Venue: Council Chamber & Blue Room, Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, BN17 5LF. View directions
Contact: Jane Fulton
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome Minutes: The Chair welcomed Councillors, representatives of the public, press and officers to the meeting.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Catterson, Chace, Charles, Huntley, Jones, Northeast, Pendleton, Seex and Tilbrook and from Honorary Aldermen, Mrs Stinchcombe and Mr Dingemans. |
Declarations of interest Members and Officers are invited to make any declarations of pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on this agenda, and are reminded that they should re-declare their interest before consideration of the item or as soon as the interest becomes apparent.
Members and Officers should make their declaration by stating:
a) the item they have the interest in b) whether it is a pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interest c) the nature of the interest d) if it is a pecuniary or prejudicial interest, whether they will be exercising their right to speak under Question Time Minutes: The Declaration of Interest Sheet set out below confirms those Members who had made a declaration of their personal interest as a Member of a Town or Parish Councillor or a West Sussex County Councillor, as confirmed in their Register of Interest as these declarations could apply to any of the issues to be discussed at the meeting.
Councillor Worne queried why, as a Member of Ford Parish Council, this was not shown on the Declarations of Interest Table. The Committee Services Manager confirmed that it would be necessary to check Councillor Worne’s Register of Interest form to see if her membership to Ford Parish Council had been confirmed. If not, this was why her Parish Councillor membership had not been included.
Change to the Order of the Agenda Minutes: Due to the absence of the Leader of the Council, Councillor Gunner, the Chair proposed to change the order of business in the agenda which was to defer Public Question Time to the end of the meeting. This was approved by the Council. |
Questions from Members with Pecuniary/Prejudicial Interests [by advance notice] To receive questions from Members with pecuniary/prejudicial interests (for a period of up to 15 minutes) Minutes: No questions were asked. |
Petitions To consider any petitions received from the public. Minutes: There were no petitions presented to this meeting. |
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Special Meetings of the Council held on 23 February and 3 March 2022, which will be circulated separately to the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes from the Special Meetings of the Council held on 23 February and 3 March 2022 were presented for approval. Both sets of minutes had been circulated separately to the agenda.
In relation to the minutes from the Special Council meeting held on 3 March 2022, Councillor Thurston confirmed that at Minute 692 [National Highways’ Proposals for the A27 Arundel Improvements – Response to Statutory Consultation (Grey Route)] the statements that had been made at the meeting by Ward Councillors had not been adequately minuted. She wished this to be corrected.
In relation to the minutes from the Special Council meeting held on 23 February 2022, Councillor Coster confirmed that at Minute 684 [Adjourned Recommendation 9 from the Special Meeting of the Council held on 23 February 2022 [Statutory Resolutions] the recorded vote for this item needed to be checked in terms of those confirmed as abstained from voting.
Councillor Coster then raised a Point of Order and a Point of Clarification in line with Part 5, Section 1 – Council Procedure Rules, Rule 17.7 [Amendments to Motions] in relation to Minute 681 [Arun District Council Budget 2022/23] in terms of the advice that had been provided by the Interim Group Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer in response to the amendment that had been proposed by Councillor Walsh and seconded by Councillor Coster. Councillor Coster asked the Interim Group Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer to explain further to this meeting the advice that he had given.
Councillor Batley confirmed that his vote had not been recorded at Minute 681 and he asked for the Minutes to be amended to reflect his vote.
The Chair invited the Interim Group Head of Law & Governance to provide advice. He advised that a Point of Order could not be raised for a meeting which had been closed and that the minutes from the previous two meetings held on 23 February and 3 March 2022 would be reviewed for accuracy and the requested statements added.
The Chair confirmed that the approval of the minutes from the Special Meetings of the Council held on 23 February and 3 March 2022 would be deferred until the next Full Council meeting to be held on 11 May 2022.
Chair's Announcements To receive such announcements as the Chairman may desire to lay before the Council. Minutes: The Chair outlined that he was delighted to have the opportunity to celebrate one of Arun’s colleagues this week. He announced that Ivan Greer, the Council’s Buildings Manager, had just reached an amazing goal of being able to celebrate an incredible 30 years of service volunteering for the RNLI. Ivan had joined the Littlehampton RNLI in 1991 as trainee crew. He successfully qualified as crew and then as a helm – a role in which he was responsible for the lifeboat during shouts and training sessions. Over the years Ivan had seen some harrowing incidents and had been part of many life-saving rescues. The Chair stated that he hoped that the council would join with him in passing on huge congratulations and a big thank you to Ivan for his continued commitment and support to this vital service.
