Agenda item

Corporate Plan 2018-2022 - Quarter Two Performance Report for the Period 1 July 2019 to 30 September 2019

This report sets out the Q2 performance outturn for the Corporate Plan performance indicators for the period 1 July 2019 to 30 September 2019.






(1)  The Council’s Q2 performance against the targets for the Corporate Plan indicators as set out in the report and Appendix A; be noted; and


(2)  The minutes from Overview Select Committee on 28 January 2020 and associated comments and queries, be noted;


Cabinet also




That approval be given to amend the target figure for indicator CP10 from £91m to £99m be approved with effect from Q1 2020.



The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Corporate Support, Councillor Oppler, introduced this item confirming that the 2020 Vision programme was established to provide the strategic direction required to help the Council become a more effective and sustainable one and to enable it to meet future demands that were placed upon it.  The three Council Priority themes and the 2020 Vision were outlined as:


1.         Your services

2.         Supporting you

3.         Your future


           Behind these priorities were a series of targets that were measurable and, ideally, in the control of the Council.  These were the Corporate Plan indicators. Service targets (Service Delivery Plan indicators – SDP’s) sat beneath these corporate priorities to provide more detail about how the service was doing. 


           Performance of the indicators was reported to the Corporate Management Team every quarter and to the Overview Select Committee and Cabinet every six months and at year end.


           The information within this report had been presented to the Overview Select Committee on 28 January 2020.  The minutes from that meeting, and the recommendation needs to be considered by Cabinet at this meeting.


           The Group Head of Policy then provided an overview of the report and confirmed that the indicator targets being reported were for 2019-20 not 2018-2022.  There were 11 Corporate Plan Indicators and six of these were measured at Quarter four.  A full commentary for each indicator had been provided in Appendix A to the report.  It was explained that there was no data available for Indicator CP7 [Homelessness Applications where Homelessness is Prevented] because due to a change in how statistics were recorded as a result of the Homelessness Reduction Act, the percentage needed to be calculated on an annual basis rather than being measured quarterly.  An indicator not achieving its target was CP11 [Household Waste Sent for Reuse, Recycling and Composting].  Whilst not achieving the 50% target figure for Q2, it was explained that this figure showed an increase of almost 1.26% on the rate at the corresponding period las year. This had mainly been attributed to a decrease in black bag waste taken to recycling centres whilst the tonnages for recycling and composting had remained similar to the previous year.  It was noted that the target for this indicator had been increased from 40% to 50% for 2019/20 and it was expected that the target of 50% would be reached by the end of this year.


           Indicator CP3 [Council Tax Collected] was over achieving its target at Q2.  Customers now having the ability to pay their council tax over 12 months had helped.  Targets CP6 [Time Taken to Process Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit New Claims], CP8 [Number of New Council Hoes Built or Purchased Per Annum] and CP10 [Total Rateable Business Value for the Arun District] were all over achieving their targets.  The Group Head of Policy referred Cabinet to a recommendation from the Overview Select Committee at Minute 411 to amend the target figure for Indicator CP10 from £91m, to £99.138m with effect from Quarter 1 in 2020.


           Finally, the Group Head of Policy confirmed that the Corporate Management Team (CMT) had provided their comments on the targets set out in the report and were happy that everything was working in the way that it should.  It was therefore felt that no remedial action was required for all but one of the Corporate Plan Indicators at Q2 as most measured at this stage were either achieving or over achieving their target at this point in the year and the indicator that was not achieving was only just behind target with it being anticipated that it would be achieved by the end of the year.


            The Cabinet


                        RESOLVED – That


(1)  The Council’s Quarter Two performance against the targets for the Corporate Plan indicators as set out in this report and Appendix A attached to the report be noted; and


(2)  The minutes from the meeting of the Overview Select Committee held on 28 January 2020, be noted.


The Cabinet




            That approval be given to amend the target figure for Indicator CP10 from £91m to £99m with effect from Quarter One in 2020.


The Cabinet confirmed its decision as per Decision Notice C/041/090320, a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of the Minutes.



Supporting documents: