Committee made up of 11 Members considers Planning Applications,
Appeals and Planning Contraventions.
Meetings are open to the public and the Council operates a
public speaking system, as set out in the Council’s
Constitution. Meetings are held at the
Arun Civic Centre every four weeks, at 2.00 p.m.
The Council has agreed the principles for
filming, photography and social media use at Council meetings and
on Council property. Please see the Filming and
Photographic Policy
and Written Submissions for this Committee
District Council has always encouraged public involvement in the
planning process and one of the key ways of achieving this is to
encourage public contributions at Planning Committee
it has been confirmed that an application is to be heard at
committee anyone who has submitted written comments on the
application will be contacted and advised of how to register to
speak or submit a written statement. You must follow the
instructions in the notification as the committee will not be able
to hear any party who has not formally registered.
copy of the committee agenda, containing the officer’s report
and recommendation, are published on the website at least 5 working
days before the meeting. Those submitting a written submission are
advised to read the published report in advance. The report
includes a summary of the written representations received and a
section of comment upon these representations.
for any reason the application/item is no longer to be considered
by the Planning Committee the Council will endeavour to notify the
interested parties. For this reason, please always provide your
phone number when you register to speak and call us if you change
your mind about making a submission at the meeting.
is not possible for the Council to accept, ‘prior’ or
‘holding’ registrations, you can only register once you
have received notification of the meeting.
visual presentation of material at the Planning Committee will be
restricted to that information submitted as part of the application
(and/or prepared by officers in respect of any other item) in
accordance with the visual presentation procedures agreed by the
Planning Committee.
Arrangements For Speaking: Number and Order of Speakers
Time Allowed
Planning Officer – to present and if
necessary, update the report, particularly regarding further
written representations received
Town or Parish Council/Meeting
submission can be made. It cannot exceed 3 minutes
Objectors to the Application
Maximum of 2 submissions. They cannot exceed 3 minutes
Maximum of 2 submissions. They cannot exceed 3 minutes
The Planning Officer is there to deal with any
errors of fact which have arisen or any necessary clarification of
policy or other issues
Committee Members are there to debate and determine
the application, involving Officers as necessary
Arun District Council Members are entitled to
address the Committee at the discretion of the Chairman in
accordance with Standing Orders. Therefore, they are excluded from
this process.
Please note that you can now locate the webcast link to watch
the webcast live or to stream later under the relevant meeting date
along with the agenda.
Read about: Webcasting compatible software and
devices.pdf [pdf] 417KB