Issue - meetings

DEF AL8721PL 3-37

Meeting: 25/05/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 33)



[Councillor Blanchard-Cooper declared that, due to his absence from the previous Committee meeting at which Agenda Items 7 and 8 were first heard, he would withdraw from the debate and note vote on these items.]


Erection of a warehouse (Use Class B8) with ancillary office, associated vehicle parking, van storage, plant, ancillary structures, lighting landscaping and infrastructure works including earthworks to facilitate flood compensation areas. This site may affect listed buildings, may affect the character and appearance of the Shripney Conservation Area, is a Departure from the Development Plan, affects a Rights of Way and is in CIL Zone SP3 (Zero Rated_ as other development.


The Principal Planning Officer presented the update report which dealt specifically with the reason given for deferral at the Planning Committee on 27 April 2022 – in order to seek further clarification in respect of the development’s impact on the capacity of the access roundabout and to secure confirmation of how the financial contributions will be spent to mitigate the impact of development on the operation of the access roundabout. A verbal update was also given on drainage and flooding.


Members then took part in a full debate on the application where a number of points were raised and responded to by Officers from Arun District Council and guest Officers from West Sussex County Council, including:

·         the lack of a relief road built for the new A29 and all additional traffic (particularly at night, which the studies have identified is when these are likely to happen) using the existing A29 through a residential area

·         how, when and how frequently West Sussex County Council would look to determine whether the roundabout was above capacity in future and whether Arun would need to keep asking for reviews of this or if work would be undertaken proactively

·         the development exacerbating already high levels of traffic on surrounding roads at certain times of day and the potential conflict of a junction being ‘over capacity’ but still acceptable in terms of Highways approval

·         future capacity capability and the accumulative effect of future planning applications on the site, and the need for roundabout design to build-in potential capacity


The Committee




That delegated authority be granted to the Group Head of Planning (in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of Planning Committee) to:


a)    approve planning permission subject to conditions


b)    subject to a Section 106 Agreement, the terms of which were substantially in accordance with those set out in the report with any minor amendments being authorised by the Group Head of Planning


Following either:


a)    receipt of drainage plans/documents, deemed to be acceptable by ADC Engineers, which will be included in the list of approved plans and ion conditions requiring compliance with the plans/documents, within three months from 27 April 2022, OR


b)    receipt of written confirmation by the applicant to the imposition of the standard pre-commencement drainage conditions (as set out in the report or any alternative wording agreed by both the applicant and Local Planning Authority).