Venue: Council Chamber, Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, BN17 5LF. View directions
Contact: Carley Lavender
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for Absence had been received from Councillors Catterson, Daniells and Needs. |
Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are invited to make any declaration of pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on this agenda, and are reminded that they should re-declare their interest before consideration of the items or as soon as the interest becomes apparent.
Members and Officers should make their declaration by stating:
a) the item they have the interest in b) whether it is a pecuniary/personal interest and/or prejudicial interest c) the nature of the interest
Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest made. |
The Committee will be asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the Housing and Wellbeing Committee held on 24 January 2022. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 24 January 2022 were approved and signed by the Chair.
Public Question Time To receive questions from the public (for a period of up to 15 minutes). Minutes: There were no public questions submitted for the meeting.
Arun Inspires Programme PDF 215 KB The Arun Inspires Programme was established in 2019 to advance the cultural offer in Arun, particularly for children and young people. The programme is funded with a legacy contribution from Inspire Leisure and partnership funding from Artswork, supported by Arts Council England. The programme is due to end in September. Artswork has proposed a second phase of the Arun Inspires programme for consideration by the Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: Becky East from the Artswork charity provided members with a detailed presentation on the Arun Inspires Programme.
After the presentation members then took the opportunity to ask questions. There was overwhelming support and endorsement from members and recognition that the programme was extremely important in terms of the support it provided to children and young people of the district.
The Leader of the Council was also invited to make comment and he expressed his thanks for the hard work that the Artswork Charity and Becky had undertaken.
An amendment was then proposed by Becky and this amended recommendation was proposed by Councillor Hughes and seconded by Councillor Cooper.
This amendment is set out below:
That the funding of
£15,000 for the Arun Inspires Programme (Phase 2)
On this amendment being put to the vote it was declared CARRIED.
The Chair then returned to the substantive recommendation and the Committee
That the funding of £15,000 for the Arun Inspires Programme (Phase 2) for 2022/23 and endorsements of future funding subject to satisfactory reviews, in line with Arun District Council’s Priorities and the availability of funding be approved.
Continuation of the Local Council Tax Hardship Scheme for 2022/23 PDF 241 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Interim Financial Services Manager provided members with an overview of the report and drew members attention to section 2.16 where it outlined the discretionary payments of £150 to those homes in bands E-H that the council had been requested to implement to provide additional support.
Members then took part in a debate where a number of comments were made in support of the report, in particular the additional discretionary payments for homes in bands E-H. Some members queried how residents could ensure they received a support payment if they were eligible for one. The Interim Financial Services Manager advised that the council would make every effort to find all those residents who would benefit from these payments, but advised that the quickest way for residents to have this confirmed would be for them to make contact with the Council. Those who paid their Council Tax Bill by Direct Debit would have the payment transferred directly into the bank account their Direct Debit was paid from. Those who paid by others means would need to either make contact with the council or wait to hear from the council regarding their payment.
The recommendations were then proposed by Councillor Gregory and seconded by Councillor Thurston.
The Committee
(1) That the urgent decision to continue the Hardship Fund for claimants of the Local Council Tax Support Scheme (LCTS) for 2022/23, which constitutes an additional discretionary discount of up to £150 per household for working age claimants in the district be endorsed and supported; and
(2) Authority be given to the Chief Executive to agree the County Wide discretionary rebate scheme being negotiated for households not eligible for the mandatory scheme.
Grant Funded Homelessness Expenditure PDF 146 KB This report asks the Committee to note expenditure in relation to Government Grants and Funding received in respect of tackling and preventing homelessness and rough sleeping, and to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Minutes: The Housing Options Manager provided members with an overview of her report explaining that the committee was being requested to provide its approval for the expenditure detailed within the report.
Members then took part in a debate. This saw several members of the committee thanking the Housing Options Manager and her team for the work they had done particularly during the pandemic. It was commented that the grants were welcome as they helped to assist the council in preventing homelessness and rough sleeping. It was also highlighted that as a result of the Omicron variant, and its particularly high transmission, rate the council had to quickly offer everyone who was rough sleeping accommodation. All bar two of those approached took up the offer of accommodation during this time. There were also some questions asked regarding what the council would do should there be another increase in covid cases, where it was confirmed that the council would be led by the government in terms of restriction and directions in terms of managing a response to covid.
