Agenda item

Appointment to the Post of Interim Chief Executive Officer [Exempt - Paragraph 1 - Information Relating to any Individual]

The report informs Members of the process followed by the Chief Executive’s Recruitment and Selection Panel for the selection of an interim Chief Executive and requests the Council agree to the appointment of the Interim Chief Executive Officer as recommended by the Recruitment and Selection Panel and endorsed by the Remuneration Committee.


The Chair invited the Interim Group Head of Corporate Support & Section 151 Officer to present this report.


It was outlined that this report informed the Council of the process that had been followed by the Chief Executive Remuneration and Selection Panel [with that membership having been approved by Full Council on 15 September 2021] for the selection of an Interim Chief Executive Officer as recommended by that Panel following meetings held on 16 and 29 September 2021 and then considered and recommended by the Chief Executive Remuneration Committee [Recommendation (c) from its meeting held on 11 October 2021].


The recommendations before the Council had been set out with six recommendations being proposed with Recommendation (4) asking the Council to agree to the appointment of James Hassett as the Interim Chief Executive Officer, subject to the Council approving the salary to be paid.


Councillor Gunner, as Leader of the Council, in formally proposing the recommendations confirmed that he wished to make an amendment to Recommendation (3).  He explained that following negotiation with the Leader of the Opposition [Councillor Walsh] and the Leader of the Independent Group [Councillor Dixon] he had undertaken further negotiation with the candidate earlier on in the day.  The result of that negotiation confirmed that Mr Hassett had agreed to reduce his daily rate of pay down by £200 per day providing the Council with a saving totalling £25k.


An amendment to Recommendation (3) was therefore proposed to read:


To approve a General Fund supplementary estimate of £122k £97k (this equates to a Council Tax band D of £1.95 £1.55);


This amendment was seconded by Councillor Pendleton.


Councillor Gunner praised this cross-party working and the achievement that had been made in securing this reduced rate which had been re-considered in response to large public concern.  This point was then echoed and praised by other Group Leaders.  The majority of Councillors welcomed what would be a new start for Arun with the expectation that the new Interim Chief Executive would achieve best value for Arun and its residents delivering much needed change and pushing forward much needed regeneration. 


     There were a couple of Councillors who spoke against the recommendations confirming that payment of such a high salary was out of touch in view of the day to day financial struggles being experienced by residents.


Following further discussion, a vote on the amendment to Recommendation 3 was undertaken and this was confirmed CARRIED.


The Chair then returned to the substantive recommendations and invited debate. Extensive debate on the substantive recommendations took place.


            Following further discussion, a request had been made that the voting on the substantive recommendations be recorded.


            Those voting for were Councillors Baker, Bicknell, Blanchard-Cooper, Bower, Buckland, Chace, Chapman, Charles, Clayden, Mrs Cooper, Cooper, Coster, Daniells, Dendle, Dixon, Edwards, Mrs English, English, Goodheart, Gregory, Gunner, Hamilton, Hughes, Huntley, Kelly, Lury, Oliver-Redgate, Pendleton, Purchese, Roberts, Staniforth, Stanley, Tilbrook, Thurston, Walsh, Warr and Yeates (37). Councillor Worne voted against. Councillor Brooks abstained from voting.


            The Council


                        RESOLVED – That


(1)          The process by which a new Interim Chief Executive has been recruited be noted;


(2)          Agreement be given to recruit an Interim Chief Executive on the terms and conditions as detailed within the report and as recommended by the Recruitment & Selection Panel until such a time that the Council is in a position to agree a permanent arrangement for the replacement of the Chief Executive Officer post;


(3)          A General Fund supplementary estimate of £97K be approved (this equates to a Band D Council Tax of £1.95);


(4)          Agree to the appointment of James Hassett as the Interim Chief Executive Officer;


(5)          Agreement be given to delegate Chief Executive Officer responsibility to the Director of Place and Director of Services from the period of Monday, 18 October to Sunday, 31 October 2021 inclusive with the Director of Services delegated for the first week and Director of Place delegated for the second week; and


(6)          Agreement be given to note the arrangements for the Interim Returning Officer.





Supporting documents: