Issue - meetings

Submission of West Bersted Masterplan Framework for Endorsement

Meeting: 30/09/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 239)

239 Submission of West Bersted Masterplan Framework for Endorsement pdf icon PDF 276 KB


            (Prior to consideration of this item, Councillors Edwards, Mrs Hamilton, Lury and Mrs Yeates had declared a personal interest and remained in the meeting and took part in the debate and vote.


Councillor Coster also declared a personal interest as he had attended a meeting of the West of Bersted Advisory Group.)


            Prior to detailed consideration of this item, the Chairman read out a statement reminding the Committee that it was being asked to endorse the Framework Masterplan for the West of Bersted strategic allocation within the Arun Local Plan.  It did not, and should not, include details relating to how infrastructure might be secured or delivered, i.e. highway mitigation measures or school provision and greater detail relating to the layout, appearance, landscaping of the site, parking and housing design would all be considered when Reserved Matters applications were considered.  He requested that Members focus their discussion solely on the overarching principles set out in the Framework Masterplan (FM).  He then invited the Senior Planning Officer to commence his presentation.


            The Committee received a full and comprehensive presentation on the detail of the FM from the Senior Planning Officer in tandem with the report included in the agenda and together with the officer’s written report update which provided information relating to:-


·         Receipt of petition and 61 additional comments following expiration of the consultation period on 21 September 2020

·         Objection from Councillor Stanley

·         Receipt of consultation responses set out in the update

·         Comment from the West of Bersted Advisory Group

·         Amendments to the Framework Masterplan, as detailed in the update and which had been incorporated in the final submitted version for endorsement

·         Amended recommendation to take account of the final submitted version


The Committee heard that the FM had been prepared to facilitate the development of at least 2,500 homes and associated infrastructure, including a new primary school, community facilities, public open space, sports and retail provision.  The concept of the Masterplan layout was based on two character areas; one to the north (Character Area A), and one to the south (Character Area B). The northern area would be based on a grid layout and the southern area would be centred around the green space in an orbital layout.


The subsequent planning applications based on this document would  deliver a comprehensive package of infrastructure and discussions were  currently ongoing with the main key stakeholders involved in infrastructure provision.  Officers would be reporting back to the Advisory Group Members regarding those discussions to ensure proposed delivery was considered and scrutinised by all.  They were satisfied that the FM would allow a robust package towards infrastructure to be secured at the planning application stage.  



In concluding his presentation, the Senior Planning Officer acknowledged that the developers had made appropriate concessions throughout the process to ensure the Masterplan aligned with the adopted Arun Local Plan. He stated that the submitted Framework Masterplan would enable both Officers and Members to robustly and comprehensively determine the detailed design of future planning applications on the site.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 239