Agenda and minutes

SPECIAL, Economy Committee - Monday 20th November 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber & Blue Room, Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, BN17 5LF. View directions

Contact: Carley Lavender 


No. Item




            Apologies were received from Councillors Edwards and Stanley.


Declarations of Interest

Members and Officers are invited to make any declaration of pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on this agenda, and are reminded that they should re-declare their interest before consideration of the items or as soon as the interest becomes apparent.


Members and Officers should make their declaration by stating:


a)             the item they have the interest in

b)             whether it is a pecuniary/personal interest and/or prejudicial interest

c)             the nature of the interest



            Councillor Walsh declared a Personal Interest in agenda item 6 [Arun Visitor Strategy] as a member of West Sussex County Council.


            Councillor Pendleton declared a Personal Interest in agenda item 6 [Arun Visitor Strategy] as a member of West Sussex County Council.


            Councillors Nash, Needs and Yeates redeclared their personal interests as a members of Bognor Regis Town Council as confirmed in their Register of Interest forms.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 68 KB


            The minutes of the Economy Committee meeting held on 5 October 2023, were approved by the committee and signed by the Chair.




            There were no urgent items presented at the meeting.


Public Question Time

To receive questions from the public (for a period of up to 15 minutes)



            The Chair confirmed that there were no public questions submitted for the meeting.


Arun Visitor Strategy pdf icon PDF 117 KB

A recommendation was made in the “Arun District Tourism Review of 2020” to commission a new Visitor Economy Strategy for the district, and this was approved by the Economy Committee in August 2022.  Consultants Blue Sail were commissioned in March 2023 to produce a strategy document for the next five years 2023 – 2028. This report provides member with the new strategy for endorsement.



The Tourism Development Officer introduced to members her report and the Visitor Strategy created by Blue Sail Consultants. She explained that the strategy sets out 8 priorities and suggested actions to guide the strategy delivery for the next 5 years', subject to available resources. She confirmed that a members’ briefing about the strategy was recently held and a recording of that briefing was still available for members to view should they not have been able to attend.


             The Chair then invited questions from members and during the debate the following was raised, it was stated that it was felt there was missing element in terms of what the strategy was marketing. The marketing of the Arun District was believed to not be the right focus. There should be specific focus through Sussex by the Sea on Bognor Regis and Littlehampton as both had unique identities, from Butlins and the seafront with a soon to be refurbished Alexandra Theatre in Bognor Regis to the offering of excellent growing number of restaurants and cafes in Littlehampton. It was suggested that highlighting these offerings would ensure that not only visitors but that residents living in the district would be drawn in to make use of what facilities were available. Additionally, it was commented that there was an under catered sector in terms of glamping, mobile home and caravan tourers that could be tapped into with the attraction of the open spaces between the coastal plain and the downs the district had to offer. It was noted that the marketing of the district as ‘Sussex by the Sea’ was the subject of the next agenda item.


          One member stated that it was disappointing to note that only 2 out of 54 members had taken up the opportunity to be a part of the visitor strategy consultation work that had been completed. It was questioned how the priorities would be shown to be achieved and if a focus on business visitors was the right direction. The actions confirmed that there was a ‘clear pull’ to Arundel, but it was stated that more work was needed on this aspect, along with understanding the level of interest regarding glamping and alternative accommodation within the district. A focus on advertising Arun as a place to invest was requested. It was queried if a further report would be presented to committee to update on the actions implemented and covering how they were delivering for the district.


          Other comments made were that both Bognor Regis and Littlehampton were focused on ensuring that the Towns were as accessible as possible for all abilities. Focus and encouragement should be given to advertising Littlehampton as a ‘day trip’ destination and working with Coach companies to ensure this was offered should be picked up. It was stated that the marketing behind Sussex by the Sea had been gaining good social media presence and this was a great tool for local businesses to use and feed into. The report stated that Brexit and Covid-19 Pandemic  ...  view the full minutes text for item 394.


Destination Awareness Campaign pdf icon PDF 1 MB

In March 2022 the Economy Committee agreed to the commission of a Marketing Agency to deliver a 12 month “Digital Destination Awareness Campaign” for the Arun District and its tourism brand of “Sussex by the Sea”. Following the delivery of this campaign this committee is asked to agree to a second year of campaign activity to build on that success.



