Issue - meetings

Supplementary Estimate for Nightly Paid Accommodation to Meet the Council's Statutory Homeless Duties - Satnam Kaur

Meeting: 09/12/2019 - Cabinet (Item 337)

337 Supplementary Estimate for Nightly Paid Accommodation to Meet the Council's Statutory Homeless Duties pdf icon PDF 408 KB

This report provides an update on the budgetary position in respect of nightly paid accommodation to meet the Council’s statutory homeless duties through a supplementary estimate of £500k net expenditure for 2019/20.  



The Cabinet




That a supplementary estimate of £500k net expenditure (equivalent to a Band D Council Tax of £8.15) to support expenditure on nightly paid accommodation to meet the Council’s statutory homeless duties be approved.


The Cabinet Member for Residential Services, Councillor Mrs Gregory, presented this item which provided an update on the budgetary position in respect of nightly paid accommodation.  As levels of homelessness had increased exponentially it was necessary to ask the Council to approve a supplementary estimate of £500k to support expenditure on nightly paid accommodation so that the Council could meet its statutory homeless duties for 2019/20.

Councillor Mrs Gregory confirmed that the Council cared a lot about its homeless population and did all that it could to support them in an unsettled time in their lives. The figures in the report confirmed that 28% of 86 applicants were single people and it was felt that the cause of the situation could be a result of the reduced funding from West Sussex County Council to voluntary organisations. 


The Director of Place outlined that this report followed on from the Budget Variation Report considered earlier in the meeting.  The homelessness situation had been exacerbated following the introduction of the Homeless Reduction Act in April 2018, which had seen both an increase in presentations and use of emergency accommodation.  This problem was not unique to Arun and was relative of the current national picture.  


Having discussed the potential causes, Cabinet agreed that prevention was where the Council need to focus on to mitigate the situation.  The Director of Place explained that there was a raft of ways in which the Council could work to ensure that the levels of homelessness could be reduced, and she confirmed that this issue was addressed in the next report to be considered on the agenda.


            Following some further discussion, the Cabinet




            That a supplementary estimate of £500k next expenditure (equivalent to Band D Council Tax of £8.16) to support expenditure on nightly paid accommodation to meet the Council’s statutory homeless duties be approved.


The Cabinet confirmed its decision as per Decision Notice C/027/091219, a copy of which is attached to the signed copy of the Minutes.


(During the course of the discussion on this item, Councillor Dr Walsh declared a Personal Interest as a Member of West Sussex County Council).