tandy, Wallsgrove and Woodman (11).
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