Venue: Council Chamber & Blue Room, Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, BN17 5LF. View directions
Contact: Carley Lavender
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies had been received from Councillor Edwards. It was also advised that Councillor Gunner was on his way but running late.
Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are invited to make any declaration of pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on this agenda, and are reminded that they should re-declare their interest before consideration of the items or as soon as the interest becomes apparent.
Members and Officers should make their declaration by stating:
a) the item they have the interest in b) whether it is a pecuniary/personal interest and/or prejudicial interest c) the nature of the interest
Minutes: Councillor Nash declared a personal interest in Item 4 [Consideration of Meanwhile Uses for Brewers Fayre Building, Bognor Regis] as he was a volunteer for Arun Arts.
ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA THAT THE CHAIRMAN OF THE MEETING IS OF THE OPINION SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A MATTER OF URGENCY BY REASON OF SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES Minutes: The Chair invited Councillor Stanley to add the following items to the Committees work programme, where he requested a review of Littlehampton Beach Huts Project and a review of the Air B&B proposal be added to the work programme, this was seconded by Councillor Northeast.
Dr Walsh was supportive of the proposal given the level of resident concern that had been raised for both these projects.
The Chair confirmed that these reviews would be brought to the October meeting of the committee.
The Committee
That a review of the Littlehampton Beach Huts Project and the Air B&B Proposal in Arundel be added to the Committees Work Programme and be brought to its meeting in October 2023.
Consideration of meanwhile uses for Brewer's Fayre building, Bognor Regis PDF 99 KB The purpose of this report is to stimulate debate regarding the meanwhile use of the former Brewer’s Fayre building that has, unexpectedly become vacant. Should members wish to steer the use of building in a particular direction, officers will produce a cost estimate for the technical investigations work and approach the Policy and Finance Committee for funding to explore feasibility and both capital and revenue implications. Minutes: (Councillor Gunner arrived at the meeting during this item at approximately 18:20pm)
The Chair invites the councils Regeneration Consultant to update members on the future uses of the former Brewers Fayre building. He explained that the purpose of the report before members was to stimulate debate, in order to assist members with their debate he explained that the Council acquired the leasehold as part of the development of the Alexandra Theatre. It was originally agreed that Whitbread would take a sub-lease back from the council and run the Brewers Fayre pub for two years until the new hotel and restaurant opened, however, almost at the last-minute Whitbread decided they no longer wanted to do that. He reminded members that in January 2023 there had been a briefing held where discussions were had regarding the future development opportunities on the Regis Car Park, where there was support for including the site that the Brewers Fayre building stands. He confirmed that the council had now commissioned the enterprise partnership for the developments for the car park including the Brewers Fayre site. It was believed that the work that would be completed, including design and planning application stages may take 5 years to complete, which brought members back to the report before them at the meeting, Officers required direction to be set, in terms of what the Council was to do with the building as a meanwhile use. A site visit was completed with members, where it was agreed at this visit that a meeting to discuss all options open to the Council was the right course of action. In summing up he confirmed that once direction had been given, a best value exercise would be undertaken and brought back to members for a decision to be made. He explained each option that was before them in the report along with some suggested uses, café and soft play, continue with restaurant uses, find a meanwhile use operator to take the headlease and split up the use of the building as they saw fit. He stated that as Officers, the only option detailed in the report they could recommend was Option 2, which sought best value for the Council.
The Chair thanked the Officer for his presentation of the report and his detailed explanation to the committee. He then stated that there was a clear short term and long-term issues. The short-term issue being that Arun Arts had been given the option to move into the building, with no rent but they would need to pay for any refurbishment costs incurred. The Chair confirmed that he felt that this option would be the best option and he hoped that from the debate it would allow for the Council and Arun Arts to have further discussions to work out an agreement for them to take on the building that would work for all. The long-term issue he explained that now the Council had the freehold of the whole building, there was the opportunity to revive ... view the full minutes text for item 102. |