Decision Maker: Planning Policy Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Transport for the South East are undertaking a
public consultation on a Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) with a
vision to 2050. The £45 billion SIP will provide a framework
for delivering sustainable, integrated transport investment,
levelling up, housing and economic growth, carbon reduction and
adaption to climate change. The headline topics and issues officers
identify will be contained in the Council’s proposed
response, which will be published before the meeting.
Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Planning Policy Team Leader presented the report which asked Members to consider and agree the proposed consultation response to Transport for the South East’s (TfSE) public consultation on a Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) with a vision to 2050. It was explained that the £45 billion Strategic Investment Plan would provide a framework for delivering sustainable, integrated transport investment, levelling up, housing and economic growth, carbon reduction and adaption to climate change. The Planning Policy Team Leader highlighted the following responses:
· question 5 and the need for TfSE to provide more explanation about supporting local place making and delivery
· question 9 with its plans for rail improvements too narrowly focused on the Worthing to Brighton corridor and east of the region whilst overlooking the strategic importance of links to Southampton and Portsmouth and connectivity to the west, and also the role of branch line rail improvements across the District
· question 16 and the need for methodologies to align between different agencies and authorities when determining value for money to ensure confidence in the plan was not undermined
Members then took part in a full debate on the item where a number of points were raised including:
· the need for the Arundel Chord branch line and connectivity to London from the Arun Valley, and the need to re-emphasise our feelings on this
· the overlap with much of Arun’s Local Plan
· the focus to the east of the region
· the connectivity between rural and urban areas and the desire that this be dealt with more strongly in the response
· the lack of mention of Bognor Regis and the need for more attention on the west of the District
· the need to think outside the box and not just about more buses and trains (i.e. a metro system etc)
· concern that the response supported road user charging which would penalise rural communities that had no realistic alternative due to the state of the public transport system in particular areas
· the need for realistic expectations regarding new mobility (electric bikes and scooters etc) given the demographics of the District
· the need to harness lower carbon options and be less reliant on road building
· the merits of a tramway along the south coast
· the hazards to road users of others using electric mobility scooters
The recommendation was then proposed by Councillor Lury and seconded by Councillor Chapman.
The Committee
That the proposed consultation response to the Transport for the South East Strategic Investment Plan be endorsed.
Report author: Martyn White
Publication date: 10/08/2022
Date of decision: 27/07/2022
Decided at meeting: 27/07/2022 - Planning Policy Committee
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