Agenda item

Progress Report on the Delivery of the Enhanced Public Realm Scheme in Littlehampton Town Centre

In April 2019, the Coastal Communities Fund awarded Littlehampton £2,452,295 to deliver the first two phases of the approved enhanced public realm scheme in Littlehampton town centre. This report provides an overview of the scheme and progress to date.


            (In the course of discussion, the Subcommittee agreed that the following Councillors could speak to the item:-


1.    Councillor Dr Walsh made a number of comments and also declared a personal interest as a member of both West Sussex County Council and Littlehampton Town Council.

2.    In making some comments, Councillor Bicknell also requested that a copy of the draft plans detailing all the phases of public realm enhancements for the town centre be circulated to Members of the Subcommittee to assist their understanding of the proposals.  This was agreed.


            In presenting this update report, the Senior Regeneration Officer highlighted the successful £2,452,295 bid that had been awarded by the Coastal Communities Fund in April 2019 to enable the delivery of public realm works in Littlehampton, together with revenue costs for associated staffing.  The public realm enhancements were for the area of the High Street precinct and pavements/junctions to the railway station where a new and attractive gateway to the town was planned.  An illustrative plan of the scheme had been circulated to Members under separate cover.


            The Senior Regeneration Officer talked through the illustrative plan and emphasised that more detailed design work would be carried out prior the scheme being finalised for delivery.  The objective was to enhance the prosperity and vibrancy of the town centre, bring it more up to date, and enable specialist markets/events to take place to significantly increase the footfall and visitors to Littlehampton.


            Members participated in a full discussion and asked questions of officers which were responded to at the meeting.  Issues covered included:-


·         Improvement to the station frontage

·         Present problems with anti-social behaviour – it was confirmed that CCTV coverage would be improved and incorporated into the scheme.

·         Research survey work was being undertaken now and again in the future after the scheme was complete to provide an evidence base to monitor its impact on the town centre.

·         Communication was seen as integral to keep traders and the public up to date with progress.

·         Highways matters such as the junction at Terminus Road/Arundel Road; the probable requirement for a TRO (Traffic Regulation Order); pedestrianisation; enforcement; and adequate disabled parking.

·         Potential new development in the town needed to be encapsulated within the design and the Senior Regeneration Officer stated that that would be looked at.

·         It was reiterated that the funding obtained was for 2 phases of the entire 5 phase town centre public realm enhancement scheme and that further bids for funding would be made in due course.

·         It was acknowledged that successful marketing was key to drawing people in.

·         The anticipated timeframe was to commence work later this year, with completion in early 2021.  Work would be carried out in small sections to minimise disruption and to ensure businesses could stay open throughout the process of construction.


            The Senior Regeneration Officer requested Members to contact the Economy Team with any further queries or concerns they might have as their input was very much welcomed.  Until the project team and contractor was in place, there was not much more information that could be given at the present time but, certainly, Members would be invited to briefings in the future.


            The Subcommittee then noted the report.

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