759 Member Learning & Development PDF 120 KB
This report updates the Standards Committee on the current position of Member learning and development following the completion of the Member Induction Programme.
[10 minutes]
Additional documents:
Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Monitoring Officer introduced the report, explaining that the training matrix had been updated to reflect that additional training for Planning Committee and Planning Policy had taken place and been well attended. He had received feedback from some Members that this session had felt like a repeat of previous Planning training sessions. He explained that it had been intended to be a repeat session, as some Members had not been able to attend the original training sessions. He had also received positive feedback that some Members had been pleased to attend the refresher training.
The Monitoring Officer explained that he had not yet been able to finalise the data protection training for Members, as he was in the process of ensuring there were enough licences to get all 54 Members trained. This was something that would be provided to Members as soon as possible.
The Chair then invited questions from Members. It was asked why there was an asterisk for 2 Members in the training matrix, which it was confirmed was a typing error of some sort, and there was no meaning behind this.
The Committee noted the report.