Agenda item

Bathing Water Quality

This report provides an update on the bathing water classification for Bognor Regis (Aldwick) and the actions of the Bathing Water Quality Partnership Group, established to drive the improvement of the bathing water quality and provide assurance and commitment across the partnership organisations.



          Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Environmental Health Team Manager presented the report which provided an update on the bathing water classification for Bognor Regis Aldwick and the actions of the Bathing Water Quality Partnership Group. The last report on Bathing Water Quality had been presented to the EnvironmentCommittee on 15 June 2023 and outlined the work already undertaken to investigate and address the causes of the Poor bathing water classification atAldwick. Since the last report the Bognor Regis Aldwick Bathing Water QualityPartnership Group had continued to meet, with further investigations progressed via the technical steering group. These had principally focused on identifyingmisconnections, but had also located and rectified a sewer defect causingpotential infiltration to the surface water system, with works completed and additional relining worksplanned. Further sampling had also been conducted and had helped identify more areas for investigation, the details of which were in table 4.3. Investigations had also commenced to consider the potential impact to bathing waters of waste entering road drains, including the potential for toilet waste to be deposited by motorhomes. Whilst there was no direct evidence of motorhomes using drains in this manner, regular parking in the vicinity of the drains connected to the surface water system had been reported. Consideration was being given to sampling at potential locations to confirm if contamination was occurring, and the Council was also working with Southern Water to implement the principles of the former yellow fish campaign to help educate the public about the impact of pollution, with messaging around ‘only rain downthe drain’.


The latest bathing water classifications for 2023 were published on 1 December 2023 and were shown in the table 4.7. The classifications for 2023 were based on data from the last four years of sampling carried out by the Environment Agency, which were 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2023. There was no classification in 2020 due to Coronavirus restrictions. Whilst Aldwick had retained its poor classification, the bathing water sampling data from 2023 showed improvements, with a reduced bacterial load, and if the classifications were based on a single year of data, this would have been classified as Sufficient. Since the classification process considered four years of data this unfortunately meant it would take longer for the improvements made to impact the classification. Automated electronic signs were being installed at Aldwick, Littlehampton, Felpham and Bognor Regis East to eliminate the need to manually place handwritten signs when a pollution risk forecasting  (PRF) was issued. This meant information and any advice against swimming was available in real-time. The Environment Agency had confirmed that Pagham would be added to the PRF forecasting for the 2024 season and funding support for an electronic sign to also be included at this location has been agreed by Southern Water. This meant additional information would be available at Pagham in 2024, to help residents and visitors make informed choices about bathing.


The Chair invited questions from Members and the following points were raised:

  • Officers were congratulated on the work that was being done, and it was felt the agencies were working very well together.
  • It was asked whether the signage would make reference to effluent and discharge, which Officers confirmed they would not.
  • It was thought there was a containment tank in Victoria Road, and it was asked whether this was used. The Environmental Health Team Manager would raise this question at the next partnership group meeting.
  • It was pointed out that improvements had been made already.
  • The previous report had said there was no clear link between elevated sample results seen in 2022 and the operational storm overflows, was this still the case? It was confirmed there was still no definitive link.



The Committee noted the report.

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