Issue details

Little Stars Nursery, Ascot Way - Lease renewal proposal

To permit the grant of a new lease to the existing tenant, including additional demise of 242 m. sq. within the public open space known as ‘Ascot Way’.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Rustington East;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/10/2024

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - View reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
(3) Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)

Decision due: 22 Oct 2024 by Economy Committee

Lead director: Director of Growth

Contact: Ian Hazel, Senior Estates Surveyor Email:

Consultation with Group Leaders/Committee Chair: None. Is public consultation proposed in advance of the report being presented to committee? Under the Local Government Act 1972, the Council is required to advertise the intention to dispose of the land in a local newspaper for two consecutive weeks and then consider any objections to the disposal which may be made.