Agenda item



(Councillor Bence declared a personal interest in this item as a member of WSCC.)


Upon invitation by the Chair the Head of Housing presented the report to members where he advised that the request for members was to give approval to enter into a Golden Brick Land Contract and Development Agreement to purchase 12 houses and 2 flats on adjacent sites in Barnham and Eastergate. He also requested approval for the allocation of Section 106 contributions (commuted sums) to partly fund the two schemes, he explained that the contributions had to be used specifically towards new build developments within the district and were time limited.


Members took part in a full and detailed debate; they scrutinised the financial information provided to them with the report and challenged where additional information could have been provided in order to further assist them with their decision making. A full and frank discussion was had weighing up the risks of agreeing to enter into a Golden Brick Land Agreement and Development Agreement given the current economic climate versus the need and want to provide good quality homes in the right places in the district.


The Committee Manager advised members that the meeting guillotine was due to come into force and so it was proposed by Councillor Bicknell and seconded by Councillor Bence that the meeting continue for a further 30 minutes to give members the time needed finish this item of business.


All questions asked received full and detailed responses from officers and all members of the committee were invited to make comment based on the answers that had been received from officers during the debate and one non-member of the committee was invited to offer his comments and advice to the committee.


It was proposed that an amendment be made to recommendation 2.1 with the following wording to be insert at the start ‘Subject to the s106 agreement list being shared with members and the investigation into right to buy ringfencing’ which was unanimously agreed by all members.


As discussion moved on, members believed the concerns they had, had at the beginning of this item had been alleviated and addressed by officers. The Chair then asked members for a proposer and seconder of the recommendations.


The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Bence and seconded by Councillor Needs.


The Committee




1.1      Subject to the s106 agreement list being shared with members and the investigation into right to buy ringfencing, it approves Arun District Council enter into a Golden Brick Land Agreement and a Development Agreement for £3,495,000 with Elivia Homes to build 12 houses and 2 flats for the Council, details set out below subject to the following:

2.1.1 Report on Title and Confirmation from solicitors that the land offers a good and marketable title.

2.1.2 Report and Confirmation by an independent Employers Agent that the Development Agreement negotiated protects the position of the Authority and will result in homes of the appropriate standard being delivered.


1.2  Approve Fees payable, including development interest, of £285,000.


1.3  Approve allocation and draw down of £2,147,370 from the identified Section 106 contributions.

2.4 Recommend to Policy & Finance Committee they approve the inclusion of the scheme in the Council’s HRA Capital Programme, to be funded from borrowing and section 106 receipts.