Issue - meetings

Corporate Risk Register update

Meeting: 28/09/2023 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 274)

274 Corporate Risk Register update pdf icon PDF 85 KB

The Corporate Risk Register is reviewed and updated in line with the requirements of the Council’s Risk Management Framework.


Quarterly updates reflecting revisions are reported to the Audit and Governance Committee, this report highlights the changes since the last update.


It is proposed that the Committee considers and notes the revised Corporate Risk Register.

[15 Minutes]


Additional documents:


Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Group Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer introduced the report. He explained he was presenting the report on behalf of the Finance and Risk Manager. The Corporate Risk Register had been reviewed and updated in line with the requirements of the Council’s Risk Management Framework. Quarterly updates reflecting revisions were reported to the Audit and Governance Committee, and this report highlighted the changes since the last update. The main changes were in paragraph 4.9, where the Development Plan risk had been changed from a high to a medium; paragraph 4.12 showed a new risk had been added, which was CRR18 - Housing Benefit Subsidy 2023/24. The Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) required that housing benefit subsidy claims be audited. At the end of 2023/24 the contract with Ernst & Young would run out, and the DWP wanted assurances that there would be an external auditor in place. The ultimate sanction would be that no housing benefit subsidy would be paid by DWP, which was in the millions of pounds. It was stressed this was not likely. A procurement process was currently being undertaken to obtain a new contract, and whilst the risk needed to be documented, this was receding as the procurement process progressed.


Members then took part in a question and answer session where the following points were raised:

·       How long would the new auditor contract be for? The Group Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer would look into this and circulate a response to Members after the meeting.

·       One Member explained that page 63 (Climate Change) showed ‘additional funding (£100k) had been provided for the 23-24 financial year and an officer report was being drafted to take to Policy and Finance Committee in October 2023 to showcase what this would be used for’. She updated that this had now been delayed.

·       Page 62 for Climate Change risk area showed ‘Lack of financial support through relevant and applicable Government funding/grants’. Were there any funds/grants expected? The Group Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer explained daily bulletins were received from central Government regarding funding opportunities, and that Officers would look for funding when resources allowed.


          Having considered the revised Corporate Risk Register, the report was noted.