Urgent Matters - The Barnham and Eastergate Neighbourhood Development Plan 2019-2031 PDF 312 KB To deal with business not otherwise specified in the Council summons which, in the opinion of the Chairman of the Council (in consultation with the Chief Executive), is business of such urgency as to require immediate attention by the Council. Minutes: The Chair confirmed that there was one urgent matter for the Council to consider. He reminded Members that at the meeting of the Council held on 26 January 2022, the Chair of the Planning Policy Committee, Councillor Bower, had confirmed that consideration of Minute 480 [To ‘Make’ the Barnham and Eastergate Neighbourhood Development Plan (Review) 2019-2031] had been withdrawn based upon legal advice and as the process of making the modified Barnham and Eastergate Neighbourhood Plan had been challenged by Judicial Review.
The matter of ‘making’ the Plan could now be considered by the Council and was being presented as urgent so that the matter could be resolved now instead of having to wait until the next meeting of the Council on 11 May 2022. It was confirmed that an urgent report had been emailed to all Councillors earlier in the day and uploaded to the Council’s web pages.
The meeting then received some further background from the Interim Group Head of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer confirming that Judicial Review proceedings were now withdrawn. Earlier that afternoon this had been confirmed with a consent order having been received from the court, meaning that it was now possible for the Council to ‘make’ the Plan.
Councillor Bower, as Chair of the Planning Policy Committee, therefore proposed the recommendation in the report which was seconded by Councillor Hughes.
The Interim Group Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer confirmed that the recommendation moved by Councillor Bower had been based on the facts in place at that time. Due to the news just announced, the Barnham and Eastergate Neighbourhood Development Plan 2019-2031 could now be ‘made’ with immediate effect. In response, Councillor Bower confirmed an amendment to the recommendation he had proposed earlier to read “That the Council ‘makes’ the Barnham and Eastergate Neighbourhood Development Plan 2019-2031 to take effect from 9 March 2022”.
The Council
That the Council ‘makes’ the Barnham and Eastergate Neighbourhood Development Plan 2019-2031 to take effect from 9 March 2022.
Appointment of Vice-Chair of the Council for the Municipal Year 2022/23 In accordance with Part 3 of the Constitution [Responsibility for Functions] Paragraph 13, the Council will consider nominations put forward by each of the Political Groups for the position of Vice-Chairman of the Council for 2022/23 and Chairman Elect for 2022/23. A secret ballot will then be undertaken to determine the appointment.
Minutes: In accordance with the Constitution, the Council was requested to appoint a Vice-Chairman and Chairman Elect for the Municipal Year 2022/23.
Two candidates had been nominated for the role. These were Councillor Alison Cooper, from the Conservative Group and Councillor Francis Oppler, from the Liberal Democrat Group.
Having had both nominations proposed and seconded by each Group, a secret ballot was undertaken with the results being declared by the Interim Group Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer. He announced that 2 Councillors had abstained; that there were 7 spoilt papers, 16 voting for Councillor Oppler and 20 voting for Councillor Alison Cooper.
Councillor Alison Cooper was confirmed as having been selected for the appointment of Vice-Chairman of the Council for 2022/23 and Chairman Elect of the Council for 2023/24.
Congratulations were then extended to Councillor Mrs Cooper in being appointed Vice-Chairman of the Council for 2022/23 and Chairman Elect for 2023/34.
Councillor Staniforth, as Chair-Elect, confirmed that she was very much looking forward to working with Councillor Cooper as her Vice-Chair over the next Municipal Year. In response, Councillor Cooper thanked Members for their support confirming that she would represent the council to the best of her ability.
Calendar of Meetings for 2022/23 PDF 147 KB In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 3.1, the Council needs to agree a programme of dates for Council Meetings prior to the commencement of the new municipal year. This report therefore proposes the arrangements for the Calendar of Meetings for 2022/23.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Interim Group Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer introduced this report confirming that this was the annual report asking Council to agree its Calendar of Meetings for 2022/23. The factors of consideration that had been taken into account in compiling the calendar had been highlighted in the report and were explained at the meeting.
Councillor Gunner then formally proposed the Calendar of Meetings for 2022/23 which was then seconded by Councillor Cooper.
The Council
(1) The Calendar of Meetings for 2022/23 be approved; and
(2) It be noted that the dates proposed can be subject to change by the Council or the Chair of the Council or relevant Committee if there was an exceptional need for the date to be changed.
Corporate Support Committee - 18 January 2022 PDF 224 KB The Chair, Councillor Dendle, will present the Minutes containing recommendations from the meeting of the Corporate Support Committee held on 18 January 2022.
