Issue - meetings

P/30/19/OUT Land North of Hook Lane Pagham

Meeting: 07/08/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 162)

162 P/30/19/OUT Land North of Hook Lane Pagham pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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            (Councillor Mrs Hamilton and Huntley spoke on this item as Ward Councillors.)


            P/30/19/OUT – Outline application with some matters reserved for the construction of up to 300 No. new homes, a care home of up to 80 beds, D1 uses of up to 4,000sqm including a 2 form entry primary school, the formation of new means of access onto Hook Lane & Pagham Road, new pedestrian & cycle links, laying out of open space, new strategic landscaping, habitat creation, drainage features & associated ground works & infrastructure.  This application may affect the setting of a listed building (resubmission following P/6/17/OUT), Land north of Hook Lane, Pagham


            Having received a report on the matter, the Committee had also been circulated at the meeting with the officer’s written report update which appraised Members of the following:-


·         A consultation response from Natural England advising they had no objection to the proposal subject to mitigation measures as detailed in the update.

·         Four letters of representation which raised matters that had previously been considered.

·         Two letters of representation from Pagham Parish Council raising matters detailed in the update.

·         Advice that a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) had been made for a Pedunculate Oak situated on the eastern boundary of the site this had no impact on the development.

·         Clarification that the recommendation should grant delegated authority to the Group Head of Planning to make minor amendments to the S106 Agreement that were substantially in accordance with the Heads of Terms and to grant planning permission, subject to the S106 Agreement, conditions and informatives.


The planning application sought outline permission, with all matters reserved save for access, and the Principal Strategic Planner presented the detail by way of a number of slides to illustrate the location of the site and how it sat within the built up area boundary as defined by policy SD SP2 of the Arun Local Plan. 


The Committee was advised that the application site fell within strategic allocation SD2 under policy HSP2a of the Arun Local Plan, a site allocated to make a key contribution to housing supply in the District.  The principle of the proposed development had been considered and was found to be acceptable and in accordance with relevant development plan policies.  The site would provide 300 dwellings, which would result in 90 affordable housing units,


As the site was currently in agricultural use, Members were reminded that the development of the site and loss of the agricultural land had been the subject of consideration through the Examination in Public of the Arun Local Plan and that had been found acceptable by the Inspector.


Officers, in addition to the Habitats Regulation Assessment and appropriate assessment that had been undertaken in the preparation of the Local Plan, had commissioned independent consultants to undertake a further habitat regulation assessment and appropriate assessment of the development proposed.  This work concluded that, subject to mitigation, the development would not result in there being a likely significant effect in combination with other developments.  Natural England had been consulted on the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 162