The Tourism Development Officer provided members with a brief overview of the report where she explained that the campaign was about the Arun district being branded as ‘Sussex by the Sea’, one of the main talking points is that it not just encourages visitors but residents of the district to visit each of the towns within the district. The marketing campaign is encouraging people to find out more about the Arun district, working with the marketing agency she said there had been a learning curve initially however, the relationship between the agency and the council was very good and progressing well.


            The Chair then invited members to ask any questions where the following points were made, advice was given to stop using Twitter and LinkedIn and Instagram and if there was any spare expenditure this should be directed to using TikTok along with consideration being given to the use of social media influencers which would help raise awareness of the district. The reporting data was queried specifically the geographical nature of where the advertising had ‘hit’, it was suggested that further consideration be given to specific locations to reach the targeted audience. Additionally, it was asked how the number of visitors that had visited the district directly because of seeing a ‘post’ or ‘video’ from the campaign would be reported in the future. 


          The Chair confirmed that ‘Sussex by the Sea’ would address all the points raised, the recommendation was proposed by Councillor Walsh and was seconded by Councillor Gunner.



            The Committee




2.1 that officers commission a second-year Digital Destination Awareness Campaign with the existing agency. This would ensure continuity of delivery and benefit from the knowledge, experience and working relationship built in year one. Officers would continue to monitor the effectiveness of the second-year campaign, to inform direction of future digital activity.



Design Brief for the conversion of the former Brewers Fayre Pub pdf icon PDF 90 KB

The purpose of this report is to present members with the proposed brief for the design feasibility work that will explore options for the redevelopment of the former Brewers Fayre Pub back into its original use as the ‘Royal Hall’, a multipurpose venue providing facilities for organised events.


Additional documents:


            The Regeneration Lead introduced the report to members where he explained that the purpose of the report was to provide members with a follow up from the Extraordinary Economy Committee meeting held on 19 June 2023 which contained the proposed brief for the design feasibility work that was agreed to be completed at the extraordinary meeting.


            The Chair stated he was pleased to see the report and design brief, he confirmed that conversations had taken place regarding the halls capacity for large events, 400 seated with a potential for 600/700 standing, and how this alongside the refurbishment of the Theatre would make it an attractive venue. He then invited comments and questions from members where the following points and statements were made, comments of support for a multipurpose venue were made, it was acknowledged that that the amount of work required would be substantial, however it would create a good connection between the seafront and the town and would be an investment for Bognor Regis.


            Concern was raised regarding the cost to deliver the project in its entirety, it was questioned where the potential £2/3 million come from to ensure delivery. The Chair stated not all of the detail had been confirmed at this point, this was the early stages of the process. He also advised that there were companies who would be interested in taking on the Royal Hall however, he confirmed that the market had not yet been tested for this interest as yet. 


            Further concern was expressed that the idea of returning the site back to a ‘Royal Hall’ was felt to be a ‘romantic’ notion. When realistically the site required completely modernising.  It was suggested that the term ‘Royal Hall’ should be ditched with a focus on building a space that allowed for long term future use for events such as gigs and sporting events.


            Debate then returned to the earlier concern raised regarding how the costs would be found to support delivery of modernising the site. It was commented that the council was currently undergoing a cost saving exercise and how did the project now fit with that focus. It was also queried if consideration had been given to researching a partnership with Butlins alongside linking with coach companies for securing day trippers to the area. It was stated by one member that whilst they agreed with some of the comments made regarding the potential future uses of the site, the initial cost for the feasibility study alone was £40,000 and once this had been completed the costs would then significantly increase for delivery and the council could not afford this, consideration should be given to knocking it down and rebuilding as this could present a more affordable option. Comments regarding the site being in conflict with the Theatre were also raised as there was an overlap in event offerings between the two. It was also stated that should a private company be brought in to run the site, this would then see a focus  ...  view the full minutes text for item 396.


Regis Car Park Development pdf icon PDF 102 KB

The purpose of this report is to present members with the proposed brief for the design feasibility work that will explore options for the redevelopment of the entire  Regis Centre Car Park.


Additional documents:


The Regeneration Lead introduced his report where he explained that the proposed brief for the design feasibility work that would explore options for the redevelopment of the entire Regis Centre Car Park into a focal point on the esplanade and frontage. The esplanade is almost entirely flats and desperately needs a leisure focal point for people to use combined with a series of interesting things to do and potentially inclusive or meeting space. The report detailed a number of options for consideration which were detailed in paragraph 3.6 of the report and the plan would be to present designs back to members for all the options detailed for members to then make a decision on which option they would like to pursue.


