This report seeks agreement from the Committee
to sign up as a partner to the Three Harbours Strategy. The
Strategy relates to the Three Harbours of Langstone, Chichester,
and Pagham, which provide an internationally important mosaic of
wet grassland, intertidal, and coastal habitats which are crucial
for wildlife and a key resource for people and is focused on water
quality, biodiversity and carbon capture. The Strategy is intended
to be finalised in the Autumn and has, to-date, been worked up
without the involvement of the Council, despite one of the three
harbours falling within the district. The Strategy includes a
High-Level Plan, the main initial focus of this being around
community and stakeholder engagement and delivering flagship
projects for each of the three harbours in question. There is no
direct financial commitment from Arun required at this
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/08/2024
Decision due: 26 Sep 2024 by Planning Policy Committee
Lead director: Director of Growth
Contact: Zac Ellwood, Interim Head of Development Management, Planning Email:
Consultation with Group Leaders/Committee Chair: Yes – To be discussed with Chairman/Vice Chairman of PPC and Pagham Ward Councillors.