The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Cooper and seconded by Councillor Thurston.
The Committee
To approve the expenditure of the following grants:
a) Homelessness prevention grant (2nd Tranche) b) Accommodation for Ex-Offenders Grant c) Covid Management Fund (COMF) d) Protect & Vaccinate Fund
Housing Compensation Policy PDF 153 KB This policy details the circumstances in which the Council might pay compensation to a tenant or leaseholder. It covers both mandatory compensation and discretionary compensation.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Repairs and Maintenance Manager provided an overview of her report explaining that the policy set out the mandatory and the discretionary compensation detail. It was confirmed that the discretionary compensation claims would be where members would see the council being more involved and that each case would be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Members took part in a debate where there was discussion surrounding what policy meant when it referred to ‘right to buy’ and what was the process the council would follow should an investigation find that the council was not at fault, but a contractor used by the council was, would the council then claim the costs back from the contractor.
A slight amendment to the recommendation was required to update the delegated authority being requested from the Group Head of Residential Services to the Interim Head of Housing.
The amended recommendation was then proposed by Councillor Gregory and seconded by Councillor Goodheart.
The Committee
(1) the adoption of the Compensation Policy be approved; and
(2) delegated authority be given to the Interim Head of Housing to make minor changes to the policy and any amendments necessary to reflect legislative changes.
Development of New Council Housing PDF 270 KB Following the adoption of the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan (HRA) in July 2017, a programme to develop or acquire up to 250 new affordable homes over a ten-year period was agreed. Since 2017 to date, 81 new homes have been added to the HRA portfolio, with an additional 40 homes due to be completed within the next 10 months. This report seeks authority to develop a further 12 new homes on HRA land.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair explained that it had been previously agreed with the Vice-Chair and Director of Services that this item would be withdrawn from tonight’s meeting without discussion, to allow for the new Interim Head of Housing who started with the council last week to review before presenting to Committee.
Local Management Agreement - Proposal for Nightingales Sheltered Scheme, Findon PDF 179 KB This report seeks Committee approval for the formulation and implementation of a Local Management Agreement between Nightingales Tenants Association and the Council.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Resident Engagement Officer provided an overview of her report explaining to members the difference between a Local Tenancy Agreement and a Tenant Management Organisation.
Before members took part in a debate, the Chair confirmed that a vote that took place with the residents directly involved, and the vote result was overwhelmingly supportive of this agreement. In turning to the debate, a number of questions were raised and answered. A summary of questions asked is below:
· How detailed would the training for Officers be? It was confirmed that the team of officers had already completed some bespoke training courses e.g. equality & diversity, Health & Safety as examples. Further training would be completed, and this would be in line with any other training undertaken by the council and or managing agents. · If those residents who were involved in the management of this agreement decided to ‘step back’, could they do this easily? It was confirmed that yes, should anyone decide to take a ‘step back’ this would be managed carefully and closely to ensure that the arrangement continued to work for the residents. · Would the council make other multiple living schemes aware of this option? It was confirmed that although this was the first agreement of its kind at Arun District Council, the Resident Engagement Officer saw no reason why the council would not share the success of this arrangement with others.
A slight amendment to Recommendation (2) was required to ensure that the delegated authority being requested was provided to the new Interim Head of Housing and not the Group Head of Residential Services. The recommendations as amended were then proposed by Councillor Madeley and seconded by Councillor Hughes.
The Committee
(1) The proposal to enter into a Local Management Agreement with the Nightingales Tenants Association be approved, and;
(2) Delegated authority be given to the Interim Head of Housing to sign and enter into a Local Management Agreement.
New Housing Management System Project Update PDF 247 KB This report provides Members with a progress update in relation to the implementation of the new Integrated Housing Management System – Civica CX and provides an update on the financial projections for delivering the system. Minutes: The Interim Head of Housing explained to members that the report before them provided an update on the implementation of the new system Civica CX and on the changed financial projections for delivering the system.
Before members took part in a debate, the Chair stated that the need for the new system had been proven from the work undertaken so far, however she expressed concern regarding the escalating cost of the project. Other members were in agreement with the concern raised and the Interim Head of Housing advised the Committee that given the very limited time he had had available since joining the council, he did not yet have an understanding as to why the costs had escalated as they had. However, moving forward he would keep the project risks and dates under close review. The Director of Services was then invited to make comment where she explained that some of the issues the project had faced had been detailed in the report at section 1.5. The need for the new system was clear and that having had early discussion with the Interim Head of Housing she was confident that he would be looking at the project carefully moving forward.
