Decision Maker: Planning Policy Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
This report updates the Committee on the
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Infrastructure Investment Plan
2022 - 2024 (IIP 2022/24) which sets out the CIL funding priorities
over 3 years and a light touch update of this document in 2023. The
report will explain the outcome of a light touch consultation and
any emergent matters that may require amendment to the IIP
Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Planning Policy Team Leader presented the report which provided a light touch update to the Council’s Infrastructure Investment Plan 2022-2024 which set out the Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy funding priorities over 3 years and following a light touch update consultation undertaken in March 2023 to identify any emergent matters that might require amendment to the plan. A full Infrastructure Investment Plan update was scheduled for 2024. The swap of Littlehampton Waste Recycling Centre to the Westhampnett Waste Scheme, agreed on the basis that there was no change to the project costs to be apportioned from CIL, was noted. The number of NHS projects on list, especially in light of previous discussions about infrastructure providers, was highlighted by one Member. The recommendation was then proposed by Councillor Lury and seconded by Councillor Huntley.
The Committee
That the Infrastructure Investment Plan (IIP) be updated with any new information received for existing projects and new projects that providers would like to be considered following the light touch update consultation.
Report author: Kevin Owen
Publication date: 26/06/2023
Date of decision: 08/06/2023
Decided at meeting: 08/06/2023 - Planning Policy Committee
Accompanying Documents: