Issue - meetings

BE/69/19/OUT The Cottage, Shripney Road, Bognor Regis PO22 9PA

Meeting: 09/10/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 251)

251 BE/69/19/OUT The Cottage, Shripney Road, Bognor Regis PO22 9PA pdf icon PDF 358 KB

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            (Prior to consideration of this application, Councillor Edwards and Mrs Yeates had declared a personal interest and remained in the meeting and took part in the debate and vote.)


            BE/69/19/OUT – Outline planning application with all matters reserved except access for up to 31 No. houses and flats with car parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure & access off Shripney Road (A29), all following the demolition of the existing dwelling & outbuildings.  This application is a Departure from the Development Plan, The Cottage, Shripney Road, Bognor Regis   Having received a report on the matter, the Committee also received the officer’s written report update, which was circulated that the meeting, detailing:-


·         Change to the description to state “up to 31 dwellings”, which would provide the Local Planning Authority with greater flexibility in the future when a reserved matters application was submitted.

·         The red edge of the application had been amended and conditions 1 and 8 had been amended accordingly.

·         A new condition 21 had been added to secure the proposed pedestrian footways on Shripney Road.

·         As the S106 Agreement had not yet been signed, delegated authority was sought for the Group Head of Planning to approve planning permission once the legal agreement had been signed, should Members recommend approval.


In opening up the debate, comment was made that a previous approval for 20 houses and flats was acceptable but that an increase to 31 was not as this part of Shripney Road would not be included in the A29 realignment, so there would still be substantial traffic movements along this stretch of road, which would create problems for access and egress to and from the site.


The Group Head of Planning reminded the Committee that this was an outline application and the illustrated plans were indicative only – the figure was for up to 31 dwellings and Members were not being asked to approve the final number at this stage.  However, following further discussion, Members were still concerned with regard to the proposal and did not accept the officer recommendation to approve..


The Chairman called a 10 minute adjournment to enable officers to formulate a reason for refusal based on Members’ comments.


On the meeting being reconvened, the Group Head of Planning provided advice to Members that they needed to take account of as to whether the additional impact of up to 31 houses would result in overdevelopment.  Further Member comment was made around the lack of amenity space; the fact that flats were now being included; and the density of parking spaces.


      The Committee




That the application be refused for the following reason:


As a result of the number of units proposed, the development would result in an overdevelopment of the site by virtue of lack of amenity space, inappropriate density and insufficient car parking contrary to policies D SP1, D DM1 and T SP1 of the Arun Local Plan, policy HDQ8 of the Bersted Neighbourhood Plan and policies within the NPPF.