Issue - meetings

Q2 Performance Report for the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) which form part of the Council’s Vision 2022-2026.

Meeting: 23/11/2023 - Housing and Wellbeing Committee (Item 412)

412 Key Performance Indicators 2022-2026 - Quarter 2 performance report for the period 1 April 2023 to 30 September 2023. pdf icon PDF 103 KB

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(Councillor Walsh left the meeting at the start of this item)


          The Interim Group Head of Housing was invited to introduce the report.


The Chair invited questions and comments from members.  During the discussion members raised concern as to CP16 (average days to average days to re-let all properties key to key excluding major voids), although some improvements had been made since Quarter 1, it was considered that the out

 turn was still not acceptable.  The Interim Group Head of Housing provided details of the tender process carried out during Quarter 1 to appoint a second contractor who was now working though the majority of the voids to improve turnaround times.  With regards to the estimated timeline of when the voids target would be met, it was expected that the trajectory set out in Appendix for both Quarters 3 and 4, which showed an improving target, would be met.  It was requested that the Committee should receive a report providing details of the number of all voids, with explanations for the reasons for the longer-term voids (more than 60 days), so that the Committee to understand the progress being made.   


The Interim Group Head of Housing was pleased to the recruitment of a Technical Services Manager and three Technical Officer posts, filling posts previously occupied partially by interims and its as hoped they would form a long-standing relationship with Arun DC.  As well as improving the Voids situation, these posts would be involved in responding to and resolving any issues that arose from work undertaken, which in turn would reduce the number of complaints received.   It was commented that these posts would only help to improve the situation and thanks were expressed to the Interim Group Head of Housing.   


Councillor Bicknell referred to the number of issues in his Ward asked if he could attend a site visit with one of the Technical Officers, which he agreed he would take up with the new Interim Head of Housing.


The Interim Group Head of Housing undertook to provide members with a copy of the previous Voids Policy 2020-2023 and the current Voids policy, as well as details of the process. 


Members thanked the officers for arranging the Housing Tour held on 20 October 2023, which had been very informative.  The Interim Group Head of Housing said he would pass on the members thanks to the officers involved.


          The Committee noted the contents of the report and provided questions and comments on the indicators relevant to this Committee to the Policy and Finance Committee on 8 February 2024.