Agenda item

Littlehampton Seafront Project

This report provides an update on the project and asks the committee to endorse the designs presented at the meeting, which will form part of a planning application.



Prior to inviting the Principal Landscape and Project Officer to present the update report to members, the Chair confirmed that members of the consultant design team for this project were in attendance virtually. The Chair welcomed them to the meeting, they were:


·       Ed Manning, Landscape Architect, from Land Use Consultants

·       Cara Loughran, Architect, from Kendall Kingshott

·       Mike Cunningham, Contracts Manager, from Neilcott Construction Ltd

·       Edward Jenkinson, Project Manager, from Mace Group


The Principal Landscape and Project Officer informed Members that at the last meeting of the Policy and Finance Committee held on 7 March 2023, the Committee had been advised that a review of the design against the cost plan and public consultation results was waiting for the appointment of a design and build contractor.  The report also highlighted the difficulties in procuring suppliers.


This report summarised the procurement process undertaken and noted the appointment of Neilcott Construction Ltd as the design and build contractor.  It was explained that one of their first tasks had been to review the scheme information and prepare an updated masterplan for this meeting. 


The proposed changes had been referred to in the report but would be  explained by the design team who would provide a presentation to the Committee.  The landscape architect and architect would also provide a breakdown of plans with other members of the project team being available to assist with any questions.


The Landscape Architect from Land Use Consultants shared a presentation which had also been circulated to the meeting and would be uploaded to the Committee’s web pages following the meeting. The presentation covered:


·         The previous landscape masterplan and the main changes for Members to note

·         Proposals for the car park and arrival – car parking spaces had slightly increased from 455 to 488 (including the spaces relocated from Banjo Road) with a new reinforced grass surface being provided to assist with flooding issues from South Terrace.

·         Visual images were provided as to how different parts of the project would look – to include the western area of the site; a sketch view of the pools and rocks and water jets; the new toilet block area and Foreshore building

·         East of the activity hub there was a new exciting area for children to enoy

·       Over time there would be opportunity to introduce additional features.

·       A 5k jogging route with route markers on the ground would be provided

·       Further visual sketches were provided

·       The detail for Banjo Road and the market place was explained

·         Detail of the concessions buildings was provided

·     The presentation highlighted the real transformation of the area


Having thanked the Design Team for their thorough and informative presentation, the Chair then invited questions from Members.


Tributes were extended to the Officer team for their work in progressing this project and for keeping it within budget. Questions asked were around the timings to deliver and complete it and whether there were opportunities to add further value.  A strong keenness was expressed to ensure that the project would not have items value engineered out of the scheme. It was confirmed that the project team were working very hard to avoid value engineering and were keeping a very close eye on costs to ensure that it remained affordable. Over the next few weeks, the Design Team would be working on the detail to deliver what had been presented.  In terms of delivery timescales, the planning application was due to be submitted by the end of the summer which would be followed by a thorough costing exercise with plans to start on site in early 2024.


Another question was asked about the Stage by the Sea as a performing space as this was seen as providing limited facilities as it did not contain power, lighting or any PA equipment as did other facilities such as the band stand in Bogor Regis. It was hoped that this could be rectified by using the project to enhance the facility making it more attractive to performers and acts. In response, it was confirmed that power would be provided next to the stage or very near in that locality, there were certainly opportunities to explore this. As the Stage by the Sea was managed by Littlehampton Town Council it would be necessary to liaise with them on the issues raised so that they could consider how to take these requests forward.


The recommendation was then proposed by Councillor Cooper and seconded by Councillor Gunner.


The Committee




                     That the Littlehampton seafront scheme masterplan, to be submitted as part of a planning application be endorsed. The extent of the masterplan delivered will be determined by the final contract sum following tender.

Supporting documents: