This report sets out the performance of the Key Performance indicators at Quarter 2 for the period 1 April 2023 to 30 September 2023.
Additional documents:
The Group Head of Planning was invited by the Chair to introduce the report.
The Chair then invited questions and comments from members.
The Group Head of Planning undertook to provide details of what the timeline would be for the review or addition of a KPI and to confirm if the process was through the Audit and governance Committee.
A comment was made by a member that KPI CP 36 ‘Number of New homes Competed’ at Appendix 1, was a target that the Council had no control over, it being in the hands of the developers when they completed developing a site. It was hoped that this target could be removed as it was considered there were more important targets concerning the Development Management side of the Planning service. The Group Head of Planning explained that the information gathered to produce the out turn was not exact. Officers did not monitor the sites and relied on the annual data produced by West Sussex County Council, along with data obtained from Building Control and Council Tax and could be a combination of both completions and occupancy. The information gathered was not an exact science and was based on the best data available at that time out turn figures were based on the best information available at the Council at that time. The ‘Quarter 2 Commentary’ column included a combination of both completions and occupations.
He undertook to feedback to the Group Head of Organisational Excellence that the Committee would like to see completions and occupations individually set out in the Appendix.
The Committee noted the report.