There are two recommendations for Council to consider at Minute 558 [Pay Policy Statement 2022/23] – the Officer’s report is attached
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair of the Corporate Support Committee, Councillor Dendle, presented two recommendations from the meeting of the Corporate Support Committee held on 18 January 2022.
The recommendations were at Minute 558 [Pay Policy Statement 2022-23 which Councillor Dendle formally proposed. The recommendations were then seconded by Councillor Roberts.
The Council
(1) The Pay Policy Statement 2022/23 be approved for publication on the Arun website by 1 April 2022; and
(2) Responsibility be delegated to the Interim Group Head of Corporate Support and Section 151 officer to make changes to the Pay Policy Statement should new legislation be introduced during the forthcoming year that had an effect on its content.
Planning Policy Committee - 25 January 2022 PDF 166 KB The Chair, Councillor Bower, will present the Minutes containing recommendations from the meeting of the Planning Policy Committee held on 25 January 2022.
There is a recommendation for Council to consider at Minute 605 [CIL Infrastructure Investment Plan (IIP 2022-2024] – the Officer’s report is attached.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair of the Planning Policy Sub-Committee, Councillor Bower, presented a recommendation from the meeting of the Planning Policy Committee held on 25 January 2022.
Councillor Bower alerted Members to a recommendation at Minute 605 [CIL Infrastructure Investment Plan (IIP 2022-2024]. Councillor Bower explained that this was very much welcomed and was a good news item for the district as it confirmed how Community Infrastructure Levy funding would be spent in conjunction with Town and Parish Councils and West Sussex County Council. Councillor Bower therefore proposed the recommendation which was then seconded by Councillor Hughes.
The Chair invited debate. One Councillor confirmed that he could not welcome or support the document as there was little within it that would benefit any resident in the district located west of the River Arun. It was disappointing that only the projects highlighted in green in the supporting paperwork would be pushed forward meaning that there were many other significant projects that would not be developed further.
A query was raised by another Councillor in relation to the A29 Realignment [ID No 25/ADC/TI] showing a figure of £70m pounds whilst the report that went to the Committee showed a figure of £67m and how did this effect the recommendation moving forward? Other questions were also asked regarding the Arundel to Ford Cycle paths [as there was one running down alongside the River Arun and one running down the road]. Instead of having two paths at Arundel, could one not be considered from Aldwick to Pagham? Concerns were again expressed as to how light the proposed infrastructure was for the western side of the district.
The Interim Group Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer explained that the figures in the appendix to the report were different to what had been brought before the Committee, as the link used for the appendix had been updated to reflect the true figures, this was the only change that had been made to the document. The Director of Place explained that the figure for the A29 had been updated following additional information received from West Sussex County Council.
Further questions were then asked which were responded to at the meeting.
A request was then made that the voting on this item be recorded. Those voting for it were Councillors Baker, Bicknell, Bower, Buckland, Caffyn, Chace, Chapman, Clayden, Mrs Cooper, Cooper, Daniells, Dendle, Edwards, Elkins, Mrs English, English, Goodheart, Gunner, Hughes, Kelly, Madeley, Oliver-Redgate, Rhodes, Roberts, Stainton, Staniforth and Thurston (27). No Councillors voted against. Those abstaining were Councillors Batley, Bennett, Blanchard-Cooper, Brooks, Coster, Dixon, Gregory, Hamilton, Haywood, Lury, Needs, Oppler, Smith, Stanley, Walsh, Warr and Yeates (17).
The Council
That the Arun Infrastructure Investment Plan (for the period 2022-2024) be approved and published on the Council’s website.
Policy and Finance Committee - 10 February 2022 PDF 205 KB The Chair, Councillor Gunner, will present the Minutes containing recommendations from the meeting of the Policy & Finance Committee held on 10 February 2022.
There are recommendations at:
· Minute 652 [Capital Strategy 2022/23 to 2026/27] – the Officer’s report is attached. · Minute 653 [Council Vision 2022-2026] – the Officer’s report is attached.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair of the Policy & Finance Committee, Councillor Gunner, presented recommendations from the meeting of the Policy & Finance Committee held on 10 February 2022.
Councillor Gunner drew Members’ attention to the first recommendation at Minute 652 [Capital Strategy 2022/23 to 2026/27] which in formally proposing thanked the Interim Group Head of Corporate Support & Section 151 Officer and her team for preparing this substantial document. Councillor Cooper then seconded the recommendation.
The Council
That the Capital Strategy 2022/23 to 2026/27 be approved.
Councillor Gunner then alerted Members to the next recommendation at Minute 653 [Council Vision 2022-2026] which he proposed. The recommendation was seconded by Councillor Cooper.
The Council
That the Council Vision 2022-2026 be approved.
Audit & Governance Committee - 22 February 2022 PDF 169 KB The Chair, Councillor Clayden, will present the Minutes containing recommendations from the meeting of the Audit & Governance Committee held on 22 February 2022.
There are three recommendations at Minute 668 [Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy] – the Officer’s report is attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair of the Audit & Governance Committee, Councillor Clayden, presented the recommendations following the meeting of the Audit & Governance Committee held on 22 February 2022.
Councillor Clayden alerted Members to three recommendations at Minute 668 [Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy] which he formally proposed. The recommendations were then seconded by Councillor Chapman.
The Council
(1) The Treasury Management Statement for 2022/23 to 2024/25 be approved and adopted;
(2) The Annual Investment Strategy for 2022/23 to 2024/25, including the addition of new counterparties; JP Morgan Chase Bank and National Australia Bank, be approved and adopted; and
(3) The Prudential Indicators within the TMSS and AIS for 2022/23 to 2024/25 as contained in Appendix 1 and the body of the report be approved.
Motions To consider any Motions submitted in accordance with Council Procedure 15. Minutes: The Chair confirmed that no Motions had been submitted for this meeting.
General Questions from Members [by advance notice] PDF 370 KB To consider general questions from Members in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14.3. Minutes: The Chair referred Councillors to the Questions from Members that had been circulated to the meeting and submitted in line with Council Procedure Rule 14.3. Supplementary questions and answers were raised and provided. A final schedule of these questions will be uploaded to this meeting’s web page within ten working days of this meeting.
A summary of the questions is set out below:
(1) Councillor Dixon to the Chair of the Economy Committee – Councillor Cooper Re: The A27 Arundel Bypass (2) Councillor Dixon to the Chair of the Environment Committee – Councillor Edwards Re: The A27 Arundel Bypass (3) Councillor Stanley to the Chair of the Environment Committee – Councillor Edwards Re: The Bersted Brooks County Park (4) Councillor Stanley to the Vice-Chair of the Housing & Wellbeing Committee – Councillor Gregory Re: Did the Council have an up to date Accessibility Policy (5) Councillor Stanley to the Vice-Chair of the Housing & Wellbeing Committee – Councillor Gregory re: Resolving accessibility issues in the Councils sheltered accommodation (6) Councillor Stanley to the Chair of the Environment Committee, Councillor Edwards Re: when the first meeting of the Beach Access Working Party will take place (7) Councillor Stanley to the Chair of the Planning Policy Committee, Councillor Bower Re: Consultation undertaken by developers in reference to the Felpham Golf Course (8) Councillor Stanley to the Chair of the Audit & Governance Committee, Councillor Clayden Re: Requesting an update on the progress of the Council’s Equality and Diversity Audit (9) Councillor Stanley to the Chair of the Economy Committee, Councillor Cooper Re: The London Road Lorry/Coach Park (10) Councillor Stanley to the Chair of the Economy Committee, Councillor Cooper Re: Future agenda items for the Committee (11) Councillor Stanley to the Leader of the Council, Councillor Gunner Re: Would a referendum be held on the governance structure of this council? (12) Councillor Stanley to the Vice-Chair of the Housing & Wellbeing Committee, Councillor Gregory Re: Upgrades to the Arun Leisure Centre
Committee Memberships Any changes to Committee Memberships that need noting by the Council will be reported at the meeting. Minutes: The Leader of the Council, Councillor Gunner, confirmed that there were no changes to Committee Memberships to report to the meeting.
Representation on Outside Bodies The Council is asked to approve any changes to its representation on Outside Bodies. Minutes: The Chair confirmed that there were no changes to representation on Outside Bodies for the meeting to consider.
Public Question Time [by advance notice] PDF 219 KB To receive questions from the public (for a period of up to 15 minutes) Minutes: The Chair confirmed that four questions had been submitted for this meeting. All four questions were from Mr Cosgrove to the Chair of the Policy & Finance Committee, Councillor Gunner, as summarised below:
(1) In relation to the financial benefits of the Levelling-Up Grant and The Regis Centre, re-clad; (2) In relation to the setting up of a Working Party to look at Regeneration presentations; (3) In relation to regeneration presentations for Bognor Regis; and (4) In relation to supporting the people of Ukraine at this time.
(A schedule of the full questions asked, and the responses provided would be uploaded to the Full Council web page.)
The Chairman then drew Public Question Time to a close.