Venue: Council Chamber, at the Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, BN17 5LF
Contact: Jane Fulton (Ext 37611)
Note: [re-arranged from 12 January 2022]
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome Minutes: The Chair welcomed Councillors, representatives of the public, press and officers to the meeting.
Member of Staff Brenda Heyne, Former Member of Staff, Sam McDowell and Honorary Alderman Jean Goad, MBE Minutes: The Chair announced that it was with great sadness to have to start the first Full Council meeting of 2022 in such a sad way.
Firstly, he needed to inform Members of the death of one of the Council’s members of staff Brenda Heyne who had passed away unexpectedly on 23 November 2021. This had been a great shock for Brenda’s family, close friends and colleagues. Brenda had been a Building Control Support Officer and had worked in the Building Control section of the Council for all the 16 years she had been with Arun.
Secondly, the Chair announced that the Council had been informed earlier in the day of the sad passing of Sam McDowell who had passed away on 21 January 2022. Sam had been the Council’s Payroll Manager from 1980 until 2009 when he had retired.
Lastly, the Chair announced the death of Honorary Alderman Jean Goad, MBE. Jean had become an Honorary Alderman of the Council having completed 30 years continuous services as a Councillor representing the Barnham Ward from October 1985 to May 2015, when she stood down in the District Elections at that time.
The Chair asked all those in attendance to take part in a minute’s silence to all of their memories and the Council’s condolences were passed onto their family and friends.
Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are invited to make any declarations of pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on this agenda, and are reminded that they should re-declare their interest before consideration of the item or as soon as the interest becomes apparent.
Members and Officers should make their declaration by stating:
a) the item they have the interest in b) whether it is a pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interest c) the nature of the interest d) if it is a pecuniary or prejudicial interest, whether they will be exercising their right to speak under Question Time Minutes: The Declaration of Interest Sheet set out below confirms those Members who had made a declaration of their personal interest as a Member of a Town or Parish Councillor or a West Sussex County Councillor, as confirmed in their Register of Interest as these declarations could apply to any of the issues to be discussed at the meeting.
Councillor Goodheart declared a Personal Interest in Agenda Item 5 [Petitions] in relation to the Petition received requesting support for the development of a safe cycling and walking pathway between Arundel and Ford. This was because he had been mentioned in the accompanying paperwork.
The Interim Chief Executive declared his Personal and Prejudicial Interests in Agenda Item 19 [Appointment to the Post of Chief Executive Officer].
Public Question Time To receive questions from the public (for a period of up to 15 minutes) Minutes: The Chair confirmed that no questions had been submitted for this meeting.
Questions from Members with Pecuniary/Prejudicial Interests To receive questions from Members with pecuniary/prejudicial interests (for a period of up to 15 minutes) Minutes: No questions were asked. |
To consider any petitions received from the public.
Petition to Pass a Motion of Support for the Development of a Safe Cycling and Walking Pathway Between Arundel and Ford Station
A Petition has been submitted by Arundel Town Council asking this Council to pass a motion of support for the development of a safe cycling and walking pathway between Arundel and Ford Station.
As the Petition contains over 1,500 signatures it requires a debate by Full Council.
The procedure in place in the Council’s Constitution for such debates confirms:
· The petition organiser will be given 5 minutes (maximum) to present the petition at the meeting. · The relevant Committee Chair will be given 5 minutes (maximum) for a right of reply · Following the presentation of the Petition, Members are invited to debate the Petition for thirty (30) minutes with each Councillor being allowed to speak for a maximum of 3 minutes.
Attached are relevant documents provided by Arundel Town Council in support of the petition and also a report from the Director of Place for the Council to consider in holding this debate.
Additional documents:
Minutes: There were no petitions presented to this meeting.
The Chair confirmed that a petition had been received requesting the Council to pass a motion of support for the development of a safe cycling and walking pathway between Arundel and Ford Station. This had previously been received by the Council, as confirmed by the Leader of the Council, at the last Full Council meeting held on 10 November 2021. Now that this petition had the support of over 1,500 signatures, it needed to be considered and debated by Council.