In turning to the debate, members were in agreement that reviewing the project and its lessons learnt was needed so that future project costs would not escalate further. There was also discussion on the importance of data cleansing before transferring data into a new management system and that this was a huge task for the project team to complete. The Chair was in agreement that data cleansing was a huge part of the project, however she stated that the council should have been better at estimating the size of the tasks needed to complete the project and its costings in its earliest stages.
The recommendations were then proposed by Councillor Madeley and seconded by Councillor Gregory.
The Committee
(1) the financial projections and virements undertaken for delivery of the project be agreed; and
(2) the progress of the project to date and delivery risks be noted.
Leisure Operating Contract Update PDF 346 KB Arun District Council has provided support to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its leisure operating contract. This report provides an update on the financial year 2021/22. Minutes: The Group Head of Community Wellbeing provided an overview of his report highlighting the following points to members during his introduction. He explained that the report focused on the financial matters for the current year and that the leisure contract provided a valuable income for the council. It was evident that Covid had, had a significant impact, officers had met with Freedom Leisure’s directors each month for the past 2 years to review income and expenditure and the overall performance of the contract. There had been a steady increase in visitor numbers for the current year and the financial performance was up to approximately 88% of where it was prior to the pandemic. He referred members to table 1 on page 158 of the agenda where the recovery was best illustrated. In summing up he explained in detail why the committee was being asked to recommend a virement from the Covid-19 contingency budget be approved by the Policy and Finance Committee.
Members then took part in a debate where they discussed the benefits of the council supporting its leisure facilities during the pandemic and the many benefits these facilities provided to the residents of the district. Members were encouraged by the figures that had been reported.
The recommendations were then proposed by Councillor Cooper and seconded by Councillor Gregory.
The Committee
(1) £289,127 of COVID-19 contingency budget be used to offset the anticipated income shortfall for 2021/22 from the Leisure Management contract, subject to approval by the Policy and Finance Committee;
(2) The Council’s contribution be subject to Freedom Leisure paying the remaining balance of £432,090 due for 2021/22 as per the contract;
(3) From 2022/23, invoicing reverted to the arrangements in place before restrictions due to the pandemic were introduced.
The Committee also
That it approves a virement of £289,127 from the COVID-19 contingency budget for 2021/22.
Partnership Agreement - Public Health Wellbeing Programme PDF 500 KB The West Sussex Wellbeing Programme is commissioned by West Sussex County Council, Public Health Department. Since 2011, Arun District Council has delivered a prevention and wellbeing service under this agreement which provides a wellbeing service that focuses on addressing local health inequalities. This report seeks Committee approval to enter into a new five-year funding and partnership agreement with West Sussex County Council to enable the continuation of the Wellbeing Programme in Arun. Minutes: The Communities & Wellbeing Manager provided an overview of her report to members and drew members attention appendix A which detailed the council’s wellbeing business plan for 2022-2027.
Members then took part in a debate where they asked a number of questions and received answers on the business plan. A summary of the points raised is below;
· Clarity on targeting workplaces · What was the Falls Prevention Programme and how would someone be able to access this support · Would the Committee be provided with a further report to review performance at a later date
Members were supportive of this programme, and it was stated that members should talk about it with residents of the district to ensure the programme was known to them.
The recommendations were then proposed by Councillor Cooper and seconded by Councillor Thurston.
The Committee
(1) Agreement be given to enter into the Partnership Arrangement Agreement to deliver the Public Health Wellbeing Programme in Arun for the period April 2022 to March 2027 with West Sussex County Council;
(2) The financial contribution of £414,024 from West Sussex County Council per annum for the duration of the five-year agreement to deliver the Arun Wellbeing Programme be noted; and (3) Agreement be given to allocate from the financial contribution of £30,000 grant funding per year to deliver a Falls Prevention programme with local partners Age UK and Freedom Leisure and £10,000 to freedom Leisure to deliver an activities programme per annum, subject to satisfactory performance and available funding.