          The Chair thanked the Regeneration Lead for his introduction and then announced that there was an amendment to the recommendations to be presented to the committee. After a short discussion it was agreed that the amendment would be presented after members had had the opportunity to discuss the content of the report first. The Chair then invited members to make their comments on the report, where the following points were raised, it was stated that the detail presented from Coast to Capital were exciting and having leisure facilities and places for people to spend money when the sun wasn’t shining would be great for the area. Concern was raised by numerous members that there should not be any limit placed on the options to be considered as it was felt that this would mean that some options would not be considered fully which could lead to regret later on. The need for each option to be fully costed and the earning potential for each option was felt to be of significant importance. Clarity was sought regarding the option for the car park and was the plan for an ‘under croft’ or an underground car park to be built. It was confirmed that it was planned for an under croft with decking on the top. Further clarity was sought with reference to the ‘Brewers Fayre’ building and the former ‘Royal Hall’ and were these the same building, the Chair confirmed it was the same building being referenced.


          After advice from the Monitoring Officer the recommendation in the report were proposed by Councillor Walsh and seconded by Councillor Needs, the amendment that was referred to earlier in the meeting was then proposed by Councillor Nash and seconded by Councillor Needs, the changes can bee seen highlighted in bold.


a.    The Economy Committee agrees to the production of a design feasibility of the Regis Car Park subject to the following:

1.    There should be no residential development on this site

2.    Instead, there should be exploration of cross subsidy for the car park area by using other sites in Bognor Regis owned by Arun to build residential units

3.    The option of `decking` the Regis Car Park to be explored given increased usage in the next few years from the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 397.


Bognor Regis Arcade Update pdf icon PDF 93 KB

The purpose of this report is to update members on the progress of the project to refurbish the upper floors of the Bognor Regis arcade to provide new residential accommodation.



The Regeneration Lead provided members with an overview of the report which provided them with an update on the progress of the project. He confirmed that the Council was successful in achieving the Grant that was available from the Brown Field Land Fund and this had now been received. £18,000 per unit was received, the project was now fully underway with project consultants, asbestos removal had been undertaken. 


            The Chair then invited members for their comments on the report where clarification was sought regarding the figures documented in paragraph 7.1 of the report, in particular the net revenue costs of the scheme of £28,646.00 and this figure was significantly less than the maintenance costs, so could it be confirmed if this figure was the just the interest payments or was it interest and Capital payments. It was confirmed that it was the deficit between the income from the rental and the capital and revenue repayments for the scheme. Due to further detailed financial questions asked, it was suggested that the S151 Officer would be best placed to answer these questions and an answer would be provided outside of the meeting. A query was raised in relation to discussion that was had at a Full Council meeting regarding the shortfall in funds for the repair work needed for the roof and finally, thanks was expressed to Officers for securing the funding and the work already undertaken to this point.


            The recommendation to note the update report was proposed by Councillor Yeates and seconded by Councillor Needs.



Review and update of the ongoing Littlehampton beach hut project. pdf icon PDF 99 KB

This report provides the Economy Committee with an update of the ongoing project to deliver 13 new beach huts at Littlehampton seafront.


Additional documents:



          The Property, Estates and Facilities Manager advised members that since its meeting in November 2022, Officers had been working to deliver the project in line with the timeline set out by the Committee. He confirmed that planning consent was granted on 10 March 2023 following this, officers had been working to procure the manufacture and supply of the required beach huts. Since drafting the report, the council had reached out to local groups and charities, however interest had been low he confirmed that work would continue to be ongoing on this matter.


          The Chair then invited members to make any comments or statements where the following comments and points were raised, the update received was felt to be disappointing, over the 14-year timeframe set out in the report the revenue was expected to be £250 per Beach Hut, this did not show the council’s ability to generate revenue well. The figures reported in the appendix to the report were also queried. It was also commented that it was disappointing to hear that there had been a lack of interest seen from local groups and charities. Members then discussed in more detail the value of the beach huts and the area being truly accessible, clarity was sought regarding whether accessible equipment would be provided inside the beach huts, toilet facilities and accessible changing places. One member asked for clarity regarding what made these beach huts accessible, it was confirmed that they would have level access by ramped areas, and they would have larger doors and a larger footprint. There would be no equipment such as hoists inside of the beach huts, the council was currently in the process of installing 8/9 changing places toilets across the district of which 2 will be located just off the Littlehampton promenade. It was stated that it was cost effect to provide the equipment locations in this way but not in each individual beach hut. An explanation on the difference in costs between a standard beach hut and the accessible beach huts was requested where it was confirmed that the costs were dictated by the market.