The wording of the Petition was shared to the meeting [as set out in the agenda pack at pages 5 and 7] confirming that:
The Arundel Community, as represented by its Town Council and its two Primary Schools, requests that a safe cycle path and footpath be provided between Arundel and Ford, and asks that Arun District Council responds to the petition by:
(1) Passing a motion of support for the petition;
(2) Communicating that support to the Steering Group which is working on the development of the business case to be submitted to National Highways. This steering group has representatives from National Highways, West Sussex County Council, Arundel Town Council and is attended by Kevin Owen Planning Policy Team Leader at Arun District Council.
In line with the Council’s Petition Scheme, set out in the Council’s Constitution at Part 8 – Codes and Protocols, Section 4 – Petitions Scheme - Paragraph 5.0 Full Council debates, the Chair firstly invited the Petition Organiser, Mr Batty, to present the petition.
Mr Batty then presented the petition. He confirmed that 1,500 Arun residents had signed this petition which was asking the Council to support the development of a safe cycling and walking pathway between Arundel and Ford. Support for this petition had also included The Duke of Norfolk, the District’s Arundel and South Downs Member of Parliament, Andrew Griffith, and civic leaders not just from Arundel but from surrounding Parishes and Towns too.
The support mentioned above had been reinforced in 2020 by this Council’s own research into Active Travel revealing that people that cycled in their own area had a preference to cycle in and around Arundel creating it into a cycling hub. The reason for this was that the Ford Road was flat and provided excellent access from the southern coastal plain to the South Downs.
Mr Batty confirmed that his objective this evening was to ensure that Councillors understood the level of public demand; to explain why there was urgency; and to ask the Council to support the Motion and to instruct Officers to proceed urgently.
A very short presentation was then shared to the meeting showing a map illustrating Arundel as the geographic centre with the Downs to the North and the coastal plain to the south. The railway, the A27 and the National Cycle Route 2 running east to west along the coastal plain were highlighted showing the need for this cycle route which would cut across creating a ... view the full minutes text for item 614. |
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 10 November 2021, which are attached. Minutes: The Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 10 November 2021 were approved by the Council as a correct record and would be signed by the Chair at the end of the meeting.
Chair's Announcements To receive such announcements as the Chair may desire to lay before the Council. Minutes: The Chair confirmed that it gave him the greatest of pleasure to be able to announce those in the District that had received awards in The Queen’s New Year’s Honours list.
The Chair offered words of congratulations to:
· Professor Ann Sutton, MBE on becoming an Officer of the Order of the British Empire for services to the Arts, which was an OBE; · Ms Sandra Praill, who was also one of the Council’s Independent Persons of the Standards Committee; who had received an MBE for services to Education; · Mrs Mari Sharp who had received an MBE for services to the Covid-19 response; · Mr Jeremy Fox for services to the community in Littlehampton and Mrs Alison Whitburn also for services to the community in Littlehampton, both had received The Medallists of the Order of the British Empire, a BEM.
Urgent Matters To deal with business not otherwise specified in the Council summons which, in the opinion of the Chairman of the Council (in consultation with the Chief Executive), is business of such urgency as to require immediate attention by the Council. Minutes: The Chair confirmed that he wished to propose a change to the order of the agenda to bring forward Agenda Items 19 [Appointment to the Post of Chief Executive Officer -Exempt – Paragraph 1 – Information Relating to Individuals] and Item 20 Appointment to the Post of Interim Group Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer – Exempt – Paragraph 1 – Information Relating to Individuals] to be considered now. This was approved by the Council via a show of hands.
Having been proposed by Councillor Bower and seconded by Councillor Edwards that the resolution to move into Exempt business be made.
The Council
That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and accredited representatives of newspapers be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they may involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act by virtue of the paragraph specified against the items.
Appointment to the Post of Chief Executive Officer [Exempt - Paragraph 1 - Information Relating to Any Individual] To consider the attached report. Additional documents:
Minutes: (In line with his Declaration of Interest made at the start of the meeting, the Interim Chief Executive left the meeting for this item).
The Interim Group Head of Corporate Support & Section 151 Officer presented this report which informed Members of the process followed by the Chief Executive’s Recruitment and Selection Panel for the selection of a permanent Chief Executive.
The report was asking the Council to confirm the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer as recommended by the Recruitment and Selection Panel which had made the recommendations set out in the report following its meeting held on 22 December 2022. These recommendations were then proposed by Councillor Gunner and seconded by Councillor Pendleton.
Following a full debate covering a range of issues and statements made in support of the applicant, a request had been made that the voting on both recommendations be recorded. The recorded vote undertaken applied to both recommendations.
Those voting for the recommendations were Councillors Bicknell, Blanchard-Cooper, Bower, Buckland, Chapman, Clayden, Mrs Cooper, Cooper, Dendle, Edwards, Elkins, Mrs English, English, Goodheart, Gregory, Gunner, Hamilton, Hughes, Kelly, Lury, Madeley, Northeast, Oliver-Redgate, Oppler, Pendleton, Roberts, Stainton, Staniforth, Stanley, Tilbrook, Thurston, Walsh, Warr, Worne and Yeates [35]. There were no votes against and Councillors Brooks, Coster and Dixon abstained from voting [3].
The Council
(1) The process by which a new Chief Executive had been recruited be noted; and
(2) The appointment of James Hassett as the Chief Executive Officer for Arun District Council be confirmed.
Appointment to the Post of Interim Group Head of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer [Exempt - Paragraph 1 - Information Relating to Any Individual] To consider the attached report. Minutes: The Chief Executive presented this report confirming that the Group Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer had resigned and was due to leave the Council’s employment on 31 January 2022.
Due to the seniority and importance of this post, the recruitment process was comprehensive and could take months to complete. Having had initial discussions with a specialist recruitment agency and considering a selection of suitable curriculum vitaes, Solomon Agutu was selected as the preferred candidate for the interim position. Members were advised that a formal recruitment process had commenced but that interim arrangements needed to be confirmed until such time as the Council was able to agree a permanent arrangement. Councillor Gunner then proposed the recommendation in the report which was then seconded by Councillor Pendleton.
In debating the report, thanks were extended to Sameera Khan, the Group Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer, for her work and support to date and she was congratulated on her promotion.
Councillors also supported the recommendation confirming that they were very happy to support this temporary arrangement.
The Council
That the appointment of Solomon Agutu to the post of Interim Group Head for Law & Governance (Monitoring Officer) be confirmed in accordance with the Council’s Constitution for a period of up to 5 months or until such time as the Council is able to agree a permanent arrangement for the replacement of the Monitoring Officer post.
The Council then resumed in public session.
Audit & Governance Committee - 16 November 2021 PDF 137 KB The Chair, Councillor Clayden, will present the Minutes containing recommendations from the meeting of the Audit & Governance Committee held on 16 November 2021.
There are two sets of recommendations for Council to consider as set out below:
· Minute 432 [Arrangements for Appointment of External Auditor] – to view the Officer’s report – please click on this link: Report · Minute 433 [Treasury Management Mid-Year Report – 2021/22] – to view the Officer’s report – please click on this link: Report with appendices
Minutes: The Chair of the Audit & Governance Committee, Councillor Clayden, presented the recommendations following the meeting of the Audit & Governance Committee held on 16 November 2021.
Councillor Clayden referred Members to two recommendations at Minute 432 [Arrangements for the Appointment of External Auditor] which he duly proposed. The recommendations were then seconded by Councillor Chapman.
The Council
(1) Opting-in to the Sector Led Body for the procurement and appointment of external auditors with effect from 2023/24 be approved; and
(2) The responsible Officers be authorised to opt-in to the Sector Led Body for the procurement and appointment of external auditors with effect from 2023/24.
Councillor Clayden then alerted Members to the next set of recommendations at Minute 433 [Treasury Management Mid-Year Report 2021/22] which he duly proposed. In seconding these recommendations, Councillor Chapman wished to have recorded his thanks to the Council’s treasury management team for their continuing success and for protecting the financial wellbeing of the Council.
The Council
(1) The actual prudential and treasury indicators for 2021/22 contained in the report be approved;
(2) The treasury management mid-year review for 2021/22 be noted;
(3) The treasury mid-year activity for the period ended 30 September 2021, which had generated interest receipts of £225,000 (0.62%) year to date, against a budget of £332,000 (0.64%) for the full year be noted; and
(4) The addition of Leeds and Principality Building Society to the lending list adhering to the required criteria of Category 4 be noted.
Planning Policy Committee - 30 November 2021 PDF 140 KB The Chair, Councillor Bower, will present the Minutes containing recommendations from the meeting of the Planning Policy Committee held on 16 November 2021.
There are two sets of recommendations for Council to consider as set out below:
· Minute 480 [To ‘Make’ the Barnham and Eastergate Neighbourhood Development Plan (Review) 2019-2031] – to view the Officer’s report – please click on this link: Report · Minute 481 [First Homes Policy] – to view the Officer’s report – please click on this link: Report and Appendix
Minutes: The Chair of the Planning Policy Committee, Councillor Bower, presented the recommendations following the meeting of the Planning Policy Committee held on 30 November 2021.
Councillor Bower alerted Members to the first recommendation at Minute 480 [To ‘Make’ The Barnham and Eastergate Neighbourhood Development Plan (Review) 2019-2031. Councillor Bower confirmed that he needed to withdraw this item and that this was because the process of making the modified Barnham and Eastergate Neighbourhood Plan had been challenged by Judicial Review. The Council had instructed a Barrister, who had advised that it was right to accept the Developer’s request not to take this item tonight as the Developers were likely to get an injunction anyway. The Monitoring Officer’s advice was that Members should accept the Barrister’s advice and not make the Plan tonight and this should be done without discussion.
Councillor Bower then referred Members to the next recommendation which was at Minute 481 [First Homes Policy] which he duly proposed. The recommendation was then seconded by Councillor Hughes.
The Council
That the proposed approach to accommodating the Government’s ‘First Homes Policy’ requirement, as part of the Affordable Housing tenure mix provision in Arun, as set out in Section 1.12 and Appendix 1 of the report be approved and that it should be published as an interim policy statement on the Council’s web site.
Housing & Wellbeing Committee - 2 December 2021 PDF 140 KB The Chair, Councillor Pendleton, will present the Minutes containing recommendations from the meeting of the Housing & Wellbeing Committee held on 2 December 2021.
There is one recommendation for Council to consider at Minute 490 [Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2021/22 – Annual Update]- to view the Officer’s report – please click on this link: Report
Minutes: The Chair of the Housing & Wellbeing Committee, Councillor Pendleton, presented a recommendation following the meeting of the Housing & Wellbeing Committee held on 2 December 2021.
Councillor Pendleton alerted Members to a recommendation at Minute 490 [Housing revenue Account Business Plan 2021/22 – Annual Update] which she formally proposed with this being seconded by Councillor Gregory.
The Council
That the annual update of the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2021/22 be noted.
Policy & Finance Committee - 9 December 2021 PDF 175 KB The Chair, Councillor Gunner, will present the Minutes containing recommendations from the meeting of the Policy & Finance Committee held on 9 December 2021.
There is one recommendation for Council to consider at Minute 504 [Urgent Items – Levelling-Up Fund Projects]- to view the Officer’s report – please click on this link: Report
Minutes: The Chair of the Policy & Finance Committee, Councillor Gunner, presented recommendations following the meeting of the Policy & Finance Committee held on 9 December 2021.
Councillor Gunner alerted Members to four recommendations at Minute 504 [Urgent Items – Levelling-Up Fund Projects] and in proposing these recommendations confirmed that he wished to make an amendment to Recommendation (5). Councillor Gunner confirmed that the wording to this amendment had been emailed to Members prior to the meeting. The wording to this amendment is as set out below:
The additional wording added to this recommendation is shown using bold: Recommendation (5) - As per Part 4 – Officers Scheme of Delegation (4.3 to 4.7 refers) and under Part 7 of the Council’s Constitution, delegate authority to the Director of Place and Director of Services to plan, drawdown as well as make budgetary decisions on the expenditure of external spending of Levelling Up Funds in accordance with the terms and conditions and in consultation with the Chair of the Policy and Finance Committee and Section 151 Officer; and following the procurement process to appoint consultants (as set out in the approved heads of terms in section 2.1 of the report), Full Council is requested to approve authority to enter into an agreement for pre-construction services with the successful bidders for the Alexandra Theatre project and Littlehampton seafront and riverside project.
Councillor Gunner explained that this additional wording was required due to the need to make rapid progress on the Levelling Up Fund projects. The additional wording had been suggested for clarification purposes. It would ensure that all aspects of the consultant appointment were covered and included specific reference to the entering into a contract with the appointed consultant team. The wording of Recommendation 1 approved by the Policy & Finance Committee inferred this to be the case, but this additional wording made this explicit. Councillor Gunner also outlined that should the amendment not be accepted, a delay in progressing the project by a couple of months could not be avoided.
Councillor Gunner then formally proposed this amendment which was then seconded by Councillor Pendleton.
The Chair then invited debate on this amendment. Statements made saw full support for the amendment with Councillors recognising the need to be able to press on and deliver the projects. Questions were asked as to whether Members would have opportunity to be involved in the next steps of this project. The Director of Services confirmed the need to be able to appoint consultants for the pre-construction stages and the importance of keeping to Government induced project timelines. Members were reassured that continuous updates would be made to the Policy & Finance Committee and when required, recommendations would be taken to Full Council.
Having undertaken a vote on this amendment, it was declared CARRIED.
The Chair then returned to the substantive recommendations which were proposed and seconded by Councillors Gunner and Pendleton. These attracted further debate. A point was made that the supporting report and minutes referred to two different names for the ... view the full minutes text for item 623. |
Licensing Committee - 10 December 2021 PDF 130 KB The Chair, Councillor Blanchard-Cooper, will present the Minutes containing recommendations from the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 10 December 2021.
There are numerous recommendations for Council to consider as set out below:
· Minute 523 [Review of the Fare Structure for Hackney Carriages after Consultation] - to view the Officer’s report – please click on these links: Report and Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 · Minute 524 [Street Trading Designations] - to view the Officer’s report and appendix – please click on these links: Report and Appendix · Minute 525 [Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles – 2022/2025] – to view the Officer’s report – please click on these links - Report and Appendix
Minutes: The Chair of the Licensing Committee, Councillor Blanchard-Cooper, presented recommendations from the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 10 December 2021.
Councillor Blanchard-Cooper alerted Members to the first two recommendations at Minute 523 Taxi Fares] and in proposing these recommendations he thanked Licensing Team for their work in undertaking this review. The recommendations were then seconded by Councillor Cooper.
The Council
(1) The fare structure of no increase for 2022/23 be agreed, as advertised with the fare structure coming into effect on 1 April 2022; and
(2) The approval of taxi fares be delegated to the Licensing Committee.
Councillor Blanchard-Cooper then referred Members to the next two recommendations at Minute 524 [Street Trading Designations] which he duly proposed with the recommendations then being seconded by Councillor Cooper.
The Council
RESOLVED – That (1) An intention to pass a resolution to vary Street Trading Designations as set out in the appendices of the report be made. This intention is made by agreeing to the advertising of the proposed Designations.
(2) Future matters relating to Street Trading Designations, Policy and Fees be delegated to the Licensing Committee.
Councillor Blanchard-Cooper then referred Members to the last recommendation at Minute 525 [Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles 2022-2025] which he duly proposed with the recommendation then being seconded by Councillor Cooper.
The Council
That the proposed Statement of Gambling Principles 2022-2025 without change be adopted.
Motions The following Motions have been submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rules 15:
Motion 1
That Full Council notes that the current administration and Leadership has been in power with majority votes for eight months yet in spite of having all that time to create, evaluate and present clear and specific policies for the Council to consider, no policies have been published at all. Vague high-level visions are not enough and without specific policies and clear action plans to get on and deal with the many major issues facing the Council today, nothing will get done and the Council will continue to drift as it has done since this administration took over.
In May 2021 the Independent Group published and distributed a list of 21 district-wide policy proposals. If the current administration and Leadership have any policy proposals, they are not immediately apparent. Full Council calls on the administration and Leadership to publish a list of its current and planned policy proposals, also including a proposed action plan and timescale, before the next Ordinary Council meeting so that all Members may be fully aware of specific future plans for the benefit of the District.
Proposer: Councillor Coster Seconder: Councillor Dixon
Motion 2
Following events at the September 2021 Full Council, this Council no longer has confidence in Councillor Bower as Chair of the Constitution Working Party.
Proposer: Councillor Dixon Seconder: Councillor Coster
Motion 3
Following events at the September 2021 Full Council, this Council resolves to remove Councillor Bower as Chair of the Constitution Working Party, with immediate effect.
Proposer: Cllr Dixon Seconder: Cllr Coster
Motion 4
This Council resolves to immediately dissolve the Constitution Working Party (CWP), the remit of the CWP will immediately become the responsibility of the Policy and Finance Committee. In Consultation with the Chair of the Policy and Finance Committee, the Monitoring Officer is instructed and authorised to make any consequential changes and necessary actions to facilitate this resolution.
