Agenda and minutes

Environment & Leisure Working Group - Tuesday 22nd January 2019 6.00 pm

Venue: Pink Room, Arun Civic Centre

Contact: Carley Lavender 

No. Item



Members and officers are invited to make any declarations of pecuniary, personal         and/or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on the agenda,      and are reminded that they should re-declare their interest before consideration of     the item or as soon as the interest becomes apparent.


          Members and officers should make their declaration by stating:

a)    the item they have the interest in

b)    whether it is a pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interest

c)     the nature of the interest



The following declarations of interest were made:-


            Agenda Item 8, Wellbeing Annual Report


Councillor Mrs Neno - personal interest in relation to Wellbeing as a family member is using the service




To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2018 (as previously circulated).


The Minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2018 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.







The Chairman announced that he considered it to be important for the Working Group to be appraised of the latest situation with regard to the new public conveniences situated on the promenade in Bognor Regis.


This was because the Council had instructed an inspection of the premises due to ongoing roofing and other concerns.


The Chairman advised members that the Council had instructed the supplier to remove the toilets before the end of February 2019 and would await their response.

This update was noted by the Working Group.




This report provides an overview of Arun District Councils public off street car parks and future proposed developments related to those car parks.

Additional documents:




(During the course of discussion on this item, Councillor Dr Walsh declared a personal interest as a member of West Sussex County Council and Littlehampton Town Council.)


The Working Group received a report from the Customer and Parking Service Manager which provided an overview of the Councils public off street car parks and future proposed developments in relation to those car parks.


The key points highlighted;


§  The Council derived a substantial income from the Pay & Display Car Parks.

§  There was currently a surplus at the time of writing the report of £90,000.00. This surplus would only be used to reinvest in the Car Parks.

§  The Ring Go trial had been successful seeing over 74,000 transactions. As this payment option had proved popular it was intended to make this a permanent option after the trial has been completed.

§  The Parking team were currently working with Cobalt Telephone Technologies Ltd to produce and implement a virtual permit for members of the public and a corporate virtual permit for staff and Members with the advantages of this system being outlined in the report.

§  Refurbishments of car parks - a plan outlining the work required for each car park, inclusive of when this work would take place. Specifically extensive work would be undertaken/ carried out at Fitzfleet Multi Storey and Hothamton car parks and reconfigured in line with the objectives for the Bognor Regis Regeneration programme. The Regis Centre car park would be in a decked form on a smaller footprint and the London Road car park would also be reconfigured.

§  An application for the Parkmark award had been submitted for 2019.


            The following comments were made:-


§  Some concerns were raised about the lack of signage for the Fitzfleet Multi Storey car park. It was confirmed that there would be new signage and sign boards installed over the coming months. With enhancements to the CCTV to combat anti-social behaviour.

§  The technological advancements made to Contactless and Virtual Permits were very much welcomed by the Working Group. It was confirmed that the seasonal car parks would also be consider for the upgrade. Having received a query about ‘Pay by Foot’ options, it was advised all payment options can be reviewed.

§  Numerous concerns were raised about the enforcement of on street and off street areas and the use of Blue Badge parking. In relation to on street parking members, were reassured that Blue Badge bays were enforced if they were covered by a Traffic Regulation Order. Unfortunately some of these bays are not covered by these Orders and therefore cannot be enforced. The West Sussex County Council is responsible for creating the Traffic Regulation Orders.

§   Having been asked about Complaints relating to Ringo Pay. The Customer & Parking Services Manager stated, no complaints had been received via Arun District Council. However should there be any complaints these would go directly to Ringo Pay where they would be dealt with.

§  A  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.



This report provides an update on the current progress of the Leisure Centre project and a visual update of progress will be presented at this meeting.


The Working Group received a report and a presentation from the Principle Landscape and Group Head of Community Wellbeing. This set out the continued progress of work to the Littlehampton Wave Leisure Centre outlining work completed and upcoming planned work.


A summary of the updates are set out below;


§  Willmott Dixon Construction are working towards an extensive finishing programme to enable the snagging process to be undertaken - this would take some time to complete.

§  Reception and Café area – the flooring and the main desk has been installed, with work to this area coming along well.

§  Turnstile equipment was now being installed.

§  It was exciting to report that the large pool was now filled – a major milestone to have achieved. The moveable floor had also been complete and the filling of small pool was imminent.

§  Ground Floor and First Floor changing rooms were nearing completion.

§  The Sports Hall is also near completion stage.

§  The Gym - equipment had been delivered and started to be installed, WI-FI connectivity was imminent.

§  In the Studio, the moveable wall had been installed with final touches currently being completed

§  Outside work - the ramp at the entrance of the new building was near to completion. Top soil was being graded in around the building 

§  Works to resurface to the bottom car park would commence in the next couple of weeks and the southern car park would be completed after the demolition of the old building


The following questions/comments by the Working Group were made:-


§  Questions were raised about an the opening date and it was confirmed that confirmation could not be given now but reassurance was made, should there be any cross over of the closure between the old building and new building, this would be kept as short as possible to allow essential equipment to be transferred and it is planned to be measured in terms of hours rather than days.

§  A question regarding the demolition of the old building and how much of the material would be recycled was asked. It was confirmed that a lot of the Sports Dome material was re-used. It was explained that much of the material from the old building would be sent away as controlled waste. The Council had measures in place that it would re-use as much of the material as it could.

§  Concerns were raised regarding the removal of the glass window panes with the potential for the glass to be broken on the grass outside. Reassurance was given that at the time of removal, the demolition company would manage this, in a controlled way with each area being completed safely.

§  It was highlighted that the existing facilities had received a number of complaints that maintenance had fallen off schedule re lighting, faulty door hinges and toilets not cleaned/having a strong unpleasant odour. Considering users are still being charged full price for these facilities the request was to have  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.



At the last meeting of the Working Group held on 27 November 2018 the following recommendations were put forward:


§  Minute 27 – Environment & Leisure Working Group recommend to Cabinet that the draft Events Policy & Procedures be adopted and that future amendments or revisions, which do not constitute a wholesale change in Policy or procedure, can be made in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services.


The Working Group may wish to consider the outcome of the Cabinet meeting held on 10 December 2018, when recommendations from this Working Group were presented.



No queries or questions on recommendations that had been forwarded from the Working Group to Cabinet on 10 December 2018 were raised.




This report describes the activity and outcomes of the Arun Wellbeing Programme during 2017/18 (year 2 of a 3 year contract), highlighting successful initiatives by the team, includes a number of summary case studies, and explains future proposals regarding the letting of a new contract. 



(During the course of discussion on this item, Councillor Dr Walsh declared a personal interest as a member of West Sussex County Councils Health and Adult Social Care Committee in his capacity as Vice Chairman of this Committee.

Councillor Bicknell declared his personal interest in this item as he had attend once of the course run by the Wellbeing team.)


            The Working Group heard from The Wellbeing Services Manager, who provided a detailed update on the activities and outcomes of the Arun Wellbeing Programme during 2017/18, which was year 2 of the 3 year contract alongside the Group Head of Community Wellbeing. 


            Since the Arun Wellbeing programme was first commissioned in April 2009, the programme had developed and matured to suit the needs of the local community. The quality of the service remained high and effective, due to a well-motivated and highly skilled team along who worked closely with partner organisations.


            The following comments were made:-


§  It was suggested that the Wellbeing team should have an anti–sugar campaign built into future work plans. The Wellbeing Manager confirmed that the Wellbeing team aligned itself with the Health and Wellbeing Board. Providing 1-2-1 interventions as well as courses that focus on dietary requirements.

§  Concerns were raised regarding the potential loss staff on fixed contracts. The Wellbeing Manager confirmed that as soon as funding has been confirmed by WSCC for the next 3 year period then the statutory notice will be rescinded. The Group Head of Community Wellbeing advised that both himself and the wellbeing Services Manager are working closely with our team and supporting them through this process.

§  Questions were raised in relation to the Wellbeingservice reaching the younger generation in particular Primary School aged children. The Community Wellbeing Manager confirmed that the Councils services were designed for 18+ (adults), however best practices would ensure the filtering of information down to children as result of their learning.

§  A suggestion was made to the Community Wellbeing Manager that in the Marine Ward at the Health Centre, there was a large space upstairs, could he investigate the potential usage of this area to run Wellbeing Services from in the future. It was confirmed that this would be looked into.


 The Chairman thanked the Wellbeing Manager and the Group Head of Community Wellbeing for the update which the Working Group noted.