Agenda item

Committee Revenue and Capital Budgets 2024/25 - Environment

The purpose of the report is for this Committee to consider and recommend its 2024/25 revenue budget, which will be submitted to the Policy and Finance Committee on 8 February 2024. The Policy and Finance Committee will consider the overall revenue budget for 2024/25 so that it can make recommendations to a Special Meeting of the Council on 21 February 2024.

[30 Minutes]



Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Group Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer introduced the report to Committee. He updated that there was a change to the Table in paragraph 4.5, page 93, which should say ‘Do not recruit to vacant Parking Services Permit post’, not the Parks Officer post. There was a difference in cost of around £6k, however he did not propose changing the Committee budget on that basis as the amount was immaterial. The overall revenue budget increase from 2023-24 was £90k as detailed in Table 4.4 on page 92. The savings of £543,000 identified in the Financial Strategy paper were detailed in the Table in paragraph 4.5. The Environment Committee Capital Programme was detailed in Appendix B, this did not currently include slippage from programs like Bersted Brooks, but this would be included after 31 March once the slippage had been confirmed. The schemes had already been approved and no further Committee approval would be required as there was no additional expenditure.


          The Group Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer understood there would be some elements of the budget that Members would not ideally choose, however Members were aware that the budget needed to be reduced. He explained if amendments were made to the budget that increased the total spend for the Committee, it would effectively increase the draw down the Council would have to make on its usable revenue reserves, which would increase financial pressure on the Council.



The recommendations were proposed by Councillor May and seconded by Councillor Blanchard-Cooper.


          Members (and non-Committee Members given permission to speak) then took part in a question-and-answer session and the following points were made:

  • Further information was requested around the reduction of seasonal foreshores staff hours. Officers explained they were looking at how this could be done in a way to limit the impact on the public, which may mean shorter hours at the beginning and end of the season.
  • How would the additional income from cemetery fees be achieved? Officers were looking at the range of fees, but were trying to reduce the impact on the lower cost fees.
  • Where would the savings in event management come from? This had not yet been decided, but Officers were trying to limit the impact to the public on this.
  • Clarification was sought on the updated budget for play areas in Appendix B. The Group Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer explained this included slippage from previous years, which was why there appeared to be a sharp rise.
  • It was asked whether details could be provided to Members around the savings as and when they became available.
  • Concern was expressed by several Members as it was felt not enough detail had been provided in advance of the meeting, particularly around consequences of the savings, and not enough consultation had taken place.
  • There was concern around cemetery fees and it was thought Members should have input into these. The Group Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer pointed to Part 6, Section 3, paragraph 5.2 of the Constitution and explained Officers were responsible for raising money through fees and charges.
  • It was asked that the budget process not be carried out in this way again, and more consultation be conducted with Members next year. It was felt Members should be included in the process earlier on. The Chair asked Officers to take these comments on board for next year.
  • It was felt there were gaps in additional information that had been provided to Members the previous day.
  • Other Members thanked Officers for their work, and appreciated Officers had worked hard.
  • It was recognised that all Councils across the country were having to make cuts that they would otherwise choose not to.
  • It was asked whether the performance of departments would be considered in relation to budget, an example given was Building Control as it appeared to have a greater budget this year than last, however the performance was lower than target. Specific detail could not be provided by Officers as the question had not been submitted prior to the meeting. The Group Head of Technical Services explained the Building Control budget figures for last year showing in the report was the actual budgeted figure and appeared lower as they had been carrying vacancies, and had generated more income than expected. The original budget for last year had been much higher.
  • Clarification was sought around the difference between the original budget and the updated budget. This was provided by Officers.



During the above debate, the Chair reminded Members that detailed questions should be sent in advance of the meeting, to enable Officers to provide answers for Members.


The Interim Chief Executive Officer and Director of Growth explained the budget process had taken a considerable amount of time. It had taken time to generate ideas  and then to explore these further, and he said this had been brought to Members at the earliest opportunity. He believed Members had received a significant amount of additional information during this process compared to previous years, however Officers could take on board the comments from Members around this.




          The Committee




(a) It agrees the 2024/25 Revenue Budget as illustrated in Appendix A of this report;


(b) It agrees the 2024/25 Capital Programme as illustrated in Appendix B of this report; and




(c) the Revenue Budget for this Committee be included in the overall General Fund Budget when the Policy and Finance Committee considers the Council’s budgets at its meeting on 8 February 2024.

Supporting documents: