To present to members an option for a streamlined approach for identifying, selecting, and appointing seasonal and mobile traders across the district.
The Committee received a report from the Property, Estates and Facilities Manager presenting a Kiosk Lettings Strategy which the Committee was being asked to adopt. It was explained that this strategy would confirm the Property, Estates and Facilities services’ approach to managing kiosk opportunities across the district. It would also assist that team in maximising the income stream from kiosk sites. The strategy would provide a clearly defined approach to realising such opportunities and achieving best value. Pop-up type concessions had not been operating since before the Covid-19 Pandemic and so the adoption of the strategy would enable those opportunities. It defined the classification of kiosk assets; it set out the means of marketing opportunities; and approach to assessing bids and an outline of the terms that all operators would be required to adhere to.
Prior to commencing debate on this item, the recommendations were proposed by Councillor Walsh and seconded by Councillor Stanley.
Various observations were made by Members. A request was made that the Strategy be updated to correct some typographical issues. In terms of the proposals queries were then raised over tenure as the Strategy confirmed that opportunities would not be let for any term exceeding 36 months. A question was also asked about the use of diesel or petrol generators. The strategy stipulated rulings around generator use, but a member queried if such generators should be used since the Council had declared a climate emergency some time ago. How many kiosks used generators and how many had access to full power?
In response it was confirmed that the Strategy could be reproduced once adopted by the Committee to address the typographical issues identified. It was confirmed that the duration of 36 months had been applied with a pragmatic approach in mind, they were relatively high turnover which was resource intensive, and the strategy needed to allow for a change in opportunities for those operating those outlets and also for members of the public. This was a timeframe that had been chosen on a pragmatic basis. Unfortunately, it could not be confirmed at the meeting those sites that did or did not have fixed power, an assumption was made that the fixed sites, that were let out on a seasonal basis, all had fixed power. Generators tended to be used for mobile outlets.
Other questions raised covered rental costs and reassurance was sought that all lettable units had received realistic rentals to ensure that the Council was receiving an appropriate level of rental income and in recognition that some sites had been enhanced and that footfall had substantially increased. In response, it was confirmed that this was kept under constant review and as and when sites became vacant, they were let in accordance with Council policy. Continuing with the debate on the levels of return from rents, Officers were asked if they had looked at what sort of level of return the Council would receive versus the resource that was required to manage this work. It was explained that analysis had not taken place in detail as some of the outlets had not been delivered for some time and so this information was not available.
It was confirmed that the intended units forming the Levelling-Up Fund Littlehampton Seafront project would be included as part of this strategy.
Approval was given by the Committee for a non-committee member to address the meeting. Questions were asked about certain the location of some outlets in and around Bognor Regis which were responded to at the meeting.
Following further debate,
The Committee
(1) It approves the adoption of the proposed Kiosk Lettings Strategy; and
(2) It delegates authority to the Group Head of Technical Services to make minor amendments to the strategy including to the appended list of sites to which it applies.
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