386 Key Performance Indicators 2022-2026 - Quarter 2 Performance Report for the Period 1 April 2023 to 30 September 2023.
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This report sets out the performance of the Key
Performance indicators at Quarter 2 for the period 1 April 2023 to
30 September 2023.
[10 Minutes]
Additional documents:
Upon the invitation of
the Chair, the Group Head of Technical Services introduced the
report, the purpose of which was to update the
Committee with the Quarter 2 Performance Outturn for the Key
Performance indicators for the period 1 April 2023 to 30 September
Members then
took part in a question-and-answer session and the following points
were made:
- CP39 (Building Control) – Were
we continuing to see an increase in this return? The Group Head of
Technical Services confirmed in October it had improved to 65%
- CP39 (Building Control) – Was
there a reduction in people requesting Building Control Services,
were people are seeking independent
services? The Group Head of Technical Services explained
Arun’s market share in building regulation work was much
higher than that of neighbouring authorities. Arun have been
struggling for some time to recruit for a Senior Building Control
Surveyor, however the market supplement for this had now been
revised, and they were in a position to recruit for this post with
a greater prospect of success. The team had been carrying out large
volumes of work and also new competency assessment requirements
that they were having to go through which was time consuming, so it
was felt it was testament to the team’s hard work that they
were in the position they were.
- CP24 (Household Waste and Recycling)
– It was asked whether there was a plan to achieve the
targets. The Group Head of Environment and Climate Change explained
the insight gained in the food waste trial showed that where food
waste was collected separately, recycling rates could reach upwards
of 60%, and the Government had clarified this would be mandated
from March 2026. A report would be going to the Committee in March
- CP25 (Contractor Green Space Management) –
of 57 sites, 11 had failed to meet contractual standards and 7 had
exceeded. Could Members be provided with a breakdown of this. The
Group Head of Environment and Climate Change would provide a
breakdown to Members after the meeting.
- CP37 and CP40 – these targets
were both set at 100%, which neither were currently meeting, and it
was asked whether the target was too high? The Group head of
Technical Services felt a target of 99% would be more
- CP24 (Household Waste and Recycling) – It
was asked whether seagull proof bags and smaller boxes for people
with no frontage, would be continued. The Group Head of Environment
and Climate Change would circulate information regarding this to
Members after the meeting.
The report was