Issue - meetings

R/197/20/PL Croft Works, 52 Mill Lane, Rustington BN16 3JN

Meeting: 06/01/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 392)

392 R/197/20/PL Croft Works, 52 Mill Lane, Rustington BN16 3JN pdf icon PDF 442 KB


[The Chairman redeclared his personal interest as a member of Rustington Parish Council.]


          3 public speakers


          Peter Warren – Rustington Parish Council

          Mrs Rousell - Objector

          Adam King - Agent


Croft Works, 52 Mill Lane, Rustington Outline application with some matters reserved for the demolition of existing dilapidated storage buildings & erection of 2 No. detached 3-bedroom chalet bungalows with associated car barns, gardens, car parking & landscaping (resubmission following R/117/20/OUT).


The Planning Officer then presented his report including matters in the update report.  This was followed by the Public Speakers and a response was provided by the Planning Officer.


          Members then took part in a full debate on the application, where a number of issues were raised including access concerns and pedestrian safety. Members were particularly concerned that West Sussex County Council (WSCC) had only completed a desktop review of this application and that one member of the committee had completed his own site visit and could confirm that the measurements included in the report were inaccurate in his opinion.  It was then proposed that a deferral of this application was needed so a site inspection could be completed to clarify the measurements of the access to the site.


          The Director of Place provided members with advice on the logistics of a socially distances site visit in order to comply with the current lockdown restrictions in place. He also confirmed that the applicant would have provided the measurements on their application and that the committee could defer on this basis to allow for the applicant to resolve the issues you have raised.


          It was the proposed and duly seconded that, the Committee




That the application be DEFERRED for clarification of site entrance measurements at the lane entrance



The Chairman the called an adjournment to the meeting from 16:05 – 16:15.