Agenda item


This report provides an overview of the Foreshores services and a review the 2018 season.


(During the course of discussion on this item, Councillor Dr Walsh declared a personal interest as a Governor of the RNLI and as a member of the Littlehampton Harbour Board.)


            The Working Group received a comprehensive written report from the Wellbeing Services Manager on the work of the Foreshores Service  together with  a summary of the 2018 Season.


            At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Clayden as Cabinet Member for Wellbeing, congratulated the Foreshores Team on their sterling work in keeping the beaches safe all year round but particularly during the extremely busy summer season due to the wonderful weather everybody had benefited from.


            The Working Group then participated in a question and answer session with the Wellbeing Services Manager which covered a variety of issues as follows.           


  • Defibrillators – questions were asked with regard to the location of these on the seafront and how could they be accessed.  Officer advice was given that there were defibrillators in the Foreshore Offices; however, a request was made that additional locations be investigated, in particular the East Beach Café at Littlehampton, as time was of the essence and that signage should be provided to inform the public of the locations of the equipment. The Wellbeing Services Manager confirmed that he would look into the matter.
  • Comment was made in respect of the use of shingle on the beach at Bognor Regis and the resultant difficulties with access to the beach.
  • Complaints had been received regarding the matter of jet skis and Members expressed their concerns.  The Wellbeing Services Manager acknowledged that jet skis were a problem, which had been exacerbated by the good summer and the increasing numbers coming into the District.  It was proving difficult to catch them and Members were advised that should they come across any issues they should notify the Coastguard. Work was being undertaken to try to address the problem and improved signage was being provided but it was acknowledged that it was a difficult matter to resolve.
  • West Sussex County Council had withdrawn permits to enable the Foreshore Staff to park on-street and concern was expressed that this would have a detrimental impact on the staff’s ability to carry out their duties.  It was agreed that this would be taken up with the County Council.

§  Member comment was made that there used to be a scheme for lost children and was that something that could be looked at again?   Also, the RNLI used to provide a service over the two weekends over Easter and would it be possible to reintroduce that?  The Wellbeing Services Manager advised that he would look at those issues but did highlight the cost implications of providing lifeguards if the weather was bad and they were not required.


            In closing the discussion, the Chairman asked for and was duly given the Working Group’s endorsement in thanking the Wellbeing Manager and his team for their excellent work and, also, tribute was paid to the work of the RNLI.


            The Working Group noted the report.


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