Proposer: Cllr Gunner Seconder: Cllr Pendleton
Minutes: The Chair confirmed that Four Motions had been submitted for this meeting in line with Council Procedure Rule 15:
The Chair invited the proposer of Motion 1, Councillor Coster to present his Motion.
The wording of the Motion is set out below:
That Full Council notes that the current administration and Leadership has been in power with majority votes for eight months, yet in spite of having all that time to create, evaluate and present clear and specific policies for the Council to consider, no policies have been published at all. Vague high-level visions are not enough, and without specific policies and clear action plans to get on and deal with the many major issues facing the Council today, nothing will get done and the Council will continue to drift as it has done since this administration took over.
In May 2021 the Independent Group published and distributed a list of 21 district wide policy proposals. If the current administration and Leadership have any policy proposals, they are not immediately apparent. Full Council calls on the administration and Leadership to publish a list of its current and planned policy proposals, also including a proposed action plan and timescale, before the next Ordinary Council meeting so that all members may be fully aware of specific future plans for the benefit of the District.
Councillor Coster explained that his motion was asking the current conservative majority to confirm what their specific policies were in terms of the future of this Council. He confirmed that Councillors had not been informed and so they did not know what these were. Councillor Coster then read out his Motion. Having referred to a ‘story’, Councillor Coster outlined that no policies or plans covering the next two years had been provided. Councillor Coster questioned what these Policies were and if they would be accompanied by an action plan. Councillor Coster then referred to the Leader of the Council’s speech made at the Annual Council Meeting held in May 2021 where his Group’s aspirations had been confirmed, being new environmental initiatives; to help, support and enhance the District’s natural environment; create leisure and tourism opportunities; and looking at health care provision across the District. Councillor Coster asked where these policies and action plans were that would deal with these issues, and he stated that other political groups needed sight of these now to appreciate the Council’s direction of travel.
Councillor Coster formally proposed his Motion and urged Councillors to support it. He also requested that a recorded vote be undertaken. The Motion was seconded by Councillor Dixon [who reserved his right to speak at the end of the debate].
The Chair then invited debate. Councillors supporting this request to the Council and Conservative administration stated that it was important for the Council to have sight of a ‘route map’ to know what was happening and that it was also important for the electorate to know what was planned ... view the full minutes text for item 625. |
General Questions from Members [by advance notice] PDF 352 KB To consider general questions from Members in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14.3. Minutes: The Chair referred Councillors to the Questions from Members Schedule that had been circulated earlier in the day confirming that all questions had been submitted in line with Council Procedure Rule 14.3.
Six questions had been submitted as bullet pointed below: (1) From Councillor Dixon to the Chair of the Planning Policy Committee, Councillor Bower, regarding the Arun Local Plan and Barnham and Eastergate strategic allocation and the A29 realignment; (2) From Councillor Dixon to the Chair of the Planning Policy Committee, Councillor Bower, regarding the Arun Local Plan and link road provision between the A259, bridging the railway at Ford and joining the A27; (3) From Councillor Dixon to the Chair of the Planning Policy Committee, Councillor Bower, regarding the Government placing the Council under the severest sanction available for what they assess as failure to deliver new housing; (4) From Councillor Dixon to the Chair of the Economy Committee, Councillor Cooper, regarding the Bognor Regis Arcade; and (5) From Councillor Worne to the Chair of the Constitution Working Party, Councillor Bower regarding the new governance structure and intentions to move back to a Cabinet system; and (6) From Councillor Stanley to the Chair of the Housing & Wellbeing Committee, Councillor Pendleton, regarding sheltered accommodation and which schemes had designated disabled parking bays and disabled toilets. Supplementary questions and responses were asked and provided to all six questions asked. A copy of the Member Question schedule would be uploaded to the Full Council web page following the meeting.
Committee Memberships Any changes to Committee Memberships that need noting by the Council will be reported at the meeting. Minutes: The Council received and noted a verbal update from the Leader of the Council, Councillor Gunner, confirming changes to Committee Memberships as detailed below: · Planning Committee – Councillor Chace would replace Councillor Charles; · Planning Policy Committee – Councillor Edwards would replace Councillor Charles · Housing & Wellbeing Committee – Councillor Madeley would replace Councillor Rhodes.
Representation on Outside Bodies The Council is asked to approve any changes to its representation on Outside Bodies. Minutes: The Chair confirmed that there were no changes to representation on Outside Bodies for the meeting to consider.