Issue - meetings

Urgent Items

Meeting: 21/07/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 135)

Items not on the agenda which the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances


The Chair confirmed that under the new Constitution adopted in May 2021, the Planning Protocol at Part 8, Section 3, Paragraph 11 detailed the procedure for Public Speaking at Planning Committees, in particular paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5 which make it clear that there is a time limit of 3 minutes for each group of speakers (namely Ward Councillors, Parish Councils, objectors, applicants/agents or supporters) and not as previously where the time limit was 3 minutes for each speaker. He explained that unfortunately this had not been relayed to the Public Speakers who have registered to speak at this meeting and their expectation was that they would each have 3 minutes to speak. He confirmed he was using his discretion as Chair to allow those who had registered to speak at this meeting to each have 3 minutes.


The Chair also confirmed that the running order of the meeting would vary from that of the published agenda due to the Covid-19/Health and Safety restrictions in place at this meeting, and the new running order would be as follows [published agenda item numbers in brackets]:


6.    AB/135/20/OUT [Item 8]

7.    AL/28/21/PL [Item 9]

8.    CM/16/21/PL [Item 11]

9.    CM/18/21/PL [Item 12]

10. M/47/21/HH [Item 13]

11. P/38/21/PL [Item 14]

12. BR/85/21/HH [Item 10]

13. EP/16/21/PL [Item 6]

14. Appeals [Item 17]

15. FG/19/21/PL [Item 7]

16. Planning Review - Update Report and Future [Item 18]


P/50/21/PL [Item 15] and P/57/21/PL [Item 16] had been withdrawn ahead of the meeting.


The Group Head of Planning confirmed that an updated version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) had been published since many of the application reports had been written and would, under delegated authority, amend as necessary any paragraph numbering in decisions to applicants.