41 Middleton-on-Sea Application for Designation of a Neighbourhood Area PDF 100 KB
This report seeks Planning Policy Committee’s agreement to recommend to Full Council to designate Middleton-on-Sea as a neighbourhood area rather than a business area. The decision to be made is whether the specified area is an ‘appropriate area to be designated as a Neighbourhood Area’.
Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Planning Policy Team Leader presented the report which sought the Committee’s agreement that Middleton-on-Sea was an appropriate area to be designated as a Neighbourhood Area and recommend to Full Council that Middleton-on-Sea be designated a neighbourhood area and not a business area. The recommendations were then proposed by Councillor Bower and seconded by Councillor Long.
The Committee
That the specified area is designated without modification, as the Middleton-on-Sea Neighbourhood Area, for the reasons set out in the application and in light of the results of the public consultation which did not receive any representations.