Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Environmental Health Team Manager presented the report to Committee. He explained the report updated the Committee on the results of the bathing water classifications for 2022, and the actions being taken to identify and address the causes of the Poor bathing water classification for Bognor Regis Aldwick.
The Environmental Health Team Manager went onto explain that the Environment Agency (EA) carried out monitoring of the water quality of designated bathing waters (DBW) between May and September each year. DBW were given a classification of Excellent, Good, Sufficient or Poor based on water quality. Samples were taken by the EA and provided a point in time indication of the quality by looking for faecal indicator bacteria. There were a range of potential sources for those bacteria including sewage, livestock, birds and road drainage. The latest results were shown in the table to the report and were based on the last four years of samples. Four out of six of Arun’s DBW maintained their previous classifications of Good or Excellent. Two of the locations had their classifications reduced. These were Bognor Regis Aldwick which had changed from Good to Poor and Bognor Regis East which had changed from Excellent to Good. The classifications would be displayed at each location during the next bathing season (May to September), with additional signage at Bognor Regis Aldwick advising against bathing. This enabled the community to make an informed choice about where and when to bathe. A working group had been established following classifications for 2022, involving staff from EA, Southern Water and the Council, to investigate the causes of the Poor bathing water classification for Bognor Regis Aldwick, and to agree an action plan to address these. This may include the Council using enforcement powers to address any wastewater misconnections identified. At present there was no clear linkage between the elevated sample results seen in 2022 and the operation of storm overflows for Bognor Regis Aldwick.
Councillor Stanley then proposed an amendment to the Officer recommendation as follows (additions have been shown in bold):
That the Environment Committee endorse staff, and Ward Members for Aldwick East and Aldwick West, participation in the Working Group, as an appropriate mechanism, to identify and address the causes of the reduced bathing water classification for Bognor Regis Aldwick.
The amendment was seconded by Councillor Worne.
The Director of Growth advised against the amendment and explained that this was an operational matter, whereby Officers were engaging with Southern water and EA to find solutions. He suggested communication between the different agencies may not be so productive if Members participated in the Working Group, and reassured Members that the Committee would be kept fully updated. He pointed out that if Members were not satisfied with the progress once Officers had brought the updates back to Committee, they would then have the opportunity to request Member participation on the Working Group.
Councillor Stanley confirmed he wished to proceed with the amendment and the Chair then invited debate on the amendment. The following points were raised:
· Some Members felt it would not be appropriate for Councillors to participate in the Working Group, and felt more progress could be made with Officers alone.
· It was asked whether the invitation should be extended to key stakeholders such as the agricultural sector. The Environmental Health Team Manager explained the EA had suggested the parties that should be involved, however he was happy to raise this with EA.
· Some Members felt it would be beneficial to have Members present at the Working Group meetings as they could feedback their views directly to the other agencies involved and directly represent the residents.
· The view was expressed that the Council should come together to tackle the problem, and that Member involvement would help with this.
A recorded vote on the amendment was requested. Those voting for were Councillors Brooks, Goodheart, McAuliffe, Stanley and Worne. Those voting against were Councillors Chace, Edwards and English. Councillors Bicknell and Madeley abstained from voting. The vote was therefore declared CARRIED
Turning to the substantive, the Chair invited questions from Members and the following points raised:
· It was asked whether Members could see the sampling figures. The Environmental Health Team Manager explained these figures were publicly available on the EA website.
· There was disappointment the Working Group did not cover Felpham as well, and it was hoped that any resolutions from the Working Group could also be employed at Felpham.
The substantive recommendation was Proposed by Councillor Stanley and Seconded by Councillor Worne.
The Committee
That the Environment Committee endorse staff, and Ward Members for Aldwick East and Aldwick West, participation in the Working Group, as an appropriate mechanism, to identify and address the causes of the reduced bathing water classification for Bognor Regis Aldwick.
Supporting documents: