Agenda item

Y/52/23/PL, Land West of Bilsham Road, Yapton BN18 0LA


5 Public Speakers


Dilys Lownsborough – Objector

Carol Inglis – Objector

Anna Harper – Applicant

Sam Skyes – Agent

Councillor Amanda Worne – Ward Member 


Full Planning Application for the erection of 170 residential dwellings; with access and parking, the provision of open space, play space and ecology areas with associated vehicular and pedestrian access, attenuation ponds and landscaping and associated works. This application is a Departure from the Development plan and affects a Public Right of Way.


            The Principal Planning Officer presented the report with updates, the Chair then asked the Committee if based on the officer update that had been provided as the recommendation had changed, would they like to defer the application without discussion. Upon taking the vote, 5 members voted for, 5 against with 1 member abstaining. Due to the vote being tied the Chair used her casting vote to vote against deferring the application without discussion. Each public speaker who had registered to speak was then invited to make their statements.


Members raised the following points during debate, concerns that the design of the application was out of keeping with the area, outside of the built-up area, did not meet the areas housing need, was a departure from the Development plan, weather related flooding and drainage concerns within the area due to the current sewer infrastructure. The Group Head of Planning addressed the committee to explain that the comments made relating to being outside the built-up area would not be able to used as a refusal reason due to a previous application on the same site having had permission granted.   The Principal Planning Officer was then invited to respond to points raised where he confirmed that the objection received relating to drainage concerns were in relation to surface water drainage issues only and he believed that these could be resolved through negotiation with the applicant and the Council’s drainage engineers which would then result in the objection being removed.


            Having listened to the debate Councillor Tandy proposed that the application be REFUSED for the following reasons


1.    the development sits outside the Built-up Area Boundary of Yapton, and does not conform to the exceptions criteria outlined in policy H11 of the YNDP2. The proposal would therefore be in conflict with policies H1 and BB1 of the YNDP2, and policies CSP1 and SD SP2 of the Arun Local Plan.

2.    The development would result in a loss of Grade 1 and Grade 2 agricultural land, contrary to policy SO DMI of the Arun Local Plan, policy E1 of the YNDP2, and paragraph 174b of the NPPF.

3.    The application fails to provide an acceptable Flood Risk Assessment (FRA), Drainage Strategy and supporting information, contrary to NPPF paragraphs 167 and 169, and policies WDM2 and WDM3 of the Arun Local Plan.

4.    The proposal by nature of its design fails to reflect the rural character of Yapton and Bilsham, contrary to policy D DM1 of the Arun Local Plan and police H4 of the YNDP2


            This was duly seconded by Councillor McDougall and upon the vote being taken;


            The Committee




That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons


1.    the development sits outside the Built-up Area Boundary of Yapton, and does not conform to the exceptions criteria outlined in policy H11 of the YNDP2. The proposal would therefore be in conflict with policies H1 and BB1 of the YNDP2, and policies CSP1 and SD SP2 of the Arun Local Plan.

2.    The development would result in a loss of Grade 1 and Grade 2 agricultural land, contrary to policy SO DMI of the Arun Local Plan, policy E1 of the YNDP2, and paragraph 174b of the NPPF.

3.    The application fails to provide an acceptable Flood Risk Assessment (FRA), Drainage Strategy and supporting information, contrary to NPPF paragraphs 167 and 169, and policies WDM2 and WDM3 of the Arun Local Plan.

4.    The proposal by nature of its design fails to reflect the rural character of Yapton and Bilsham, contrary to policy D DM1 of the Arun Local Plan and police H4 of the YNDP2



A short 5 minute adjournment was then taken by the Committee at 15:00pm.

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