This report examines the progress and performance of the Community Warden project since its inception in April 2021. Consideration is given to the performance of the team and the impact that the project has on the local community. Details are set out for the continuation of the project with the proposal for extending the same model to Bognor Regis. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair confirmed that this report had been brought to Committee due to previous discussions that had taken place at its last meeting held on 24 January 2022. The task today was for the Committee to ratify the report. The Chair then handed over to the Communities & Wellbeing Manager who provided members with a detailed overview referring to appendix A which was explained and was there to assist members with their decision making.
There was a short discussion regarding the funding for the Bognor Regis Project where it was confirmed by the Chair that the budget for the project had been confirmed.
The recommendations were then proposed by Councillor Madeley and seconded by Councillor Cooper.
The Committee
1. The delivery model for the Littlehampton Community Warden project within the approved budget be approved.
2. Authorisation be given to the Group Head of Community Wellbeing to scope and agree the implementation of a Bognor Regis Community Warden project.
Outside Bodies Update Minutes: The Chair asked if any members had any questions, they wished to ask regarding her feedback report from her attendance at the last meeting of the Sussex Police & Crime Panel held on 28 January 2022.
A request was made for the Chair to consider obtaining more detail on the SPACE project at the next meeting. It was agreed that before the Chair could confirm this, she would need more information and would discuss with the member outside of the meeting.
Draft Work Programme for 2022/23 PDF 218 KB The draft Work Programme for 2022/23 is attached for members to review. Minutes: The Committee received its work programme. In considering it, the Chair queried why it did not contain an item regarding Flaxmean or sheltered housing accommodation. She strongly felt that this be included. It was confirmed by the Director of Services that development of the work programme was still progressing and that she was waiting for the opportunity to run through the work programme for 2022/23 with the new Interim Head of Housing and the Chair and Vice Chair of this Committee. Despite this, it was estimated a report would be brought to the Committee for the June 2022 meeting.
It was clarified that item 10 of today’s agenda [Development of new Council Housing] would be brought back to committee at some point. The Chair confirmed that further work with officers was required before a decision was made on this matter.
Exempt Information The Committee is asked to consider passing the following resolution: -
That under Section 100a (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and accredited representatives of newspapers be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act by virtue of the paragraph specified against the item.
Minutes: The recommendation to move into exempt business was proposed by Councillor Hughes and seconded by Councillor Cooper.
The Committee
That under Section 100a (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and accredited representatives of newspapers be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act by virtue of the paragraph specified against the items.
Council Tax Write Offs over £5,001 This report seeks Committee approval to write off outstanding council tax charges which have progressed through the statutory recovery action, and the debtor has absconded. Despite extensive tracing enquiries the Council has been unable to locate the debtor. Minutes: The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Gregory and seconded by Councillor Thurston.
The Committee
That agreement be given to write off the outstanding council tax charges totalling £57,626.09 which were subject to insolvency action, which prevented the Council from pursuing the debtor for payment.
Council Tax Insolvency Write Offs over £5,001 This report seeks Committee approval to write off outstanding council tax charges which are subject to insolvency action. The liable party has been awarded either a Debt Relief Order, declared Bankrupt or is subject to an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA), and therefore the Council are legally unable to pursue the customer for the outstanding council tax charges. Minutes: The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Gregory and seconded by Councillor Thurston.
The Committee
That agreement be given to write off the outstanding council tax charges totalling £11,278.39 which have been subject to recovery action as the Council have been unable to locate the debtor to pursue for payment.
Business Rates Write Offs over £10,001 This report seeks Committee approval to write off outstanding Business Rates and Business Improvement District (BID) charges where the Council have been unable to collect outstanding business rates charges or locate the whereabouts of the debtor. Minutes: The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Gregory and seconded by Councillor Thurston.
The Committee
That agreement be given to write off the outstanding Business Rates and BID charges totalling £30,604.20.
Business Rates Insolvency Write Offs over £10,001 This report seeks Committee approval to write off outstanding Business Rates and Business Improvement District (BID) charges where the liable party is subject to insolvency action. The account holder has been awarded either a Debt Relief Order, declared Bankrupt or is subject to an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA), and therefore the Council are legally unable to pursue the customer for the outstanding business rates charges. Minutes: The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Gregory and seconded by Councillor Thurston.
The Committee
That agreement be given to write off the outstanding Business Rates and BID charges totalling £37,930.52 which are subject to insolvency action, which prevents the Council from pursuing the debtor for payment.