          It was stated by several members that there was now concern that what was being provided was just a larger sized beach hut, which was not what members had in mind when the initial proposal was made to install accessible beach huts.  


          Before turning to the recommendation, it was proposed by Councillor Gunner and seconded by Councillor Northeast that the wording of the recommendation should have the following words inserted (highlighted in bold),


‘That it delegates authority to the Group Head of Technical Services to let the three accessible huts to local charities or groups on the same terms as set out in paragraph 4.11.’


          This amendment was agreed and became the substantive recommendation this was then proposed by Councillor Gunner and seconded by Councillor Northeast.


          The Committee




That it delegates authority to the Group Head of Technical Services to let the three accessible huts to local  ...  view the full minutes text for item 399.


Review and update of the ongoing River Road Garage Site project pdf icon PDF 105 KB

A report to provide the Economy Committee with an update of the ongoing project to deliver a four bedroom dwelling for use as a holiday let at the River Road Garage Site in Arundel.


Additional documents:


          The Property, Estates and Facilities Manager explained that the report before members was to provide an update on the River Road garage site project in Arundel. It advised that since March 2022 a consultant had been engaged and had prepared an architectural design for the scheme which had been submitted for pre-application planning advice in March 2023. In September 2023 a response to the pre-application was received which set out that the development was permissible in principle, but that the form of the design was not in keeping with the character of the area and would likely be refused if not amended. It also detailed the review completed on the cost and income analysis for the project, this had been necessary as construction, labour and material prices had seen considerable increase since March 2022 when members last considered the project.


          The Chair stated he was pleased to see the report before the committee given the feeling from residents since the original decision was made. He then invited comments from members where concern regarding the future of the site was raised, in particular the comments made regarding potential consideration of the disposal of the site, given the councils need to generate income. There was a clear request from members that they wanted to understand what future uses for the site were to be considered. It was confirmed that officers would relook at housing viability options, lease parking options and permit parking was also under consideration. It was stated that if the council were to address the views of the residents of Arundel, then the options considering Parking would be most favourable due to the lack of parking in the area and when considering these options electrical charging points should also be considered. 


          The recommendations were then proposed by Councillor Nash and were seconded by Councillor Walsh. At this point Councillor Penycate then proposed an amendment to recommendation 2.2, which was seconded by Councillor Lawrence.


2.2 A further report be put before members reconsidering financially and environmentally sustainable the options for the future of the River Road Garages site in Arundel that excludes the option for short-stay holiday accommodation, Corporate Work Programme will be updated to show its expected presentation date in 2024


          Members then took part in a debate on the amendment where it was raised that members had been overwhelmed by contact received from residents of Arundel since the original decision had been made for the site. The review of the project was welcomed and the research that had been undertaken was impressive. It was now clear that the finances for the project as originally agreed were not a viable option and the amendment proposed was broadly supported. Additionally, it was requested that consideration of a scheme involving 4 small retirement apartments, garages and permit parking be included in the options for the next part of the review as this could provide the council with an income for 52 weeks of the year via rents on the apartments and parking  ...  view the full minutes text for item 400.




          There were no updates provided at the meeting.


          A query was raised regarding the Leader of the Councils representation on the Greater Brighton Economic Board and the West Sussex Board which were believed to be outside bodies for the council.


          The Littlehampton Town Action Group representation had also changed as Councillor Walsh was now a representative on this group and he requested for this to be updated.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 75 KB

The Committee Work Programme is attached for members to note.


            Members noted its work programme for the remainder of the municipal year.


Exempt Information

The Committee is asked to consider passing the following resolution: -


            That under Section 100a (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and accredited representatives of newspapers be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act by virtue of the paragraph specified against the item.



Having been proposed by Councillor Nash and seconded by Councillor Walsh.


The Committee




That under Section 100a (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and accredited representatives of newspapers be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it may involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act by virtue of the paragraph specified against the item.



Clarence Road Kiosk

This report updates members on redevelopment proposals received from the existing operator of Clarence Road Kiosk, and to advise on relevant options and opportunities as to the future tenure of this asset.


          The Property, Estates and Facilities Manager provided members with and update on the redevelopment proposals received from the existing operator of Clarence Road Kiosk.


          Following a debate where members asked questions and received answers from officers, Members noted the report update provided.